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Volltext:Index Page references in italics denotes an illustration ABC No Rio 201, 204 Abdu'Allah, Faisal 88, 127; The Last Supper 127—8, 129 Abel, Lionel 56, 57 abjection 326-7 Abramovic, Marina and Ulay, Relation in Space 356, 357 Abstract Expressionism 14, 44—5, 49, 51, 65, 85, 185, 189, 190, 248, 256, 300, 344, 346-7, 350-1, 396 abstract painting: distinction between realism and 56—7; opposition to by minimalists 101 Abu Ghraib 6, 80, 89, 458 Acconci, Vito 357; Push Ups 356 Ackermann, Charbel 459 activist art 154—5, 195—208; argument for 196—8; and artist's beliefs 207—8; as collaborative 206; connections with cultural workers 206; contributions to 197; criticisms of 198; functions 196; increased political sophistication of 207; organizing and networking as crucial elements of 206—7; and political art 200—1 ; and potential power of art 199—200; as process-oriented 197; sources of recent 200—3; strategies and practices from 1980 203—8; unconventional venues of 155 Ad Hoc Women Artists' Committee 229, 276 Adams, Parveen 296, 315-16 Adim, Kourush 124 Adler, Amy 379, 447-53 Adorno, Theodor 2, 63, 67, 84, 85, 141, 398 advertising industry 142 AES art group 126, 127, 128 aesthetic detachment 190 aesthetic images 135—6 aesthetics, Kantian 64—5 Afflicted Powers installation 3—4, 6 AFRI-COBRA 247, 262, 263-5, 269, 271 African art 219—20, 224, 249; and black artists 265—6; influence of 265—6 African sculpture 124,237 Afro-American Abstractions exhibition (1980) 255, 268-9 Afro-American culture 229; problem of the visual 216—24 Afro-American music 217—18,222 Afro-Asian art 235-M4 agitprop 202 Ahmed, Leila 131,132 AIDS Quilt 27, 30 AIR 203 Akehurst, Nicky 445 Akomfral, John 340 al-Jazeera 78 al-Qaeda 78 Alexander, Simone 334 Alfaros, David 252 Algerian Revolution 122,132—3 Algerian women 88, 123, 126, 133 Ali, Muhammad 259, 269, 332, 333-4, 336, 336 All Quiet on the Eastern Front (broadsheet) 3—4 allegory 50,51,57,58 Alloula, Malek 125; The Colonial Harem 123 Alloway, Lawence 398 468 I N D E X Als, Hilton 18 Althusser, Louis 306 Amer, Ghada 130; Alajnun 130 American Association of Museums 53 American Century: Art and Culture 1950—2000 exhibition (1999) 14,43,44,45,51 American Committee for Cultural Freedom 54 American Family Association (AFA) 376, 424 American Federation of Arts 53 American Painting and Sculpture exhibition (1959) 51, 52,53 'Amcricaness' 51, 57, 327 Amorales, Carlos 66 Amos, Emma 23; A Reading at Bessie Smith's Grave 20 'And babies' poster 4-5, 5 Anderson, Benedict 29—30 André, Carl 100, 101, 396; Equivalent VIII 297 Andrews, Benny 247, 261; The Champion 270; No More Games 267 'Angry Arts Week' (1967) 149, 161, 162, 164 Al-Ani, Jananne 88, 121, 122, 131, 132 animation 168—9 Ant Farm 14, 32—3 Anthropofagia movement 65 anthropology 152 Anti-Catalog, The 203 anti-communism 43, 53, 54 Anti-Imperialist Cultural Union (AICU) 201, 203 anti-style 94 anticolonial struggles 238; veil and history of 131-2 antiracist art 343^1 Antoni, Janine 348 Applebroog, Ida 285 Araeen, Rasheed 87, 227-8, 235-41 Archer, W.G. 239,240 architecture 125 Armey, Dick 432 Armstrong, Louis 222 Art in America 45, 349 'art for art's sake' 256 art criticism see criticism, art art history 237 Art International 55,56 'art porn' 89 art schools 241 Art Since 1945 240 Art Talk 278 Art Workers Coalition (AWC) 4, 5, 46, 50, 86, 154, 201, 202, 203, 275 art-historical scheme 183-4 Art-in-Architecture Program 399-400 Artaud, Antonin: The Theater and Its Double 365 Artforum 44, 83, 150, 289, 349 Artigas, Gustavo 67 artist-as-fugitive 67 artist-as-reporter tradition 207 artists 65; autonomy of 69; coping strategies to keep critical practice alive 66; as manipulator of signs 109; and meaninglessness 66; and museums 66; and politics 51 Artists Call Against US Intervention in Central America 206 Artists for Democracy 227 Artists Meeting for Cultural change (AMCC) 201, 202-3 Artists Space 113, 434; Witnesses exhibition 421,423,434-5 Artists' and Writers' Protest 201 ARTnews 276 Arts 56, 349 Arts Council 242 Arts Yearbook 3 51 Asher, Michael 106, 110—11, 112, 157 Ashton, Dore 156 assemblages 266—7 Association of Art Museum Directors 53 Atta, Muhammad 79 Austrian Triennial on Photography 1993: WAR 371, 381, 389 autonomy 69, 83—4-, 136, 138 avant-garde 51, 89, 111, 136, 147, 200, 203, 238, 256, 345, 371,429 Baca, Judy: The Great Wall of Los Angeles mural 197 'bad-boy' artists 348 Badiou, Alain 142 Bailey, David A:. 2-3, 88, 121-33, 228 Bailey, Malcolm: Hold, Separate But Equal 270 Bajull, Farah: Notime 128 Baker, Josephine 221,222 Baldessari, John 110 Baldwin, James 252, 263; Notes of a Native Son 219 Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art (BCCA) (Gateshead) 377 Banu-ye Ordibchesht (film) 125 Baraka, Amiri 18, 139 [as Imiri Baraka], 203, 218 Baranik, Rudolf 198 Barnett Newman: A Selection exhibition (1959) 55 Barney, Matthew 299, 352-4 Barr Jr, Alfred H. 46,55,56,183 Barré, François 173 Barry, Judith 67 Barthes, Roland 26, 50, 57, 87, 109, 114, 237 Bartlett, Jennifer 210 Basement Workshop 203 Basquiat, Jean-Michel 334, 336, 341 Bates, Harry 210 Bates, Ted 211 Battle of Algiers (film) 133 Baudrillard, Jean 13, 87, 89, 137, 152, 328; L'effect Beaubourg 151 Bauhaus (Dessau) 171 Beam, Joseph 18 Bearden, Romare 218, 245, 247, 248, 249-50, I N D E X 4 6 9 251, 258, 262; Conjur Woman 249, 250, 266, 270; 'The Negro Artist and Modern Art' 251 Beaton, Cecil 344 Beaubourg (Pompidou Centre) (Paris) 151, 152, 153, 165—76, 166; battles over 167—8; change in direction under Chirac 171 ; competition for and choice of architects 170; contradictory objectives for 169—70; cost of 172; decision to build by Pompidou 165, 166; design 170—1 ; development process 166—7; elimination of illuminated screens 169; features epitomizing UDR culture 173-4; government control of 175—6; initial objective 170; named Pompidou Centre 172, 173; as a non-profit establishment 174; Paris- New York exhibition 152, 170, 176; recruitment and staff 174-5; transparency of architecture 171 being-in-the-artworld 2 Bellamy, Dick 97 Benjamin, Walter 13, 28, 39, 50, 57, 64, 67, 107, 112; 'Author as Producer' 155; 'Theses on the Philosophy of History' 28; 'Work of Art in the Age of Mass Reproduction' 84 Bennett, Lerone 263 Benyahia, Samta 126 Berger, John 446 Berman, Wallace: Semina 231 Bernstein, Tom 458 Berwick Street Collective 310 Beuys, Joseph 108 Beveridge, Karl 198 Bhabha, Homi K. 228, 239 Billips, Camille: Tenure 271 Binns, Vivienne 197 Birmingham (Alabama) 13 Birnbaum, Dara 109 'blackaesthetic' 219,222 black art/artists 87, 218, 224, 246, 247—57; and AFRI-COBRA 247, 262, 263-5, 269, 271; and Black consciousness 258; and Civil Rights Movement 247; exclusion of 271; and exhibition opportunities issue 261—2; and Harlem Renaissance 250; heroes and monuments 269—70; and images of the American flag 267—9; and Malcolm X 269; and metaphors of an African American experience 270—2; and Mexican mural art 251—3; tensions between mainstream art and 247, 248, 256—7; use of African sources 265—7; women 243-4, 260—1 ; and WPA 251; see also Spiral black athletes 20 Slack Sox/ White Sox installation 13 Black consciousness 257, 259 black criticism 158,223 black cultural organization, evolution of 261—2 Black Emergency Cultural Coalition 201 black feminist theory 18 black folklore 270 Black Liberation movement 202, 247 Slack Alale: Representations of Masculinity in Contemporary Art exhibition ( 1994) 12 black male body 12, 17-25, 299, 331; and Basquiat's paintings 341; commodification and fetishization of in popular culture 20, 22—3, 335; embracing of hypermasculine image as resistance to racism 20; feminization of 12, 19—20; and photography 22—4-; and Piper 331-41 ; representation of in popular sports culture 331, 334; stereotypes 17—18, 331—2; use of in television commercials 20 Black Nationalism 247, 257—8, 261 Black Panthers 227, 259, 372 Slack Phoenix 227 black power movement 18, 347 Black Umbrella 227 Black United Front 198 black women 299,331 black women artists 243—4, 260—1 black writers 218 blackness, myth of 220 Blacks in White America (TV special) 216—17 Blade Runner 27 Blake, Casey Nelson 373—5, 392-413 Bleckner, Ross 350 Bliss, Lillie B. 46 BLK Art Group 339 Block (journal) 86 Bly, Robert 164 Boal, Iain 1,70-80 Boccioni, City Rises 189 body art 297—8, 301, 356—65; goal of 360; and Kusama's self-portrait photographs 361—3, 362; and ontology of the art 'object' 360; and Schneemann's Interior Scroll 358—61, 359; and Sprinkle's Post Post Porn Modernist 363—5 body politic, anatomies of 330—41 Bois, Yves-Alain 87 Bolshevik revolution 65 Bolton, Richard 375—6,419—38 Bond, Julian 259 Bontecou, Lee 346 Boone, Mary 353 Bordaz, Robert 169, 170, 173—5 Borden, Lizzie 283 Bordo, Susan 12, 17; Unbearable Weight 17 Bosnia 371 Botha, Pieter W. 157,213-14 Bourdieu, Pierre 152,227 Bowen, Denis 240 Boyce, Sonia 242^1; Big 11 'oman's Talk 334 Boycott, Rosie 296 Bray, Roger 297 Brazil 65 Brecht, Bertolt 297 Breker, Arno 48 Bretteville, Sheila Levrant de 280 Britain 239, 240; Afro-Asian artists in 239—40, 241 ; anti-racist struggle in 241 470 I N D E X British artists: opening up of New York art market to 241 Britt, David 165 Broodthaers, Marcel 106, 110, 111, 157 Brown, Kay 260; The Devil and His Game 261 Brown, Milton 262 Brown, Norman O.: Life Against Death 18, 19 Brown, Roger 30 Brown v. Board of Education (1954) 216, 246 Bubley, Esther: Greyhound Bus Terminal, New York City, (1947) 24 Buchanan, Patrick 422—3, 424 Buchloh, Benjamin H.D. 83, 86, 87, 105-8, 411 Buck-Morss, Susan 1, 2, 14, 63—9 Buen Pastor Jail 231 Buren, Daniel 106, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 157 Bürgin, Victor 370 Burlingame, Debra 457—9 Bush, Jeb 57 Bush, President George 138, 300, 378, 455, 456, 458, 460, 461 Cabrai, Amilcar 196 Cadava, Eduardo 29 Calley, Lieutenant 5—6 camera images 13—14, 26—40; blurring boundary between cultural memory and history 27, 28; and Challenger explosion 34—6; fixing of an event at a single moment 27; and Rodney King video 12—13, 36—9, 37; role in development of national meaning 29—30; seen as 'screen memories' 13, 28; witnessing of history through 30; and Zapruder's film of Kennedy's assassination 13-14, 30^f, 37 Cameron, Julia Margaret 313 Campaign 211 Campbell, Mary Schmidt 229, 245-72 capitalism 84, 141 Carnival Knowledge 197 Caro, Anthony 100, 105, 108 Caro-Limón, Alberto 67 Carraway, Arthur 266 Cassatt, Mary 313 Castelli, Leo 210,215 Catlett, Elizabeth 251, 252-3; Malcolm X Speaks for Us 269; Political Prisoner 269 Cavell, Stanley 101 CCI (Centre de Création Industrielle) 167, 168, 173 censorship: elitism in 451 —2 ; resisting 375—9 ceremonial monuments 178 Ceylon Society of Art 238 Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 238 Cézanne, Paul 183, 185; The Bather 46, 47, 185 CFDT 174 Challenger explosion 29, 30, 34—6 Challenger (television movie) 35 Chamberlain, John 254 Chandler, Dana 263; Fred Hampton's Door 269 Chandra, Avinash 239, 240, 243 Chard, Lawrence 441,442 Charlton, Zoë: Homeland Security 460 Chartres 179 Chase-Riboud, Barbara: Monument to Malcolm X 269 Cheney, Dick 13, 57 Chia, Sandro 215 Chicago: emergence of public arts movement 247; mural project 263 Chicago, Judy 230, 276, 278 child pornography 376—8, 442^f, 449—50, 452 children: representing of in pictures 440—6 'Children of Vietnam, The' 149 Chile 385 Chirac, Jacques 167, 171, 173 Chomsky, Noam 57 Christianity: and slavery 299, 338 Chrysalis (journal) 230, 232, 275, 277, 280-1, 289 CIA 46 Cincinnati obscenity trial 437 Ciskei Peoples Development Bank 214 Cityarts Workshop 201 Civil Rights Act (1964) 259 civil rights movement 245—57, 259, 269, 270, 347 Clark, Kenneth and Mamie 216—17, 219, 237 Clark, Timothy J. 1,53, 70-80, 156, 344, 345 class 11, 18, 25, 83, 131, 202, 232 Cleaver, Eldridge 18 Clemente, Francesco 211 Clérambault, Gaétan de 12 3—4- Clifford, James 223 CNAC 168 Coalition for Better Television 424 Cockcroft, Eva 45, 231—2 Colaianni, James: 'Napalm: Made in the USA' 149 Cold War 14,74,78,84 Collaborative Projects 204 Collage of Indignation 149, 150, 161—4 collectors 112 College Art Association 53, 277 Collins, Phil: The World Won't Listen 2 colonialism 11, 88, 227, 229, 238; veil and history of struggle against 131—2 'colonization of everyday life' 1,71, 72—3 color-field painting 100 Committee Against Fort Apache 198 commodity fetishism 299, 328, 335, 348 communism 43 see also anti-communism community artists 155, 200, 201 Compton Communications 211 Compton, Michael 18 3—4- Conarco Ltd 157—8 conceptualists 65,201,310 Condé, Carole 198 Conservative Party: and Saatchi brothers 157 I N D E X 4 7 1 constructivists/constructivism 106, 136, 185 consumerism 84, 155 Contemporary Black Artists in America exhibition (1971) 262 Contemporary Urbicultural Documentation (CUD) 204 Conwill, Houston 253, 271—2 Cooper, James 422 Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington) 375 Corn, Wanda: The Great American Thing 57—8 corporations, US 156 corporate sponsorship 155, 369—70 Costner, Kevin 33, 57 Cotterill, Arthur 444 Cottingham, Laura 299, 300, 343-54 Coulter, Anne 462 counter-culture 63-9 counter-revisionists 44 Coward, Rosalind 296 Cowie, Elizabeth 296—7, 303-11 Crandall, Jordan 67 Craven, David 51 Creed, Barbara 327 Crenshaw, Kimberley 37—8 Criminal Justice Act (1994) 442 Crimp, Douglas 402 Crisis (magazine) 251 critical epistemology 65, 69, 141 critical judgment 64—5 'critical signification' 220 critical theory 107, 142 criticism, art 64, 101, 107, 108, 142, 344, 347, 410 Cuban missile crisis (1962) 57 Cubism 183,185,219,237 Cultural Affairs Committee of the Parti Socialist Unifié 165—76 cultural capital 85, 153, 155, 375, 399 cultural democracy 196; movement for see activist art cultural elitism 451 cultural feminists 280 cultural fundamental!sm 300 cultural imperialism 52, 152, 241, 345, 387 cultural remembrance 1, 14, 35, 43—59 culture: privatizing of 369—71; remasculinization of 88, 154 culture industries 1—2 'culture wars' 14, 232, 269, 300, 301, 375, 378,419-38,457,458 'cunt art' 278 Dachau 56 Dadaists 66, 106, 150,266 Daley, Richard J. 49 Dallas Museum of Art 2 D'Amato, Senator 375,419,420 Danto, Arthur C. 420 Davidson, Martha 277 Davis, Douglas 271 Davis, Melody 12; The Male Nude in Contemporary Photography 19,21,22 de-familiarization 89, 136, 138, 139 De Kooning, Elaine 346 De Kooning, William 56; Woman II 188 De Salvo, Donna 346 Deaver, Michael 213 DeBord, Guy 1, 70, 72-4, 79, 141 Delhanty, Suzanne 411 Delmar, Rosalind 315—16 democratic materialism 142 Democratic Party National Convention (1968) 49 Denny, Reginald 38, 39 DePillar, Murry 270 Derrida, Jacques 105,361 Description d l'Egypte 123 Dewey, John 413 Dia Art Foundation 83 Diamond, William J. 393, 394, 401 Dias, Mauricio 67 Dinkins, David 217 Dion, Mark 67, 67 'disappearance', thematic of 66—7 distanciation, theory of 297 Di Suvero 254 division of labour 312 Dixon, Jeremy 441 Dobbs, Michael 213 docudramas 29, 34, 39, 39^40 documentary art 310 documentary images 135—6 documentary photography 2, 27, 40, 89, 140, 207 documentation: body art as 256—65 Donaldson, Jeff 247, 262, 263, 272; Victory in the Valley of Eshu 264, 270 Dondero, George 53 Donnei], Alison: 'Visibility, Violence and Voice?' 126 double coding 154,228,232 double page convention 231 Douglas, Aaron 250, 336 Dowd, Maureen 5 Drawing Center, The 457,459,460—1 Drucker, Johanna 1, 2, 89, 135—4-7, 371 Du Sable Museum (Chicago) 265 DuBois, W.E.B. 228,251 Duchamp, Marcel 65, 106, 107, 266 Duel in the Sun (film) 298 Duncan, Carol 46, 152—3, 154, 178—91, 227; The Aesthetics of Power 153; Civilizing Rituals 153 Dunn, Peter 197 Dureau, George 22 Dyson, Michael 21 Edwards, Melvin 218, 247, 253-5, 258, 265; Homage to Leon Gontran Damas 255; Lynch Fragments 253-4, 254, 255, 271 472 INDEX Ehrenreich, Barbara 231 Eisenhower, President 83, 84 Ellis, Trey 218 Ellison, Ralph 217, 218, 220, 249-50, 335; Invisible Man 220—1,228 Elovich, Richard 436 Elwes, Catherine 360 Enlightenment 135,140 essentialism 232 cssentialist ontology 69 Eternal Frame, The 14, 32—3, 32 Eurocentric paradigm 300, 344, 347 Evcrgood, Philip 52 Evers, Medgar 246 Evolution of AJro-American Artists exhibition 262 exhibitions 14; Black 261—2; corporate sponsorship of 369—70; role of 12 experimental artists 200 Export, Valie 356 Expressionism 163, 183 F - I l 1 , ( 1 9 6 4 - 5 ) 83, 84—6, 93—9 F-lll (plane) 93^f failed states 78—9 'Fairness Doctrine' 430, 432 Falwell, Reverend Jerry 424, 461 Fanon, Frantz 88, 132, 133, 248, 340; Black Skin, White Masks 228, 299, 334 Fashion Monda 204 Fathy, Hassan 125—6 FBI: Library Awareness Program 430 Federal Plaza (Manhattan) 392—3, 394, 400, 407,413,4/4 Feiden, Douglas 459, 460 feminism/feminisits 88, 154, 219, 222, 229, 275, 289, 295, 343; backlash against 300, 350; and black body politic 17—25; fighting against obstacles restricting women's autonomy 343 feminist art/artists 2, 87, 202, 275-7, 289, 318, 343, 3478 Feminist Art Journal, The 230, 275, 277—8 feminist art publications 274-85 see also individual titles Feminist Studio Workshop 280 Ferrara, Jackie 285 fetishism 147, 299, 308, 325, 326, 328 Feuerbach 63, 65, 67 fifties America 328—9 Figaro, Le 165 films 88, 117—18; representation of historical image 29; and war against terrorism 58 fine art 137-8, 140, 141, 142-3, 146 Fine, Elsa Honig 284 Finley, Karen 139, 140,435-6 First Amendment 431,433,448,449 Fischi, Eric 107, 350 Fishman, Louise 283 Five Famous Black Artists exhibition (1970) 262 flag, American: and black artists 267—9 Flash Art 349 flashbulb memories 30, 36 Flavin, Dan 396 Fluxus 2, 296 Fo, Dario 430 Foner, Eric 461 Foreign Agents Registration Act (1938) 430 43 Group 238 Foster, Hal 87—8, 153, 157, 374; Recodings 109-19,223-4 Fox, The 86, 203 France: state's cultural response to 1968 151 see also Beaubourg Frank, Robert 97 Frankfurt School 398 Frascina, Francis 1—7, 11—14, 43—59, 83—9, 149-58, 227-32, 295-301, 369-79, 454-63 Fratto, Toni Flores 278 free-market approach 405 Freud, Sigmund 13, 21, 280, 328; and fetishism 325, 326; and memory 28, 39; on secondary revision 39 Frida Kahlo and Tina Modotti exhibition (1982) 298 Fried, Michael 83, 86, 100-2, 105, 108; 'Art and Objecthood' 83, 100—5; 'Shape as Form' 101 ;'Three American Painters' 105 Frieze 2 Fukuyama, Francis 57 fundamentalism 299—300, 339 Futurists 185 Gablick, Suzi 247, 413 Gaither, Edmund Barry 262, 271 Gallery 345: 204 Gammon, Reginald 249 Gans, Herbert 394 Garanger, Marc 122,133 Garrard, Mary D. 275 Garrison, Jim 33,34 Garvey, Marcus 269 Gates, Henry Louis 220 Gauguin 18 3 gay art 344 gay male artists 346 gay rights movement 347 gaze 88, 117-18, 125, 158 Gearon, Tierney 377 Gehry, Frank O. 153 gender 11, 12, 17, 18, 83, 153, 154, 223, 229, 230, 243, 296, 370 gender wars 339 General Dynamics Corporation 83 General Services Administration see GSA Geoffrey, Iqbal 240 Ghadirian, Shadafarin 88,129 Ghana 248 Ghazel 122; Me 128-9 Gibson, Ann Eden 51 Gidal, Peter 318—19 I N D E X 4 7 3 Gilliam, Sam 218,265,266,269,272 Gilman, Sander 221—2 Gilroy, Paul 228 Glass, Philip 396 globalization 72, 78 Glueck, Grace 276,401 Golden, Thelma 12 Goldin, Nan: Klara and Edda Belly-Dancing 377—8 Golub, Leon ISO Gombrich: The Story of Art 237 Gonzalez, Julio 254 Goodbye To All That! 372—3 Goodrich, Lloyd 51,52,53 Gordon, Max 214 Gorton, Slade 421 Gould, Julius: The Attack on Higher Education 156 Goya 140, 141 graffiti 2, 203, 205 Graham, Dan 106, 110 Gray, Eileen 278 'Great American Whitewash' 229 Green, Vanita: Black Women 231—2 Greenberg, Clement 48—9, 51, 54, 65, 83, 101, 107, 256, 300, 344, 345; 'America takes the Lead' 45; Art and Culture 54—5;'The Case for Abstract Art' 56; 'Modernist Painting' 55 Greene, Dr. Caroli 262 Greenpoint (Brooklyn) 389 Grenier, Richard 423 4 Griffin, Marion Mahony 278 Grimstad, Kirsten 280 Groden, Robert 32 Grosz, George 249 Ground Zero 396, 454—63 Group Material 204, 205 Gruner, Silvia 67 GSA (General Services Administration) 374, 393, 394, 399, 400 Guernica (Picasso) 3, 4—5, 6; curtaining over incident 5, 70; demonstration in front of (1970) 202; displayed at MoMA 185; failed attempt to get loan of by Beaubourg 176 Guerrilla Art Action Group (GAAG) 4, 46, 50, 202, 296 Guerrilla Girls 229,230,291 Guggenheim Museum 58,153 Guilbaut, Serge 44, 344 Gulf war 13, 29, 137, 139-40, 371,430-1 Gutierrez, Diego 67 Guy, Michel 167 Haacke, Hans 5, 87, 106, 108, 110, 111, 155, 296, 369—70; MetroMobilitan 112; MoMA-FoIl 5; Real Estate Systems 310; Taking Stock (Unfinished) 155, 156, 157, 210, 212; 'Taking Stock (Unfinished)' publication 210—15; U.S. Isolation Box, Grenada 156 Habermas, Jürgen 406, 456 Hall, Doug 33 Hall, Stuart 158, 228 Hamilton, David 445, 446 Hammons, David 247,253,271 -, Pray for America 267, 268; use of flag 267—8; Victory Over Sin 269 Hampton, Fred 269 Hand Painted Pop: American Art in Transition exhibition (1993) 346 'Hans Haacke: Unfinished Business' exhibition (1984) 210 Harlem on My Mind exhibition (1969) 262 Harlem Renaissance 222, 223, 250—1, 265 Harlem riots: (1943) 258; (1964) 258 Harmon Foundation 251 Harris, Lyle Ashton 23, 25 Harrison, Margaret 312 Harsch, Nicole 36 Hart Mathews, Jane de 45 Hartigan, Grace 346 Hauptman, William 45 Hauser, Arnold: The Philosophy of Art History 56; The Social History of Art 56 Haussmann, Baron 151 Hautecoeur, Louis 48 Haw, Brian 2 Hayden, Dolores 283 Hayden, Palmer 250 Hayward Gallery 376, 377 Heartney, Eleanor 434 Hegel 236,237 hegemony 88, 219 Heidegger 63, 69 Heller, Ben 51 Helms amendment 420—1,433 Helms, Jesse 370, 371, 425-6, 427, 434 Hemphill, Essex 18 Henderson, Napoleon 263 Henry, Gerritt 261 Heresies: A Feminist Publication of Art and Politics 153, 203, 230, 231-2, 275, 277, 281-4, 287—93; appeal of 293; diversity of and issues covered 290; establishment of and first issue 289—90; lack of resolution within 290—1 ; problems and dilemmas 232, 291, 292—3; relationship between mother collective and individual editorial collectives 292 Heresies collective 154, 230—1, 232, 281, 282, 289, 291 Heritage Foundation: Mandate for Leadership 428, 432 Herrera, Hayden 283 Hersch, Seymour 57 Heseltine, Michael 211 Hess, Thomas 49 Hesse, Eva 275, 396 Hicks, Tyler 4 high art: and mass culture 84, 87; synonymous with white male body 300 high culture 83—4, 86, 106; and low culture 86, 203-4, 318 474 INDEX high modernism: and male prerogative 343—S4; political bias of American 344—5 Hirnes, Chester 252 Himid, Lubaina 242 Hirst, Damien: For the Love of God 2 Hiss, Alger 44 historical ceremonies 40 historical image 13, 28—9, 34, 39 Hockney, David 240, 444 Holbein, Hans 341 Holliday, George 12—13, 37—9 Hollywood cinema 88,117—18 Holty, Carl 248 Holzer, Jenny 87, 109, 113-14, 347, 350; Inflammatory Essays 114-15; and Living series 115; 'Sign on a Truck' 116; Survival series 1 1 6 ; T r u i s m s 1 1 4 - 1 5 , I I S homelessness 387 homosexuality 423, 425, 436 hooks, bell 11-12, 17-25, 88, 227, 341 Hopkins, Budd 347 Hopper, Josephine 284 Hopps, Walter 49 'Hottentot Venus' 221 House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) 52 Houshiary, Shirazeh 243 Howe, Irving 84 Hughes, Holly 436 Hughes, Langston 218 Hughes, Robert 255 Hultén, Pontus 168, 170, 171, 172 human rights, violation of 63—4- Human Rights First 458 Humphrey, Hubert 49 Hunt, Kay 312 Hunt, Richard 218,262 Hurricane Katrina 378-9, 454—6 Hurston, Nora Zeale 218 Huyssen, Andreas 456 hybridity/hybridization 228, 299, 300, 330 I am a Camera exhibition 377 iconography 15 2 ideology 113, 114 IFC (International Freedom Center) 457, 459, 461 image events 79, 135-47 image-culture 89 image-death 79 Imaginary 104,105,118 imagination 162 imaginative art 1, 89 imaginative images 135-6 'imagined community' 29—30 Immigration and Nationality Act (1952) 430 imperialism 11; cultural 52,152,241,345,387 Impressionism 183 indecency 376—7; and Protection of Children Act 442 Indecent Displays (Control) Act (1981) 376 India 238 Indian art/artists 236,240 Indians, American 387 individualism 183 inSITE2000 2, 14, 66-7, 67 Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) 424 institutional critique 87, 110—11, 157 Inter-American Foundation for the Arts 150 International Freedom Center see IFC International Style 180 International Survey of Painting and Sculpture exhibition (1985) 229—30 invisibility 217,220,221,335 Iraq war 5, 70, 79-80, 146 Iskin, Ruth 280 Islam 339; Europe's anxiety over 300 Islamic art 89, 124; exhibition of (1910) 124 Islamophobia 126 Iverson, Margaret 297 Ivins, William 137 Jaar, Alfredo 135, 136, 137, 138, 140; The Lament of the Images 89, 135, 136, 137, 147, 371-2 Jacir, Emily 122; From Paris to Riyadh 130 Jackson, C.D. 31 Jackson, Jesse 455 Jafa, Arthur 24 JAM 203 James, Caryn 461—2 Jameson, Fredric 154, 298, 319; 'Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism' 153, 154 Jarrell, Jae 263 Jarrell, Wadsworth 262, 263, 264 Jaspers, Karl 162 Jaudon, Valerie 383 Jemima, Aunt 232, 248, 256, 270 Jewish Museum (New York) 93 JFK 33—4 John, Jasper 256; Flag paintings 146 John, Sir Elton 378 Johns, Jasper 44, 103, 106, 346 Johnson, Danny 218, 254—5; Yesterday 255 Johnson, Jack 20, 269—70 Johnson, President Lyndon 431 Johnson, Philip 48 Johnson, Poppy 296 Johnson, Sargeant 250 Jom (film) 208 Jones, Allen 316 Jones, Amelia 88, 154, 301, 356—65; BodyArt/ Performing the Subject 297—8 Jones, Lois Maillou 251 ; Moon Masque 266 Jones-Hogu, Barbara 262, 263 Jong, Erica 278 Jordan, Michael 20-1, 22, 335; Rare Air 21 journalization of art 207 I N D E X 4 7 5 Judd, Donald 66, 100, 396 Julien, Issac 222 Kahlo, Frida 299, 328 Kaikur, Ramesh 124—S Kalthoum, Umm 12S Kant, Immanuel 64 Kaplan, Janet 284 Kaplan, Lawrence 463 Kapoor, Anish 243 Kaprow, Alan 256 Karachi 227 Kareem, Jaffar 335 Katz, Danny 375 Katz, Jonathan 346 Kaufman, Bob 256 Kearns, Jerry 197-8 Kein, Naomi: The Shock Doctrine 156 Keith Piper: Relocating the Remains exhibition (1997) 330 Kelley, Mike 448 Kelly, Mary 296; Post-Partum Document 296—7, 303—16, 304; Women and Work exhibition 311, 312 Kennedy, Adrienne 218 Kennedy, Bobby 49 Kennedy, Jacqueline 13 Kennedy, John F.: assassination of 13, 30, 247; Zapruder's film of assassination 13—14, 30—4, 35, 37, 38 Kennedy, Peter 197 Kennedy, Robert 30 Khattari, Majida 88, 130, 131 Khrushchev, Nikita 52 Killens, John 263 Kim, Bryon 334 Kimmelman, Michael 46 King, Martin Luther 30, 246—7, 255, 257, 258—9, 266, 333; assassination of 263-4-; images of by black artists 269 King, Rodney: video of beating of 12—13, 36—9, 37 King, Stephen J. 442 Kingsley, April 255, 269 Kippenberger, Martin 448 Kissinger problem 79 kitsch 2, 51, 84 KMP-Compton 214 Knight, Dr Peter 377 Knock at the Door, A exhibition 378, 461—2 Knox v. United States 449 Koons, Jeff 299, 348, 348—50, 352; and Adam and Eve 348—50; exhibiting of self-advertisements 349; and Made in Heaven film 350; Naked 300, 348-9; and pornography 349; Puppy 153 Koshalek, Richard 370 Kosuth, Joseph 110 Kovel, Joel 402 KozlofF, Joyce 283,285,289 Kozloff, Max 44, 149; 'American Painting During the Cold War' 44—5 ; review of Collage of Indignation 150—1, 161 —4 Kramer, Hilton 52, 54, 56, 156, 375, 409, 427, 428-9 Krasner, Lee 346 Krauss, Rosalind 83, 86, 87, 102—5, 106, 402; 'The Cultural Logic of the Late Capitalist Museum' 153; Passages in Modern Sculpture 106 Krauthammer, Charles 463 Kristeva, Julia 222, 326, 341 Kruger, Barbara 87, 88, 109, 113, 114, 116-19, 117, 155, 347 Kulik, James 30 Kunsthalle principle 170 Kusama, Yayoi: self-portrait photographs 361—3, 362 labyrinth 187;andMoMA 187—91 Lacan, Jacques 87,118,311,313 Lacanian Imaginary 104 Laclau, Ernesto 437—8 Lacy, Suzanne 197 L.A.Law 38-9 Lam, Wilfredo 239 Lancet, The 6 Landers, Sean 352 Lange, Dorothea 276 language 114; appropriated by discourses of power 63-4 Last Temptation of Christ, The 424, 425 Latin America 151 law: and artistic expression 447—53 Lawler, Louise 109, 111, 112, 113; 'Arrangements of Pictures' 112; Sappho and Patriarch 110 Lawrence, Carolyn 262, 263 Lawrence, Jacob 218, 251, 252, 262; Alice's Ordeal 252; Masquerade 252; The Migration 252; The Rebels 252 Le Corbusier 172 Lebrun, Rico 56; Study for Dachau Chamber 56 Lee, Spike 13,39 Leeson, Loraine 197 leftist artists 205 Léger 185, 187 Leja, Michael 51 lesbian artists 436 Levine, Sherrie 109, 347, 448 Lewis, Jim 447—53 Lewis, Norman 245,248,251 LeWitt, Sol 48, 50, 396; On black walls.... 47, 47, 48 Libby, 1. Lewis 57 Licht, Ira 360 Lichtenstein, Roy 103, 256 Life 13, 31,49, 372 Lipon, Glenn 334; Notes on the Margin of the Black Book 23,23 476 INDEX Lim, Kim 243 Lin, Maya 374,408 Lipman, Samuel 427—8, 429 Lippard, Lucy 86, 154-5, 156, 195-208, 232, 256, 261, 275, 276, 281, 289, 346, 370, 413 Lipshitz, Sue 315—16 litcralist art 100 Living series 115 Lobell, Mimi 283 Locke, Alan: The New Negro 251 Loeb Student Center (New York University) 149, 163, 164 logocentrism 105 Lombardi, Mark: Global Networks 460 London 239, 240—1 London (digitai collage) 128 Longo Robert 135, 141—2 -, Sickness of Reason 140, 141 Looking for Langston (film) 222 Lorde, Audre 18,281 Los Angeles Council of Women Artists (LACWA) 276 Los Angeles riots 37, 38—9 Loste, Sébastien 166, 167—8 Louis, Joe 20 Louis, Morris 105 low culture: and high culture 86, 203—4-, 318 Lowell, Robert 5—6 Lower Manhattan Cultural Council 461 Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) 457 Lubell, Ellen 279 Luxemburg, Rosa 231 Lynton, Norbert 240 m/J:a feminist journal 295, 296 MacArthur, General 49 McAuliffe, Christa 34, 35, 36 McCannon, Dingda 260 McCarthy, Joseph 14, 43, 44, 57 McCarthy, Sarah 462 McCarthyism 14, 43-4, 52, 57, 463 McCollum, Allan 67, 109, 111,112, 113 MacDonald, David: Captive 269 Macdonald, Dwight 48 McEvilley, Thomas 223 McGann, Geoff 142—3, 146; Goddesses 142—5, 143, 144, 146 MacKinnon, Catherine 449 McNab, Jessie 404 McShine, Kynaston 230 Madonna 299, 327, 327-8, 341, 424 magical politics 137 Mahfouz, Naguib: Palace Walk 125 mail art 231 Maillol, Aristide 48, 50; The River 47—8, 189 Mainardi, Pat 275, 277, 278, 279 Malcolm X 257—8, 269, 333; assassination of 258 Malcolm X (film) 13, 39 Mallory, Howard 263 Manglano-Ovalle, Inigo 67 'Manifesto Show, The' 204, 205 Mann, Sally 375, 444—5, 446; Damaged Child 451 Mapplethorpe, Robert 23, 375, 376, 377,421, 423-4, 425, 427, 428-9, 437, 448; The Black Book 12,22,22, 23 March on Washington (1963) 229, 245, 246—7 Marker, Chris 27 Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 430 Marshall Plan 48, 54, 238 Martin, Agnes 275 Martin, Mandy 231 Marx, Karl 67 Marxism 296, 306 Mary Boone Gallery 353 masculine imperative 343—54 masculinity 48, 153, 295, 299, 300, 301; representation of black 17—25, 3 31 ; stereotypes of 281 mashrahiya 125—6 masks, African 266 Mason, Jackie 217 masquerade 301 mass culture 84, 106; and high art/culture 84, 86, 87, 106; participation of fine art in 142 mass media 137 mass society 84, 85 materialists 79 Matisse, Henri 124 Matthews, Joseph 1, 70—80 Mayer, Rosemary 360 Maynard, Valerie 247; We Are Tied to the Very Beginning 270 Medina, Cuauhtemoc 65 Meese Commission on Pornography (1985) 424 Mekas, Jonas 403-A memory: role of image in producing 13, 26—40 Mercer, Kobena 12, 228, 299, 330-41; 'Fear of a Black Penis' 19 Meredith, James 246 Metropolitan Museum of New York 179, 262 Mexican mural art 65, 251—3, 265 Meyer, Melissa 283 Micaelson, Annette 402 military industrial complex 84 Miller, Angela: Empire of the Eye 45 Miller, Dorothy 55 Miller v. Calfornia 421, 447 Millett, Kate: Sexual Politics 276 Minh-ha, Trinh 222 Minimalism 83, 100-1, 105-6, 106, 107, 153, 201, 275, 374, 396 mirage 103—4 Mirò: The Birth of the World 186 mirror stage 104 Mistry, Dhruva 243 Mitchell, Juliet: Psychoanalysis and Feminism 306 I N D E X 4 7 7 Mitchell Prize (1982) 237 Mitra Tabrizian 126—7 ModernStarts: People, Places, Things exhibition 14, 45, 46-9, 59 Möhr, Richard 20; Gay Ideas 20 MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) (New York) 5,45—6, 155, 178—91, 179; 16 Americans exhibition (1959) 55; architecture of 180—1; art-historical scheme 183—5; criticism of selective tradition 45; criticism of as serving the interests of a powerful elite 152; design 187; entrance to permanent collection 185, 185; façade 180, 180; founding of and original mission 46, 47; ground floor 181, 182; and Guernica 185; Information at MoMA exhibition (1970) 5, 230; An International Survey of Painting and Sculpture exhibition (1985) 229—30; as a labyrinth experience 187—91; as late capitalist ritual 178—91 ; links between Rockefellers and industries that supported American military in Vietnam claim and protests against 4, 46, 50; ModernStarts: People, Places, Things exhibition 14, 46—9, 47, 59; MoMA 2000 exhibition (1999) 45-6, 47; The New American Painting and Sculpture exhibition (1959) 50, 51, 52, 55; New Images of Man exhibition (1959) 55—6; as paradigmatic institution 152, 15 3 ; permanent collection at 181, 183—4, 187; plan of first floor 181, 182; plan of second floor 184, 184; plan of third floor 185, 186; planning of 180; The Prevalence of Ritual exhibition (1971) 262; Primitivism show (1984) 223; as prototype for modern art museum 179—80; rebuilding and expansion of 58—9, 153; Rockefellers as trustees 181 ; works acquired 46 Monk, Meredith 164 Monroe, Marilyn 299, 327, 328 monumental nature photography 145 Moore, Charles 13 Morisot, Berthe 313 Morley, Malcolm 211, 240 Morris, Robert 100, 101, 396 Morrison, Toni 218; The Bluest Eye 217 'Moscow controversy' (1959) 52-3, 57 Moses, Anna Mary Robertson 284 Moss, Irene 277, 278 Mother Art 197 motherhood 312; and Post-Partum Document 306, 307, 308, 309, 312, 313 Motherwell, Robert 400 Mouffe, Chantal 437 Müller, Jan 56 multiculturalism 223 Mulvey, Laura 295, 298—9; 'Phantasmagoria of the Female Body: The World of Cindy Sherman' 317—29, 373; review of Post-Partum Document 315; 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' 88,118,298 Musée National d'Art Moderne 168, 170 Museo de Arte Carrillo Gii (Mexico City) 14 Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) (Los Angeles) 211,269,370 Museum of Modem Art see MoMA museums 5, 107, 111, 150, 152—3, 168-9, 178—9; functions 179, 227; ideological role of 178; and labyrinth 153, 154; as modern ceremonial monuments 178—9; resurgence of 65—6; ritual and experience of 179; see also individual names * My Lai massacre (1968) 4, 5, 6, 372 myth 50, 51, 57, 58, 190, 237, 237-8 Nadin, Peter 115 Nador, Monica 67 Naficy, Hamid 125 napalm 149 Napoleon 123 NASA 35, 36 Nasif, Malak Hifni 122 Nation of Islam 257,259 Nation, The 149, 150 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 216,251 National Association of Artists' Organizations 419 National Center of Afro-American Artists (Boston) 265 National Endowment for the Arts see NEA National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act (1965) 431-2 National Gallery (London) 181 National Mining Corporation (NMC) 157, 214 National Sculpture Society 53 National Urban League 251 Nationalist Party (South Africa) 157 naturalism 18 3 Navaretta, Cynthia 278, 279 NEA (National Endowment of the Arts) 156, 370, 399, 419; battle over budget of 419—38; conservative attacks on 409, 422—9, 457; early controversies over funding 432; establishment of 431 ; grant selection process 433; and Helms amendment 420—1 ; policy of non-interference 433; political context for attacks on 430-2 Negritude 229, 248 Neisser, Ulric 36 Neither Their War Nor Their Peace (broadsheet) 3 Nemser, Cindy 277—8, 360 neo-conservatives 300, 405, 406, 456—7 neo-liberalism 78 Neo-Primitivism 224 Neshat, Shirin 131 Neuman, Donald 217;'Nigger Drawings' 217 'neutral art' 346 New American Painting exhibition (1959) 50, 51, 52 New Criterion, The 52, 156, 375, 427 new critical theory 158 478 INDEX 'New Generation' exhibitions 241 New Images of Man exhibition (19S9) SS—6 New Left 229, 373 New Lft Review 5, 14 New Liberty 127, 127 New Wave artists 201,204—5 New York: and the mainstream 255—7 New York Historical Society exhibitions 58 New York September I ì By Magnum Photographers exhibition (2001—2002) 58 New York Times 14, 80, 213 New York Times Magazine 43, 44, 45, 57 New Yorker 150 Newman, Barnett 48, 49—50, 55, 189—90; Lace Curtain for Mayor Daley 50; Prometheus Bound 55; Vir Heroicus Sublimis 47, 48—9, 50, 51, 58 Newmarch, Annie 197 Ncwnham, David 376, 440—6 news media imagery 137 Nicaragua 385 Nichlin, Linda 280; 'Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?' 276 Nichols, Walter 55 Nietzsche, F. 104,325,326 1968 151-4 '1968 in Global Retrospective' conference 229 Nishio, Linda: Kikoemasu ka? 288 Nixon, President Richard 6, 44, 45, 49, 52 Noland, Kenneth 103, 105, 108 Norman Rockwell: Picturesfor the American People exhibition 58 objecthood 100—5 Obscene Publications Acts 376 Obscene Publications Squad 443, 444 obscenity laws 378, 447-8, 449, 451, 453 October (film) 87 October group 87, 88 October (journal) 87 O'Dell, Kathy 360 Odonkor, Mowbray 334 O'Dougherty, Vickie 407-8 Oedipal complex 307 Offeh, Harold: Alien Communication 129 Ofili, Chris: The Holy Virgin Mary 461 O'Keefe, Georgia 281 Oklahoma City bombing (1995) 32 Olin Foundation 156 Olitski, Jules 105, 108 Oliver, Ron 444, 445, 446 Ono, Yoko 296; Cut Piece 356 ontology of art 66 Organization of Black American Culture (OBAC) 262 Orientalism 88, 122-4 Orozco, Jose Clemente 251, 252 Orton, Fred 46, 156 Orwell, George 141 oscillation effect 326, 327—8 Oswald, Lee Harvey 33 Other Story: Afro-Asian Artists in Post-War Britain exhibition (1989) 235 Other/Otherness 122, 235-41 'out' gay artists 344 'outrageous art' 459—621 Ovenden, Emily 441—2,443,445 Ovcnden, Graham 443—4, 445—6, 446 Overstreet, Joe 256—7-, Aunt Jemima 270; New Jemima 257, 258, 267 Owens, Craig 118 PADD (Political Art Documentation/ Distribution) 86, 154, 198, 203, 204, 205 page art 231 Paley, Walter S. 4, 5 Pane, Gina 356 Panofsky, Erwin 152 Paris 151,239 Parker, Pat 18 Parks, Rosa 246 Parti Socialiste Unifié (PSU) 151, 152, 165; Cultural Affairs Committee of 151, 165—76 Partridge, Brian 444 'passion for the real' 142 patriarchy 19, 21, 25, 229, 231, 295, 313, 325, 352,435 Patriot Dreams Foundation 459 Patrons of New Art of the Tate Gallery 210—11 Pearl Harbour 30, 32; parallels with September 11th 11 Peller, Gary 37—8 Penley, Constance 35, 36 People-to-People Program 54 Pepper, William F. 149—50 performance art 66, 256, 297, 301, 356—65, see also body art Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations 43 phallogocentrism 105 phantasmagoria of the female body 317—29, 373 Phelan, Peggy 360 phenomenology 396 Philip Morris Corporation 369—71 Phillips, James 266 Phillips, Lisa 51 Phillips, Patricia 136 photographs: and historical images 29; as providers of memory 13,26, 27—8 photography: association with memory and loss 26; and black male body 22-4; and obscenity law 451 ; and presentation of the self 363; and veiling 126—8 photomontage 110, 249, 372, 373 Picasso, Pablo 48, 183, 185, 219, 221-2, 238; Girl Bfore a Mirror 186; Guernica see Guernica; Les Demoiselles d'Avignon 46, 176, 222, 223 Pindell, Howardena 218; Homage to Martin Luther King,Jr 269 I N D E X 4 7 9 Piper, Adrian 356, 369—'71 ; Ashes to Ashes 369, 376; Black Box/White Box 13 Piper, Keith 13, 299-300, 330-41 ; Altars of Commerce 3 3 5 ; The Boy 11'ho Speaks With His Hands 336; Cargo Culture 341; and commodification of black male body 335; concerns with fundamentalism 339; Go West Young Man 331, 332, 333, 334; Notes on Black Masculinity Sethe Contest of Territory 331—3; presence of lynched/crucified black male body in works 335—6, 340, 341; Reckless Eyeballing 335; Recontres Au Noir 341 ; A Ship Called Jesus 299, 336 40, 337, 341; Step Into the Arena 331, 334; Transgressive Arts 336, 336; transition in work 330 Piss Christ (Serrano) 375, 421, 422, 425, 429, 461 Platoon 40 Podhoretz, Norman 57 Poiger, Uta 51—2 political aesthetics 295 political art: and activist art 200—1 Political Art Documentation/Distribution see PADD political art/artists 66, 155, 200—1, 202, 206, 207, 436 politics: and Abstract Expressionism 51 ; and art 84, 150, 154, 156-7, 161, 163—4; and artists 51 Pollock, Griselda 156, 222, 297 Pollock, Jackson 45, 105, 347; Autumn Rhythm 345; Cathedral 52; Echo 188; No.6 56; Number 27 44 Pompidou Centre see Beaubourg Pompidou, Georges 151, 165, 169, 173 Pompidou, Mme 172 Pontecorvo, Gillo 122,133 Poon, Larry 103 Pop Art 83, 85, 86, 93, 103—4, 256, 396 Pop Art: An International Perspective exhibition (1991) 346 Pop Art, and Rosenquist's F-l 11 93—9 Pope v. Illinois 448 popular culture 84, 204 pornography 301, 343, 424; child 442—4, 449; and Koons 349—50 portrait photography 26 Posey, Willi 261 post-colonialism 3, 299 Post-Partum Document 296—7, 303—16, 304; conception of as work of art 303; criticism of 297; diary notes 305, 308—9; and 'document' 310—11; and fetishism 308; and Freudian psychoanalysis 306, 307—8, 309, 312, 313, 314, 315-16; influence of Lacan 311, 313; as intertextual 305—6; issue of theory 297, 314—15; and mother-child relationship 303, 307-8, 311, 315; and motherhood 306, 307, 308, 309, 312, 313; problem of femininity 309; quality of exhibition as series 304—5; relation between psychic and social 306—7, 309—10; sections of 304-5 postcard'novels' 231 postmodernism 87, 150, 158, 219, 221, 224, 237, 298, 326, 344 poststructuralism 87, 107 Potentially Harmful: The Art of American Censorship exhibition 369 Pousette-Dart, Richard 190 Powell, Colin 5, 13, 217 Powell, Enoch 241 power of art 198—200 power relations 371—3 Presentation and Display: Ideal Settings installation 113 press, feminist art see feminist art publications Prevalence of Ritual exhibition (1971 ) 262 primitivism 89,158,222^- Prince, Richard 299, 350—1; Good Revolution 351 ; Joke paintings 351 ; Sampling the Chocolate 3 51 ; Spiritual America 448 ; Why Did the Nazi Cross the Road? 351—2 Printed Matter Inc. 231 privatizing of culture 369—71 Proctor and Gamble 424 PROJECT MRB 227 Project for the New American Century 14, 57 propaganda 140, 141, 199 Protection of Children Act (1978) 376—7, 442, 443 proto-performance art 202 Pruitt-Early 352 psychoanalysis 18, 19, 296, 306, 343; and Post- Partum Document 306, 307—8, 309, 312, 313, 314, 315-16 public: blurring of boundaries between private and 12-13 public art: crisis of 392—4-13 public arts movement 262; emergence of in Chicago 247 Public Law (101—121) 421,433 public space: art, representation and the 373-5 public sphere: political crisis of 395 punk culture 203 'pure aestheticism in art' 55 queer theory 18 race 83, 153, 157, 202, 218, 227, 232, 300; and body politic 17—25; and psychoanalysis 18 racism 87, 199, 216, 239, 243 radical art/artists 107, 155, 312 radicalism 229, 296 Rainer, Yvonne 278, 370 Ramparts magazine 149 Randall, Margaret 430 RAT 372, 373 Rather, Dan 31 480 INDEX rationality 141 Rauschenberg, Robert 106, 256, 346 Raven, Arlene 280 Raymond, Janice 281 Re, Judge Edward D. 401, 406 re-enactment 14, 39—40 Reagan, Ronald 229, 369, 384, 385 'Real Estate Show, The' (1980) 204 realism: distinction between abstract painting and 56—7 Ream, Vinnie 278 'Reconsidering the Object of Art' exhibition (1996) 369-70 Reconstructing Modernism 344—5 Red Herring 203 Red Letter Days 204 Red Letters, Artery and Wedge 86 Reed, Ishmael 218;Mumbo Jumbo 221 refamiliarization 2, 3, 89, 136, 138—9, 140, 141, 145, 146, 147 Reisman, Judith 423 religious rituals: similarities to museum experience 179 remembrance, cultural 1, 14, 35, 43—59 renarrati vization 14 Rennie, Susan 280 Retort 1, 3-4, 5-6, 14, 70-80, 150; Afflicted Powers: Capital and Spectacle in a New Age of War 4, 5; Afflicted Powers installation 3-4, 6; All Quiet on the Eastern Front 3-4; Neither Their War Nor Their Peace 3, 5 revision/revisionism 43—59 Rice, Condoleezza 139 Rich, Adrienne 280, 283, 289 Richard Feigen Gallery 50 Richard J. Daley exhibition 50 Richardson, Dorothy 278 Rickey, Carrie 86, 230, 274-85 Rickson, Gary 263 Riedweg, Walter 67 Riggs, Marlon 18, 24-5 Ringgold, Faith 218, 219, 247, 259-61, 265; American People Series 259; Die 260; The Flag is Bleeding 259—60, 260; Flag for the Moon: Die Nigger 267; quilt of (1983) 270; The Women's House 260—1 Ritchie, Andrew 53 Rivera, Diego 251,252 Rivera, Geraldo 32 Rivers, Larry 257 Robert Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Moment exhibition 375, 376 Rockefeller, Nelson 4, 5, 183 Rockefellers 46 Rockwell, Norman 58,181 Rodin, Balzac 188 Rodney King, LA Police Beating (video) 12—13, 36-9,37 Rogin, Michael 31—2 Rollins, Tim 197 Rom, Christine C. 275, 277 Romanticism 138,139 Roosevelt, President 30 Rosenberg, Harold 48, 150, 163, 278 Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel 44, 385 Rosenbergs Reconsidered exhibition 5 8 Rosenquist, James: and F-l 11 83, 84-6, 93—9; painting at World's Fair 94—5 Rosenthal, Norman 215 Rosier, Martha 19, 231, 371-3, 372, 381-91; 'Born to Be Sold' 387; 'The Bowery in Two Inadequate Descriptive Systems' 387, 388; 'Bringing the War Home: House Beautiful' 372, 373, 382-3, 382; Bus Tour project 389; 'Domination and the Everyday' 383; Election (Lyndie) 373; 'Fascination with the (Game of the) (Exploding) (Historical) Hollow Leg' 384—5; 'Global Taste' video installation 387; 'Grecnpoint: Garden Spot of the World' 389; 'If It's Too Bad to Be True, It Could Be DISINFORMATION' videotape 385; 'If You Lived Here. . . .' 387—9; 'In the Place of the Public: Airport Series' 391; 'It Lingers' 390—1, 390; 'Losing: A Conversation with the Parents' 383; 'The Restoration of High Culture in Chile' 395; 'Seattle: Hidden Histories' 387; 'Secrets from the Street: No Disclosure' 387; 'A Simple Case for Torture' videotape 385;'Unknown Secrets' 385,556, 387; 'Vital Statistics of a Citizen, Simply Obtained' 383, 384 Rossen, Ben 442, 443 Roszak, Theodore 56 Roth, Moira 232, 287-93 Rothenberg, Susan 285 Rothko, Mark 189 Rothschild, Amalie 278 Rove, Karl 58 Rowe, Marsha 296 Rubin, Arnold 266, 267 Rubin, Larry 55 Rubin, William 50, 55, 56, 223 Rumsfeld, Donald 57, 458 Runciman, David 77—8, 79 Rush, Florence 280—1 Ruskin, John 236 Rwanda, genocide in 135, 371—2 Ryan, Veronica 243 Saar, Betye 218, 247, 253, 257, 266, 272; Black Crows in the White Section Only 267, 268; Black Girl's Window 266; The Liberation f Aunt Jemima 270; Nine Mojo Secrets 266 Saatchi & Saatchi 157,212,213—14 Saatchi, Charles 156, 157-8,210,211,213,214 Saatchi collection 157—8, 214 Saatchi, Doris 165,210,211 Saatchi Gallery 317, 377 Saatchi, Maurice 156,210,211,214 Saatchis 157,214-15,317 I N D E X 4 8 1 Said, Edward 229; Orientalism 88, 122—3 St. Thomas church (New York) 181 Salle, David 107, 350 Samuelson, Robert 426 San Francisco Poster Brigade 204 Sanchez, Sonia 218 Sandberg, Willem 168 Sandler, Irving: The Triumph of American Painting 44 Saturday Evening Post 58 Saunders, Raymond 270; American Dream 267 Sayre, Henry: The Object of Performance 363 Schapiro, Miriam 230, 276, 281, 283, 284 Schjeldahl, Peter 66 Schlanger, Jeff 164 Schmidt Campbell, Mary 229 Schnabel, Julian 210, 285, 350 Schneemann, Carolee 296, 346, 352; Interior Scroll 358—61, 359' Meat Joy 356 Schuijer, Jan 442,443 Schulman, Sarah 436 Schwarzkogler, Rudolf 363 screen memories 28, 39 Scull, Robert 85, 86, 93 sculpture 56, 113, 398 Second Congress of Black Artists and Writers 248 Second International Biennial of Contemporary Art (Seville) (2006—7) 3,6 secondary revision 39 secularization of art 64 Sedira, Zineb 3, 88, 121—2; Silent Sight 133 Segal, George 404 Seigel, Judy 278 Seitz, William 267 Selz, Peter 55 Semmel, Joan 280 Senghor, Leopold 248 Sensation: Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection exhibition (1997) 157 September 11th (2001) 4, 11, 14, 58, 63, 69, 70-80, 73, 74-6, 74, 89, 378, 454; focus on images of the Towers 456; impact of 71 ; preserving of Ground Zero 378, 456—62; silence of 'popular culture' in face of 76; state's response to 70—80; visibility of horrors 75—6 Serra, Richard 153, 373—4; career 395—7; The Matter of Time 153; One Tron Prop (House of Cards) 395—6; St. John's Rotary Arc 400; Snake 153; Splashing 395; Tilted Arc see Tilted Arch Serrano, Andres 375; Piss Christ 375,419,421, 422,425,461 Seven SongsJor Malcolm X (film) 340 sex 202 sexism 87, 199, 346; and Prince 350—2 Shahn, Ben 52 Shange, Ntozake 218,289 Shar'awi, Huda 132 Sherman, Cindy 298-9, 317—29, 347, 373; darkness in work 322; de-fetishizing of female body 324—5, 326; and Marilyn Monroe 327; metamorphosis of the feminine 325; and new politics of the body 318—19; and oscillation effect 326; and parody of voyeurism 319-21 ; reference to fifties in works 327; soft-core pastiche of photographs 321—2; transformation of work 322-4; Untitled (1984) 323; Untitled (1985) 323, 324-, Untitled Film Stills (1979) 298, 319—20, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325; Untitleds (1981) 321-2; Untitleds( 1983) 322-3 Sholette, Greg 198 signs, subversive 88, 109—19 Silent Sight (video) 133 Silverman, Kaja 27 Simone, Nina 263 Simpson, Merton 249,251 simulacra 137, 138, 140—1 Sisters of Survival (SOS) 197 Situationist International 1, 70, 151 slavery: and Christianity 299 Sleet, Moneta 23 Smith, Barbara T.: Ritual Meal 356 Smith, Bessie 222 Smith, David 48, 105 Smith, Emmitt 335 Smith, Frank 263 Smith, George 267 Smith, Kiki 348 Smith, Marlene 334 Smith, Michael 35 Smith, Tony 100 Smith, Vincent 247; Marcus Garvey 269 Smiths, The 2 Snyder, Joan 285 Soares, Valeska 67, 68 social construction 87, 153, 232, 381 social history of art 156, 156—7 Social Realism 52,251,252,256 'society of the spectacle' 1,71 Solomon-Godeau, Abigail 237—8 Somerville, Julia 4-41, 443 Sonia Boyce exhibition (1986—87) 242^4 Sontag, Susan 281, 461, 462—3 Soueif, Ahdaf: 'The Language of the Veil' 122 South Africa, apartheid 157, 213—14 South Bronx 198, 203, 205 Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA) 424 Souza, Francis Newton 238, 239, 240, 243 Soviet Union: 'Moscow controversy' 52—3, 57 space: relationship between individual and 124 Spackman, Barbara 325 Spanish Civil War 3 Spare Rib 295, 296 spectacle 71, 72, 74-5, 76, 78, 80, 327 Spero, Nancy 231 482 INDEX Spillane, Margaret 435 Spirai 229, 245-6, 247, 248-50, 251, 260, 261 Spirit ojAmerica, The (film) 58 Spivak, Gayatri: 'Who Claims Alterity' 224 Spriggs, Edward 265 Sprinkle, Annie: Post Post Porn Modernist 363—5 Staller, Ilona: 'Made in Heaven' series 300—1 Standard Oil Corporation 149 Stankiewicz, Richard 254 state 72—3, 74; dependence on weak citizenship 73; response to September 11th 70—80 State Britain 2 Stedelijk Museum 168 Steele, James 125—6 Steinberg, Leo, 'Other Criteria' 103 Stella, Frank 101, 103, 105-6, 396 Stevens, Alice Dick 231 Stevens, May 231 Stevens, Nelson 263, 264; Uhuru 271 Stiles, Kristine 363 Still, Clyfford 190 Stockhausen, Karlheinz 69 Stockholm 168 Stockman, David 430 Stokes, Dr Phillip 444 Stolley, Richard 31 Stone, Oliver 33, 34, 155 Strand, Elin: Speaking Bernina 130 structuralism 107, 310 Stuart, Michelle 275 Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) 259, 264 student revolts ( 1968) 151 Studio Museum (Harlem) 228, 229, 260, 265 Sturges, Jock 448, 452 Sturken, Marita 12-14,26—10,45 Sturtevant, Elaine 346 subcultural art 205 subversive signs 88,109—19 Sugarman, George 402 Surrealism 163, 185, 187, 189, 266 surrogacy 387 Surveillance 127 Swenson, Gene 83, 85, 93-9 Symbolism 183 'synecdochic nationalism' 45 systems-theory approach 89, 142, 147 Tagore, Rabindranath 238 Taller Boricua 203 Tamayo, Rufino 239 Tanner, Henry Ossawa 336 'taste publics' 394 Tate Gallery 2, 155, 156, 157, 183-4, 210, 241 'Tate's bricks' 297 Tawadros, Gilane 3, 88, 121—33, 228 Technology: and art 98-9 television 29, 39, 73 Telnaes, Ann 462 Teno, Jean Marie 340 terrorism 374, 385 Thalacker, Donald 401, 404 Thatcher, Margaret: Haacke's portrait of 155, 156, 212; and Saatchi & Saatchi 157, 213 theater/theatricality 101—2, 104 theory 87, 297; and practice 318 'theory world' 65 Third Text (journal) 87, 227 Thirteen Days (film) 57, 58 30 Contemporary Black Artists exhibition (1968) 262 Thompson, Dr Bill 442,443 Tilted Arc (Serra) 373-4, 392-413, 393; challenges in Federal Plaza site aced by Serra 400; Conservative protest against 405—9; criticism of 393, 401; design and installation of 400—1 ; and government officials 407; hearing (1985) 401,402-4,406,411; process leading to destruction 401—2; process leading to installation 399—100; and public/ petitioners 410—12; removal of from Federal Plaza 392—3; and rhetoric of national security 407—8; Serra's response to hostility towards 401—3,404,411 Tilton, Theodore 19-20 Time-Life 31 Tisdale, Danny 13 Todd, Judith 283 Toklas, Alice B. 284 Torture in Chile 231 Townsend, Chris 376, 440—6 Tradition and Conflict: Images of a Turbulent Decade exhibition 228—9, 245 transsexuals 281 tribal objects 158, 224 Trojan Horse 195 Tron, Nguyen Thi 372 Truman Doctrine 48 Turner prize 2,240 Turner, Victor 152 Twentieth Century Black Men 13 Tyson, Mike 21, 333, 334, 336 Ukeles, Mierle Laderman 197 United States Information Agency see USAI United Technology Center (UTC) 149 Universal Negro Improvement Association 251 University of Central England (UCE) 377 Upfront 86, 204 USA Patriot Act 461, 462-3 USI A (United States Information Agency) 46, 52, 53—4- Utco, T.R. 32-3 Uthco, T.R. 14, 32 utopianism 138 Van Gogh, Vincent 183 van Ray, Jan 202 Vance, Carole 424 veil/veiling 3,88—9, 121—33; and Algerian I N D E X 4 8 3 women 12 3 ; and closure of private space 125; and photography 123—4, 126—9; relationship between gaze and 125; and sexuality 129—30; shift in attitudes to after September 11th 126; and struggle against colonialism 131—3; as synonymous with cultural and religious differences 121 ; use of as a tyrannical signifier and sign of oppression 88, 121, 126; variety of physical manifestations 122 Veil exhibition 88-9, 122, 124-33 Veil (slide projection installation) 131—2, 132 veiling-the-mind 121—2 Venice Biennale (1990) 349, 350 Venice prize 350 Venona documents 14, 44, 58 Vergé, Françoise 340 Veterans Vigil of Honor 40 Vietnam Veterans Memorial 30, 40, 374, 408, 459 Vietnam War 5-6, 29, 32, 52, 97, 149-50, 161, 228, 259, 295, 371 Villepin, Dominique de 5 Vir Heroicus Sublimis (Newman) 47, 48—9, 50, 51, 58 virtuality 103 visual culture: as myth or allegory 14 Vogue photos 344—5 Voice of America 54, 55 Voting Rights Act (1965) 259 Waddell, Margot 314—15 Wadham, John 443 Wagner, Anne 146 Waitresses 197 Waiden, George: 'Painting and Politics' 156—7 Walker, Alice 218 Walker, William 262 Wall of Dignity 263 Wall of Respect 262—3,263 Wall Street (Ulm) 155—6 Wall of Truth 263 Wallace, Michele 158, 216—24, 229 Wallach, Alan 46, 152-3, 178-91, 216-24, 229 Wallinger, Mark: State Britain 2 Walter, Francis E. 52 Wandor, Michelene 314—15 war films 40 'war porn' 89 'war on terror' 378,456,458,462 Warhol, Andy 13, 103;'Jackie'works 13; Little Race Riot 13 ; Red Race Riot 13 Washington Times 422 Watergate scandal 32, 45 Watts, Michael 1, 70—80 Watts riots 259 weak citizenship: and state 78, 79 weapons of mass destruction 77—8 Weatherwomen 372 Weber, John 404 Weber, Max 152 Weems, Carrie Mae 23; Jim, If you Choose 24; What Are the Three Things You Can't Give a Black Person 24 Weiner, Lawrence 106,110 Weisberg, Jacob 43 Weiss, Ted 433^4 West, Kayne 455 West-East Bag (WEB) 276 Wexner Center for the Arts 13 Weyrboff, Michael 409 Where We At Black Women 260 White, Charles 251, 252, 253; Can A Negro Study Law in Texas 253; Homage to Sterling Brown 269; Wanted Poster Series 268 White Cube gallery 2 Whitechappel Gallery 211, 214 Whitney Biennial (1979) 285 Whitney, John Hay 183 Whitney Museum of American Art 12, 14, 43, 44, 51, 203, 262 Wideman, John Edgar 218 Wight, Gail 3 Wildmon, Reverend Donald 376, 424—5, 426 Will/Power exhibition 13 Williams, Gerald 263 Williams, Raymond: Marxism and Literature 219 Williams, Sue 348 Wilson, Amy 459 Wilson, August 218 Wilson, Keith 4-43 Winsor, Jackie 275 Witnesses exhibition 421,423, 434—5 Wodcizko, Krzysztof 109 Wojnarowicz, David 434—5 Wolfe, Tom 408,410 Wolfowitz, Paul 57 womanart 277, 279—80 Womanhouse 230 Woman's Art Journal 275,277,284 women 229-30; marginalization of in histories of protests 297; representation of 343 Women in Art 277 women artists 276, 318, 319; backlash against 350; exclusion of 229—30, 296, 346; strategies in attempts to be accepted as artists 346 women artists movement 279, 280 Women Artists Newsletter/ Women Artists News 230, 275, 277, 278-9 Women Artists in Revolution (WAR) 86, 201, 229, 275 Women Students and Artists for Black Art Liberation (WSABAL) 229 Women and Work exhibition 311, 312 women's movement 202, 295—6, 318, 347 Woodruff, Hale 245, 250, 251, 255; Celestial Gate series 265—6 Woolfe, George 218 484 INDEX Workman, Chuck 58 Works Project Administration (WPA) 250, 251 World History of Art 237 World War 11 29, 8+ World Won't Listen, The (video installation) 2 Wright, Richard 218,252 Wu, Chin-Tao 369 Wylie, William, Carrara series 145—6 'Xtreme' state 139, 140, 146 Yarde, Richard 247; Champion 270; The Square 269 Yeargans, James 251 Zapruder, Abraham: film of Kennedy's assassination 13—14, 30—4, 35, 37, 38 ZG 327
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