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Volltext:Indices (English - French - German) Names adh-Dhalfa (a girl slave) 127 Alexander the Great 200 Alexander Aigiochos 200,202-203 Amazone chrétienne (female citizen of Antinoupolis) 16,23 Amazone païenne (female citizen of Antinoupolis) 20, 23-24, 67, 69 Amun (god of Hibis) 198 Anthony (an Egyptian monk) 183,185 Antinoos (favourite of the emperor Hadrian) 55 Antoninus Pius (Roman emperor) 50 Apollo (an Egyptian archimandrite) 185 Atargatis-Bethynis (Syrian goddess) 108 Athanasius (patriarch of Alexandria) 108, 187 Bahlr bin Warqä' as-Suraimi (officer of a caliph) 126 Basilide (Alexandrian gnostics) 232 Belgrave, Charles Dalrymple (British citizen and adviser of the rulers of Bahrain, 1894-1969) 123 Bes (Egyptian god) 198 Bock, Franz (German priest and scholar, 1823-1899) 165 Bouvier, Maurice (collector of ancient textiles from Switzerland, 1901-1981) 199 Caesar (Roman emperor) 202 Capart, Jean (Belgian egyptologist, 1877- 1947) 223, 232-233, 235, 241, 257 Cassian (a Christian monk and writer) 184 Clot-Bey, Antoine Barthélémy (French physician, 1793-1868) 13, 27 Colluthos (goldsmith from Antinoupolis) 223-224, 235, 257 Constantin le Grand/Constantinus the Great (Roman emperor) 232-233, 235, 241, 257 Dame Byzantine (lady from Antinoupolis) 16,20,35 Darvin, Charles (English naturalist, 1809- 1882) 163 Davithea (an angel) 203 Diocletian (Roman emperor) 55,107,144 Diodorus (Greek historian) 199-200 Djedhor (Egyptian pharaoh) 202 Dominus Julius (citizen of Carthage) 190 Domitian (Roman emperor) 47 Dorotheus 184 Euphemia/Euphemiâan (lady from Antinoupolis) 7, 63,104, 223-225, 227, 232-235, 237-257 Evagrius (monk and writer) 183-184 Fabri, Felix (15th century traveller) 187 Father James (Egyptian monk) 184 Forrer, Robert (researcher and explorer, 1866-1947) 159,163,165-166,172,176 Frauberger, Heinrich (German art historian, 1845-1920) 124,127129-130,150,152, 164-165,168 Gayet, Albert (French egyptologist, 1856- 1916) 13,16,18-21, 24, 28,30,35-36, 55-56, 60-61, 63, 67, 69,105,158-159, 165,197, 223-225, 228, 230, 232-233, 235, 241-242, 247-248, 251-254, 257 Gérard, Jules-Paul (artist, painter, 19th century) 20,37 Gorgon (mythological figure) 195,199-200, 202-203 Graf, Theodor (Austrian carpet dealer, 1840-1903) 163,165 Guimet, Emile (industrialist from Lyons, 1836- 1918) 55,223-224 Hadrian (Roman emperor) 55 Harpocrates (Egyptian god) 109 Hathor (Egyptian goddess) 200, 202-203 Hekate (Greek goddess) 200 Henne, Henri (French excavator, 1895- 1983) 26 Herodotus (Greek historian) 199 Husain (grandson of Muhammad) 126 Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi al-Andalusi (historian, c. 860-940) 127 Ibn al-Washshä' (historian, AD 860-936) 124, 127,129-133 'Isä bin Müsä (a caliph's officer, 8th century AD) 129 Isis (Egyptian goddess) 109 Iulianus (Roman consul) 48 James (apostle) 108 Jean Moschus (Byzantine monk) 108 John (apostle) 199,203 Johnson, John de Monins (British excavator, 1882-1956) 55 Jupiter (Roman emperor) 46 Kôlthi (= Kolluthus, Egyptian citizen) 21 Leon (a priest from Cappadiocia) 108 Leukyôné (lady from Antinoupolis) 21-23, 3L 63 Lucian of Samosata (writer) 197,199 Magerius (Roman officer) 191 Makarios (a resident of Kellis, father of Matheos) 135 al-Malik Sa'ïd bin Abd (Umayyad nobleman) 127 al-Maqqari (historian, 17th century) 122, 126-127 Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor) 202 Marcus Olconius Rufus (citizen of Pompeii) 202 Mars Ultor (Roman god) 202 Mary (mother of God, virgin) 108-109 Matheos (resident of Kellis, son of Makarios) 135 Max, Gabriel Cornelius Ritter von (painter, 1840-1915) 160,163,165 Maugé(?) 16 Medusa (mythological figure) 195,199-200, 202-203 Méhémet Ali (Osmanian ruler, 1769- 1849) H Mene (Greek goddess) 200 Moses (prophet) 132, 203 Muhammad (founder of Islam) 122,125-127, Hi Muhammad bin 'Abdallah (revolutioner, 8th century AD) 129 al-Muktadir (caliph, round AD 908-932) 129 al-Muqaddasi (Arab geographer, 9th century) 133 Napoléon in (Bonaparte, French ruler, 1808-1873) 27 Nestorius (patriarch of Constantinople) 108 an-Nuwairi (Arab historian, AD 1279- 1332) 127 Odysseus (Greek hero) 52 Oppenheim, Max von (orientalist, 1860- 1946) 123 Ovid (Roman poet) 200 Pachomius (Egyptian monk, founder of a monastery) 108,184-185 Palamon (Egyptian monk) 185 Palladius (Roman writer) 183,185 Petosiris (Egyptian high priest) 104,197 Petrie, William Matthew Flinders (British egyptologist, 1853-1942) 106,159, 210-213 Petronius (Roman governor of Egypt) 111 Pfister, Rodolphe (French scholar, 1867- 1955) 16,18,105 Philip the Arab (Roman emperor) 47 Philoctetes (Greek hero) 52-53 Pliny (historian) 253 INDICES 308 Pinte, abbé (teacher in the First World War) 16 Pisenthius (bishop of Coptos) 185 Prophétesse (lady from Antinoupolis) 30 Puy-Haubert, Pierre 13 Qutaiba (leader of the Muslim army) 126 Ra (Egyptian god) 200 Ramses 11 (Egyptian pharaoh) 55 Ramses ill (Egyptian pharaoh) 175 Ranke, Hermann (German Egyptologist, 1878-1953) 106,147-148,150,152-153. 155.158-159.161 Reiss, Anna (sister of Carl Reiss, 1836- 1915) 163 Reiss, Carl (General consul of the city of Mannheim, 1843-1914) 163 Sabina (lady from Antinoupolis) 63,104 Schmidt, Carl (German theologist and coptologist, 1868-1938) 55 Schweinfurth, Georg (German explorer of Africa, 1836-1925) 106 Selene (Greek goddess) 200, 202 Senpsais (a woman from Kellis) 137-138,145 Severus of Antioch (patriarch) 108 Shenoute (Egyptian monk and abbot of a monastery) 199 Silvan (Egyptian monk) 184 Snefru (Egyptian pharaoh) 205 Sobek (Egyptian god) 202 Sokrates (Greek philosopher) 124 Sozomenus (historian of the Christian church) 183,185 Steindorff, Georg (German Egyptologist, 1861-1951) 123 Strabo (Greek historian) 111,165 Sulaimän (Umayyad caliph) 127 Tabari (Persian historian) 124-126,129,132 Thaias (lady from Antinoupolis) 23,35, 63, 105,237 Theodosia (lady from Antinoupolis) 104,109 Theophilus (patriarch from Alexandria) 212 Thot (Egyptian god) 200 Tiberius (Roman emperor) 108 Tisoïa (lady from Antinoupolis, wife of Colluthos) 235 Titus (Roman emperor) 202 Trajan (Roman emperor) 50 Tutankhamun (Egyptian pharaoh) 139 Tutu (Egyptian god) 104 Valentin (Alexandrian Gnostics) 232 van Overloop, Eugène (curator in chief of the RMAH, around 1900) 223-224 Weil, Adolf (round 1900, antiquities dealer in Munich) 163-165,168,170,172-173, 309 INDICES 178-179 Weill, Raymond (French egyptologist, 1874-1950) 13,26 Yazdagird (Sasanian ruler) 125 Zacharia (Egyptian monk) 184 Zenobia (Queen of Palmyra) 106,108 Zeus (Greek god) 46 Places Abydos 211 Achmim (English Akhmim) 151,161,164-165, 168,170,172-173 Aden 131,133 Akhmim (see also Panopolis, German Achmim) 27,106,124-125,130-132, 158-159' 163-179' 235 Alexandria, Alexandrie 13, 69,107,197-200, 202, 232-233, 235, 241 Amarna 211-212 Amira (Tunisia) 191 Antioch 108,235 Antinoé, Antinoupolis (see also Sheikh Ibada) 13-15,17-25, 27-30,33,35-36, 54-69,104-105,107,109,148,151, 158-159,161,165,167-168,170,172-173, 191,197-198, 223-225, 228, 232-235, 251 Apamea 104 Appolonia 239 Armenia 291 Arsinoe (see also Crocodilopolis) 27,56,105 Asie Mineure 232 Assiout 27 Athens 197 Baden 161,164 al-Bagawät 61 Baghdad 124,130,133 Bahariya Oasis 107 Bargercompascuum (Netherlands) 189 Bavvit 185 Beirut 192 Bengal 291 Berenike 45-46,55,188-189 Bergisch-Gladbach (Germany) 191,193 Berlin 27, 29,129-130,182,186-187,189,192, 197, 225, 261 Birket Qaran 211 Brig (Switzerland) 192 Cairo 45,55, 61, 97,125,127,131,135,187,195, 197, 205, 224-225, 232, 276 Cappadocia 108 Carthage 190 Cave of Letters 107,159,188-189 Central Asia 124 China 126,291 Church of St. Severin (Cologne) 191 Coptos (see also Koptos) 13,107 Crocodilopolis (see also Arsinoé) 27, 29,56 Dablq (town in the Nile Delta) 129 Dakhleh (Oasis) 97,104-105,107-108, C5-145' 188 Damascus 106 Damiette 25,235 Dara (Middle Egypt) 13 Dead Sea (see also Mer Morte) 107,188-189 Deirel-Aizam 27 Deir el-Bahari 61,106 Deirel-Bakhit 159 Didymoi 46-47,50,52,106,147,159,161 Dios 45-53 Domitianè (see also Kainè Latomia) 44-53 Dronkah 25 DuraEuropos 49,189,191 East Asia 291 Eastern Desert (Egypt) 45-53, 97,106,109, 256 East Mediterranean 195 Edessa 133 Edfou 13,25 Egypt/Égypte 13,35,45-48,50-53,55-56,61, 68-69, 71' 91' 97' 106-109, ni' ii3' 118' 123-125,127,129,132-133,144,163,165, 168,170,173,175,183,187-189,195,197, 199-200, 202-203, 205-219, 222-225, 235, 244, 256-257, 261, 281, 284,289- 291, 293 El Deir (Kharga Oasis) 96-109 el-Hibe 147,161 'EnRahel 189 Epiphanius monastery (Thebes) 186-187,189 Esna 187 Ethiopia 129,132-133 Euphrates 106 Europe 49,56,111,141,185,189,289 Fag el Gamous 192, 205-219 Faras 202-203 Fayoum, Fayum 13, 21, 27,33,55-56,105-106, 188,192, 205-219 Fostat 29 Germany 133,163,166,168,179,191 GesherFIaziv (Israel) 192 Girza 205 Hadhramaut 131 Flalabiyeh 61,106,191-192 Hawara 159 Heidelberg 27,106,146-153,159,161,165, 202 Heracleopolis Magna 185 Hermopolis 197 Hibis 198 Hoby (island of Lolland) 52-53 Horns 126 India 129,131,133,291 Iraq 123,125,132-133 Ismant el-Kharab (see also Kellis) 135 Japan 291 Jerusalem 108 Kainè Latomia (see also Domitianè) 44-53 Karara 106,198 Karanis 109,188-192 Kassel (Germany) 198 Kellia 197 Kellis (see also Ismant el-Kharab) 107-108 134-145' 188, 239 Kerbela 126 Khargeh (Oasis) 97-103,105-109 Khirbet Qazone 107 KomAbuBillou 104 Kom el-Ahmar (Saruna) 155,158 Kom el-Qalama 211 Kom Helul 211 Koptos (Quft, see also Coptos) 45-46 Krokodilô 188,256 Krokodilopolis 106 Ktesiphon 125 Kulubnarti (Nubia) 105 Lahun 106 Lake Nasser 111 Libya 97,109,199-200 Lisht 211 Louxor, Luxor 13,165 Lycopolis 107 Lyon, Lyons 14,16-17,20,55 Malkata 212 al-Mansüra 133 Masada 49,189 Matmar 160 Maximianon 47,188, 256 Mecca 125,127,130 Medina 125,129 Mediterranean Basin 97,109 Memphis 211 Mer Morte (see also Dead Sea) 159 Meroe 111-112 Mesopotamia 108,129 Middle Egypt 189,195,223 Monastery of St. Theodosius (Jerusalem) 108 Möns Claudianus 45,49-50,159,161, 188-189,!9t Möns Porphyrites 45,192 Mostagedda 160 Mount Sinai 132 Murabba'at 188 Myos Hormos 45,47,55,129 Naqa 112-114 Naqloun 13, 21, 27 INDICES Naukratis 211 Negev 188-189 Niger 238 Nil, Nile 13, 45, 55, 97,111,129,132,135,147, 165, 203, 205, 209, 240 Nubia 97,105,108,111,138, 200,202,240 Oxford 25,118 Oxyrhynchus 107-108,198 Pakistan 133 Palestine 107-108,123,127,197, 235 Palmyra 106 Panopolis (see also Akhmim) 107,124-125, 130-131,164-165 Paphos (Cyprus) 284 Persia 108-109 Philadelphia (town in the Fayum) 205 Piazza Armerina 104,188 Pompeii 49,140 Qantir 212 Qarara 147-153,155-161,166, 227 Qasrlbrim 105,111-119,138,159,161 Quft (see also Koptos) 45 Qusair al-Qadim 124,129-130 Ravenna 46 Raydah 133 Red Sea 45,55, 97,107,109,124,129,188 Rome 45,50,55,200,202,239 Saqqara 104 Sarima 155,158,188-190 Seila 205 Sheikh Ibada (see also Antinoé, Antinoupolis) 55,69 Siam 291 Sicily (Villa del Casale) 104 Siwa Oasis 123 Sohag (Shenoute monastery) 199 South Arabia 123 Spain 124,132 St. Catherine's monastery 187 Syria 109,126,189,197,235 Tebtynis 202,211 TellAtrib 198,203 Tell el Amarna 211 Tell el-Fara'in 211 Thebais 107-108 Thebes 106,108,163,175,179,186,189,199, 212 Tinnls 131-133 Toronto 25 Tunael-Gebel 104,198 Tunis 123 Tunisia 131,133,191 Turkey 133,192, 212 Upper Egypt 107,109,131-132,179 Urfa 133 Vindolanda (Northern England) 189 Vindonissa (Switzerland) 189 WadiPIalfa 240 WadiNatrun 211-212 Xeron 47-48 Yemen 129,131,133 Zaouiet el-Maietin 13 5" INDICES Accessory and textile terms aiguille/s 13,19, 27-28, 232 amulet/s 163,194-203, 205, 212, 215-217, 219 application/s 35,166-169, VS 209-210, 212, 219,234,253, 286-289,293 appliqué 13,16, 21, 25, 27, 35,167-168, 172-173,188,192 apron/s 111-119 attache/s 12-14,1^, 21, 27,36-37,156-157 bag/s 48,68-69,165,188-193 band/s, Bänder, bande/s 13,16, 20-21, 23, 25-27, 29,35-42,56,58-62, 66, 68-69, 90,113-115,123,149-152,156, 167-168,172-176,178,190-192,195,197, 202, 206-208, 225, 227, 230, 235-236, 244, 246-247, 249, 256, 273-274, 280, 282-284 bandeaux de tête 13 barrée 35,37 bas-de-chausse/s 27 basketry 135,138-139,188 belt/s 33,107,118,165,175,184, 274, 287 bigoudis 23,36 binding 135,138,161,174,178-179, 274-275, 281, 283 bleached 271,273,276,279-280,284 bobble/s 113,118 bondina 42 bonnet 13-16, 20-21, 23-27,30-43,165 boots 123,125,130,143,165,172-173 border/s 71, 74-75, 87-89, 91, 93,111,126, 135/138' 195/ 202, 225-226, 271, 274-279, 281, 284, 290-291 bouclé serré 24 bourrelet/s 14,16-23, 25,30-32,35, 63, 225, 228,232, 242, 247-248,257 bouton/s 14,23 bracelet/s 163,202,205,209,215 braids, braided 60-61, 67-69, 94-95,179, 208-209,228 bride/s 14,156-159 brocaded,brocading 79,83,106, 261-271, 273-284, 286-291, 293 brodé/e, broderie 16, 21, 25, 28, 225, 232, 235, 252 browband 56, 71, 90-91, 94 buttonhole stitches 282 caligae 163,167 calotte/s 13,25, 27,31 cap 33,45-53, 61-62, 67, 69,163,165,168, 170,172-173,183-185,187, 230, 247 cape 103,107,118,126 capuche/s, capuchon/s 13-14, 20-21,31 cartoons 107 ceinture/s 13,21,29-30,32,187 chaîne 16,18-21, 25,30,32,35,105 châle/s 20, 225, 232, 242, 251 chaussures 13,158-160,232,235 chemise/s ,28,30 clavus, plu. clavi 197, 227, 256, 274,282-283, 287-288 cloak/s 125-127,130, 200 coat 102-104,107 compound weave 273 cord/s, corde, corded 20,56, 62, 67,71-72, 79, 90-91,115,118,135,136,138-139, 175/179/187/189-190, 215, 232, 235, 274, 279-280,282, 285 cordage 188 cordelette 14,19, 22, 235 cordon/s 23, 25, 41-42 coton, cotton 42,48,52, 99,111,113,115,117, 136,143-144 cowl 183-187 crepe 105,107 crèpeline 39-43,56 cross-knit looping 28, 49 culotte 14,21,28-29,32 curtain 103,105,190, 228, 248 cushion/s 165, 225, 228, 242, 274, 287-289 dalmatic 242,254 diadem 105 distaff 167, 225, 232-233 drawstring 56,58-59,71-72, 90-91, 95, 188-190,192 Durchbrucharbeit 151-152 dye/d, dyeing 47,52, 90,107,145,188, 206-207, 209-210, 223, 244, 246-257, 271, 277, 280, 284, 286-293 dyestuff 277,284,286-289,291-292 East-knitting (see also nâlbinding) 28 écharpes 225,252 embroidered, embroidery 104,115-116,118, 126-127, 202, 223, 225, 227, 274, 284 eyelet/s 189 felt, felt hat 46-47,50-53,108,200 fibre/s 16,19,36-39,111,123,127,135-136, 138-139,155,157,167-168,172-173,189, 214, 223, 228, 244-245, 247, 249, 251, 254-255, 291-292 fibres de palmier 155 fibulae 165 fil/s 13-14,16-21, 23, 27,30-32,35-36,38-42, 105, 225, 232 filling 55-56, 63, 66, 84,179 finishing border 56,59,62,138 flat-fell seam 61 flax 111,127 Flechtbänder 150-151 floating 273 flying threads 225, 227, 234 frange/s 14,16-18,20-21,30, fringe/s, fringed 66, 99-100,103-107, 110-119,170, 207, 225, 242, 249-250, 277-278, 282 funeral clothes 184 furnishing textile/s 33,188, 261-271, 291 galon/s 13, 25, 27,30 garment/s 33,45,50,55,103,107,109,111, 113-118,125-127,165,183,185,192, 203, 228,245, 289 geflochten 150-151 gerollt 148-149,151 gilded, gilding 130,161,166-169,172-173,175 goat hair 47,50,189,192 goat skin 168,172-173,176 gold leaf 167 Haarkranz 63-66 Haarnetz 56-59 Haarteil 67 hairnet/s 33,56,58-59, 63, 69, 71-95 hairpiece 67,69 hairpin/s 205,215 half basket weave 48,135,143 headband/s 103,105-107,165 headscarf, headscarves 61, 69, 97,103-109 heddlerod 280-283 hem/s, hemmed 60, 62, 69,115-118,170, 190-191, 203, 274, 282, 284 hemp 127 hood, hooded 33, 60, 62,107,118,125,130, 182,185-187 imprimée 225,253 lnnensohle/n 148-149,151-153 insole/s 127,167,172,176,178 interlace/d, interlacing 56,59, 71, 74, 87, jambière/s 13 jewellery, jewelry 103,165,195-203, 205-219 Kappe 61-62 Kapuze 60 Kerbschnitt 151-152 khaff//khißf 125-126,129,133 khuff 125,130 knot/s, knotted, knotting 58, 67, 90-91,102, 104,138,140,179,189-190, 200, 216 Kopftuch 106 koukla 187 koukoullion 183-185,187 INDICES J72 laid-in 273, 281-282, 284 laine (see also wool) 14,16-27, 29—32,35-42, 105, 232 laine grattée 22 lancé/es 35/38/41 Leinenschal 106 lin, linen 14,16-21, 23-26,29,31-32,35-42, 47/ 49-50/ 56/ 58-66, 68-69, 7h 85, 88, 92, 99-100,102-104,106,129,142,144, 165,168,170,172-174,176,189-192,197, 200, 206-207, 215,225-228, 230,232, 234-235/ 241-242, 244-247, 249-251, 253, 257, 261, 271, 273-293 linceul 159,232 lining 127 lisière 16-17,19 loin cloth 116 loom 111, 232, 235, 252, 273, 275, 280-284 loomstring 207 loop/s, looped, looping 28,33, 49, 64-65, 67, 71, 90-91, 93, 95,139,142-145,189, 207, 209, 215, 219, 228, 247, 281 manchette/s 13 manteau/x 14,16-17,20,30,63 mantelet 225, 228, 242, 247-248, 257 maphor(t)ion 103 melote 183 meshwork 67, 69, 72 mousseline/s 28,40,225,253 na'äl/ni'äl 123,125-126,133 nâlbinding (see also East knitting) 27-28,30, 67,145 nappy 116 natté/e 16-19,32 navette volante 21 necklace/s 127,163,195,197,199, 205, 207-210, 219 net, netting 58, 71, 91,106,190 openwork 85,106,112-113, H5 overcast stitch/es 60,138,282 palm fibre 127,135,138,189 palm leaf 127,135-136,138,161,163,165,167, 178-179 pattern, patterned, patterning 56,58-59, 61, 68, 75, 78, 85, 99-100,102,107,113, 141-142,170,172-173,197, 200, 202, 207, 209, 213,227,238, 240, 248-251, 253, 261, 273-293 pantalons 28-29 Papyrusfaser/n 153 pass 273,281-282 passementerie 13 pendant/s 116-117,195,197-200, 202, 216-219 pile 144-145,235 pilos 52 pillow/s 229-230, 242, 248-250 plaited, plaiting 60, 66-67, 9°/ 99/113,129, 135-139/142/178-179 ply, plied 48,59,71, 90, 99,106,109,135-136, 144,167-168,170,172-174,176, 216, 273 pocket/s 192 polyester 39,42-43 postiche/s 16, 21, 23,32,35-40, 42-43 pouch/es 68-69,188-193 Punzierung 151-152 purple 107,109,145,191,206-208,210-211, 225, 227, 230, 248-252, 254-257,278- 279, 286-293 radiocarbon date/dating 13,21-23,26-29, 3b 33/ 35/ 49/ 56/ 9b 97/167/189/ 223, 235/ 237-238,241-242,244,248-254, 256-257,261-271,273, 280, 282, 286, 289, 291 reinforcement/s 50,189 résille/s 15-16, 21-24,31-32,35-36,38-39 resist dyed 242, 253 resist printed 225,230-231 ribbon 207 riding boots 123 Riemen 150-153 robe/s 30,114-115, 225, 232 rope 189, 213, 215, 233 running stitch/es 48, 60,118,189,191 sack 189 Säckchen 69 samit 32,35,37-38,41-42 sandal/s, Sandalen, Sandalenpaar 28,48-49, 122-123,125-133,135-142,144-145/ 147-148,150-161,163,165-167,178-179, 235 sash 113,118 scarf, scarves 61, 69, 97, 99-100,102-109, 185 schema 183-185,187 Schleier 63,65 Schuh/e, Schuhpaar, Schuhwerk 146-153 S-direction 62,71 seam 61, 66,166,168,172,174,176,189,191, 247 sehna loops 143-144 selfband/s 60, 62, 66, 68,227,230, 278 selvedge/s 61-63, 71, 78, 88, 99-100, 102-103,106,118,135,143, 250, 273-274, 278-282, 285 semelle/s 156-159 sergé 16,18-19,35 sewing, sewing material, sewing stitch/es, sewing thread 48, 60-66, 68-69, 118,142,167-168,170,172-173,178-179, 190-191,193, 225, 242, 247, 249 shawl 33, 60, 97-99,103-109, 225, 230, 242, 252 shed/s 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 273-275,280-284 shed rod 280,281,283 sheet/s 52,168,175,189,217, 232,273-274, 277-279 shirt/s 125-126,130, 225, 228 shoe/s 45-53, 69,123-133,135,138-139, 142-145,161,163-179, 223, 225, 232-233, 235,241 shroud/s 55-56,99,102-104, 206,215, 224-226, 231,234, 242, 245,252 silk/s 48,52,107,109,126,129,163, 274, 280 simple stitch/es 63,69,173 single-needle knitting 192 slipper/s 46-49,123,130-132,144,163-164, 166-168,170,172-173 socci 48-49 sock/s 33,46-49,130,144,165 Sohle/n 148-153 soie, soieries 13, 25-26,32,35,37-42, 232 sole/s 163,166-168,170,172-176,178-179, 183,238,241-242 spindle 167, 206, 232, 242, 251 S-ply 106 sprang 15, 21-24,33/ 36,38"39,56/ 58~59, 61, 69-95,97,99,105-106,215 S-spun 59, 64, 71,143-145,167-168,173-174, 176, 225-227, 230, 273, 289, 291 starting border/s 91,111 stitch/es 48, 60, 63, 65, 69, 71, 90-91,116- 118,136,138,140-143,168,170,172-174, 176,179,188-191, 282 stole 103 string/s 99,102,165,189,195,233 S-twist/s 71-72, 97, 99-100,102,109 supplementary weft patterned/patterning 273-285,288,290-292 tabby, tabbies 47-48,50,52, 60-61, 63-64, 66, 68, 90,143,189-192, 206, 225-226, 230, 235, 256, 273-274, 280-283,286, 289 tablet weaving, tablet woven 68, 228, 234 tapestry 61, 68-69,100,102-103,105-107, 114-115,129,190,195-197,199, 201,215, 225, 227, 230, 234-236, 244, 246, 248, 250-251,256,283,290 tapisserie/s 13,20,24,36,225 taqueté/s (see also weft faced compound tabby) 289 Tasche 68 tassel/s 71,89,113 thôrakion 13 tiara 185 tissage 13,16,19-20,24,30,36,38 tissé/e 16,18-21, 24, 27, 30, 35, 41,43 tissus d'ameublement 13 toile 14,19-21, 25-26, 29,35,37-39, 232 trame 16,19,30,32,35,38,105,232 trimmed 61, 62, 69,142-143,191, 215, 235 trichinös 189 trousers 33,125,130, 274 313 INDICES tuck 192,274, 282 tunic/s, tunique 12, 20-23,31' 33' 5&r 60,104, 109,117,126,184-185,187,192-193,195, 197, 200, 202-203, 215, 225-228, 235, 241-242, 244-247, 256, 261-274, 279, 281-285, 287 turban/s 69,103,105-106,125,130,132-133, 185 twill-plaited basketry 135,138-139 twine, twined, twining 62, 69, 72, 77-79, 82-84, 87-91, 93' 103' 138' 174' !76' 256, 282 twist/s, twisted 52-53,56,58-59, 66, 71-72, 74-75' 77-79' 82-85, 88-91, 93, 97, 99-100,102-103,105-106,109, 206, 256 Tyrian purple 107, 207 veil 63, 65,103,105-107,109, velvet 173,227 Vergoldung 147-148,150,153 vêtement/s 13-14,20-21,28-29 warp/s 48-49, 60-64, 66, 68, 71, 89-91, 93-94, 99-100,102-103,105-106,111, 113,118,135-136,138,143-144, 206-227, 225-228, 230, 232, 250-252, 256, 273- 283, 289 warp-faced 63, 68,106, 281, 283 waxed 174 weaver's comb 232 weaving cards 251-252 weaving tablets 234 weft/s 48, 60-64, 66, 68, 90, 94, 99-100, 102-103,105-106,143-144, 206, 215, 225-227, 230, 232, 235, 256, 273-293 weft-faced 61, 206, 215, 283, 289 weft faced compound tabby (see also taqueté/s) 289 weft patterend, weft patterning 273-293 wool (see also laine), woollen 33,46-50, 52,56,58-72, 74, 77, 82-83, 85' 88, 90, 92, 99-100,102-103,105-107,116,145, 1887,190-192,195,197, 200, 206-207, 214-216, 225, 227-228, 230, 235, 246- 250, 252,254, 256, 261,271-274, 276, 278-280, 282, 285-286, 289-291, 293 wreath/s 63-66,69 unbleached 279,284,293 yarn 52,56,58-60, 63-66, 68-69, 99-100, 102-103,105' 109' 167-168,170,172-174, 176, 219 Z-direction 62,71 Z-plied/ply 48,59, 71,167,173-174 Z-spun 71,145,170,172,174, 273, 278, 280, 289 Z-twined 138 Z-twisted/twists 56,58-59, 72, 74 Australia Melbourne Monasli University 135, 145 Austria Vienna Belgium Antwerp Brussels Canada Toronto Egypt Alexandria Cairo Yagazig France Grenoble Lyon Montpellier Paris Austrian National Library 142 Katoen Natie 28-29, 49, 56, 70-95, 109, 142, 245, 254, 256, 261-272, 274-294 Musées Royaux d'Art et d'l listoire / Royal Museums of Art and I listory 104, 222-224, 225-242, 247 Royal Institut for Cultural Heritage 247,271 Textile Museum of Canada 25 National Museum 69,197 The Coptic Museum / Koptisches Museum 147,149, 195- '97' Mb The Egyptian Textiles Museum 61 Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 97 Museum of Islamic Art 56 National Museum of Egyptian Civilization 56 Supreme Council of Antiquities 219 /.agazig Museum 198 Musée de Grenoble 50 Faculté des lettres 14 musée des Tissus 16-17, 20 Facultés des lettres 14 Faculté de médecine de Montpellier 20 Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques, Cd lamps-sur-Marne (t.RMit) 16-17, 19-20,24-24, 50,42,105 musée des Arts Premiers 103 musée du Louvre 12-33 35—43, Strasbourg Germany Berlin Bonn Freiburg Heidelberg Leipzig Mainz Mannheim Munich Tübingen Italy Florence Naples Rome 55-56, 60,105,151-153,158-159 165,167, 224-225, 232-234, 251, 261-271, 273-274, 279, 286 musée Georges-Labit 274 musée Guimet / Guimet Museum 13,16,18,20-22,30, 223-224, 232, 234 Marcel Bloch University, Strasbourg 97 Museum of Byzantine Art 56, 130,182,186 LVR-LandesMuseum 191,193 Adelhausermuseum - Naturkundemuseum 147,161 Ägyptologisches Institut der Fakultät / Egyptological Institut 106,146-148,150-153, 159,161,165 Sammlung des Ägyptologischen Instituts der Universität University Library 122, 126-127,147 Landesmuseum 147 Curt-Engelhorn-Stiftung (CES) 164,166,168-170, 172-179 Reiss-Engelhorn-Museums (rem) 162-164,166-170, 172-179 Akademie der Bildenden Künste 163 Ägyptologische Sammlung der Universität 147,155, 157-H8 Istiluto G. Vitelli 55 National Archaeological Museum 202 Musei Capitolini 200, 202 Palazzo dei Conservatori 202 University of Rome 55 The Netherlands Amsterdam Allard Pierson Museum 200 Traditional Technologies in the Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage 24,32 Switzerland Basel Museum of Cultures Basel 195, 197-199 Riggisberg Abegg-Stiftung 104 Turkey Istanbul Topkapi Sarayi Museum 124 Vatican Vatican Bibliotheca Apostolica 123 United Kingdom Bolton Library, Museum, and Archive Services 188,190-191 Cambridge Fitzwilliam Museum 27 London British Library 203 Egypt Exploration Society 111, 118 Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archeology, University College London 71,90,167,170, 172-173,175,188,195,202 Victoria and Albert Museum 61,107,192, 274 Oxford Ashmolean Museum 25 United States of America Ann Arbor Kelsey Museum of Archaeology 188-192 New York The Metropolitan Museum of Art 61,105-107,189 Provo Brigham Young University 205-206, 208, 210, 213, 218-219 Wilmington University of North Carolina 211 Russia St. Petersburg The Hermitage 106 VNiiR The Center for Historical and
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