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Volltext:358 Index Index Page numbers in italic type refer to illustrations. A Abd-el-Krim 98 Abellio, Raymond 143 The Babel Pit 226-7, 226m 'absolute divergence' 188,239 abstraction 281 Acéphale 332 Action journal 342 Adorno, Theodor 89-90, 232, 236-7, 341 advertising 14 Agamben, Giorgio 190 Agrippa, Cornelius 38, 38m Alamanach surrealiste du demi-siècle g, 78,137, 261, 302-9, 305.3t3 Albertis, Luigi Maria D' 110, non. alchemy 25, 32, 71,189, 307 Algerian War of Independence 146m, 149m alienation 83,222-3, 224 Alleau, René 11, 330 Dictionnaire des jeux 331 'The Exit from Egypt' 102, 172-82 Almazian affair 115,1150. Alquié, Ferdinand 13 The Philosophy of Surrealism 190, 215-19 Amin, Idi 91 Analogon 338 anthropology 10, 25, 26,98, 333, 340 anti-colonialism 11, 98,110, 345 'A Creolism Sewn with White Thread'(Le Brun) 100, 160-72 Deposition de blanc (Viot) 100, 345 'Don't Clutter Up the Colonies' (Viot) 110-14 'Manifesto on the Right to Insubordination' 1460. 'The Passage from Poetry to Philosophy' (Ménil) 150-9 Tropiques 342 anti-semitism 120,167 Antigone 42 Apollinaire, Guillaume 140,142, 162, 316,324 Aragon, Louis 292, 330, 338 communism 79m, 191,330 drift away from surrealism 79, 79n-on freedom 13,188,189,191-5 'It's Up to You' 189,191-4 'Note on Freedom' 189,194-5 surrealism and revolution 277 Une vague de rêves 330 Aristotle 24, 29, 87 Arnim, Ludwig Achim von 149, i49n. Strange Stories 294 Art et Liberté 338 Art nouveau 267 Artaud, Anton 11,14, 331, 336 'The Social Anarchy of Art' 262-4 'Theatre of Cruelty' 331 'The Universal Bases of Culture' 100,107-10 astrology 25, 38 Audoin, Philippe 13,331 'Festival Mood' 237-40 Les Surréalistes 331 Augé, Marc 169 auto-eroticism 54 automatism 14-15, 32,39,188, 247, 252-4 automatic drawings 38,792, 310 Breton 14, 252-3 Caillois 254, 287 Dalf s paranoiac-critical method 253-4, 264-7, 336 Dax 14, 256, 302-9 decalcomania 256, 289, 302, 303, 306, 308 directed and non-directed thought 273-4, 277 Nougé 309 poetry 14-15, 252-3 Tzara 270 visual arts 256 Axelos, Kostas 236m Bachelard, Gaston 83, 86-7, 89 Baden-Powell, Robert 89 Balzac, Honoré de 205 Barres, Maurice 120, i2on. Barthes, Roland 'death of the author' 24 Bataille, Georges 11,13, 64, 220, 266m, 331-2, 340 'The Friendship of Man and Beast' 102,130-3 'Reflections on the Executioner and the Victim' 64,189, 210-15 Baudelaire, Charles 142,162, 293 Baudrillard, Jean The Consumer Society 92, 92m Correspondences 294-5 Beaufret, Jean 232m, 233,234, 235 Beauvoir, Simone de 236 Belgian surrealists 25, 46, 252, 282,341-2, 343 Bellmer, Hans 308 The Little Girl and Death 183 Benayoun, Robert 11, 332 'The Twilight of the Wheeler- Dealers' 102,145-50 Benjamin, Walter 89-90 Benoît, Jean 60-1 Berdyaev, Nikolai Alexandrovich 207, 207m Bergson, Henri 89-90 Bernabé, Jean 161,164,165,169 Bettelheim, Bruno 'Joey: A "Mechanical Boy'" 83-4, 83m BIEF: Jonction Surréaliste 340 Bonnefoy, Yves 160 Borde, Raymond 239m L'Extricable 239 Borei, Petrus 149,149m Borges, Jorge-Luis 146 'Kenningar' 145,145m Bosis, Lauro de 228, 230 Bounoure, Vincent 10, 80,172, 332-3. 334 'Magic Art and Revolution' (with Effenberger) 256, 322-5 'Memory of the Last One' 27, 80-2 'Surrealism and the Savage Heart' 316-21 bourgeois culture opposition to 202-8, 277 Paradise myth 242-7 Bourgrat affair 115,115m La Brèche: action surréaliste no.i 145-50,232 no.2 80-2 no.6 232-7 no.7 68,178 Breton, André 14,16,154, 162,188, 209, 324, 333. 337 Arcane 77 13, 208-9 automatism 14,188, 252 Césaire 163 cosmic unity 189 Index 359 definition of surrealism 122, 188 dogma and expulsions 10-11, 331 'Embers in Ceridwen's Cauldron' 102,141-5 First Manifesto of Surrealism 122,188 The Haunting 24, 29-32 The Immaculate Conception (with Éluard) 338 Introduction to the Discourse on the Paucity of Reality 253-4, 264 'leave everything' 103 Les Champs magnétiques (with Soupault) 14, 252 'Liberty versus Liberation' 13, 189, 208-9 Magic Art 256, 322, 325, 333, 340 'Manifesto for an Independent Revolutionary Art' 295-6, 29511. Martinique, charmeuse de serpents 161 Nadja 24, 28, 29-32, 333 'Fern eyes' 28 'Notes on Poetry' (with Éluard) 253, 257-62 Object-chest 43 'Les Revelations physchiques de la main' 30-1 Second Manifesto of Surrealism 10, 263, 331 'supreme (sublime) point' 146, 218 'Surrealism in its Living Works' 326 Surrealism and Painting 333 Breton, Elisa Claro 209 Breton, Simone 11 Buchan, John 147 Bucharest Surrealist Group 'The Nocturnal Sand' 102, 127-9 Bulletin de liaison surréaliste 333 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward 146 Bunuel, Luis 336 L'Age d'or 255 Bureau of Surrealist Research 331 bureaucratisation 92 Burnham, James The Managerial Revolution 237, 237m, 238 Caburet, Bernard 10, 333-4 'You Will Always Cherish your Failures, Machine-man' 27, 83-93 Caillois, Roger 14, 309, 334 'Specification of Poetry' 254, 267-70 'Systématisation and Determination' 287-92 Calas, Nicolas 270, 334-5 Foyers d'incendie 334 'Love of Revolution in our Time' 13,189, 202-8 Camus, Albert 219 The Rebel 190,216 Camus, Marcel 345 Capek, Karel 83 capitalism 93, 98,116,119, 225, 264, 335 commercialisation of culture 107 managerial revolution 237-40 caput mortuum 64-71,66-7 Cardan, Jérôme 38, 38n., 73 Caribbean surrealist group 342 Carnap, Rudolf 180, i8on. Carné, Marcel 345 Carrington, Leonora 10, 335 Down Below 335 Horse 132 'What Is a Woman?' 27,72-6 Cartesian rationalism 87 Celtic cultures 102,141-5,335 Césaire, Aimé Cahier d'un retour au pays natal 151-9,160-1,162-4,170-1 'A Creolism Sewn with White Thread' (Le Brun) 160-72, 339 Discourse on Colonialism 154, 156,171 larbinism 170 Letter to Maurice Thorez 171 negritude 150-9,163-5, V0-1 Tropiques 160-1,342 Césaire, Suzanne 342 Chamoiseau, Patrick 161,164, 167,168 chance decalcomania 256,289, 302, 303, 306, 308 objective 13, 218 Change Mondial II 296-301 Chénier, André 263, 263m Chirico, Giorgio de 243, 281, 324 Christianity 98,104,111-12,116, 119-20,188 and individuality 56 use of imagery 58 Virgin-Mother myth 207 civilisation 27, 37m, 53 La Civilisation surréaliste 172-5, 322-7, 330, 333 class struggle 205-6 Claudel, Paul 162 clothing 68-9 Clovis 118 Cocteau, Jean 147 coenaesthesia 50-2 Colbert de Beaulieu, Jean- Baptiste 144,144m collective works 102 College of Sociology 332,334 Collinet, Paul 7or colonialism see anti-colonialism communism 270, 275-7, 279. 331. 343 Aragon 79m, 191,330 Stalinism 13,189,191 complicity 64, 210-15 concentration camps 64,103, 189, 210-15, 227 conditioning 226-7 Confiant, Raphaël 161,164,165, 167,170 Aimé Césaire, une traverse paradoxale du siècle 161 conformism, critique of 11 conjectural sciences 38 consumerism 14, 92, 227, 237-40 Corbière, Tristan 142 corporatism 38 Correspondence magazine 343 correspondences, theory of 218n. cosmetics 68 Cosmic Ice Theory i40n. cosmic unity, theories of 189 Coty, François 120, i2on. Coupure 339 Creolism 160-72,339 Crevel, René 10,11, 236, 335-6 'Is Suicide a Solution?' 336 'The Noble Mannequin Seeks and Finds her Skin' 25,41-5 'The Patriotism of the Unconscious' 100,114-22 critical theory 89-90 Critique 210-15, 332 Croce, Benedetto 228, 229-30 Cros, Charles 307, 3070. cubism 98,318 culture/cultural identity Breton 102 Celtic 102,141-5, 335 commercialisation 107 Creolism 160-72 custom and superstition 37 Greco-Roman heritage 141,143 Jewish 11,100,103-6 larbinism 170 managerialism 13, 237-40 multiculturalism and hybrid 102,107-10,160-72 360 Index négritude 150-9,163-5,170-1 non-western 11, 98-102,143, 316-21 'The Passage from Poetry to Philosophy' (Ménil) 150-9 the primitive 98,110-14, 316-21 'Surrealism and the Savage Heart' (Bounoure) 316-21 'The Universal Bases of Culture' (Artaud) 100,107-10 cybernetics 83, 91-3 Czech surrealists 14, 252, 254, 256, 325. 337-8. 344-5 D Dada 8, 200, 252, 272, 273m, 27S. 279. 330, 337. 345 Dall', Salvador 14, 320, 336 L'Âne pourri 253 paranoiac-critical method 253-4, 264-7, 336 'The Rotting Donkey' 264-7 symbolically functioning surrealist object 336 Damas, Le'on 159,163 Darwinism 133,135 David-Neel, Alexandra 65 Dax, Adrian 305, 337 'Automatic Perspective' 14, 256,302-9 death 63,113 living and dead matter 25, 41 'Memory of the Last One' (Bounoure) 80-2 Debord, Guy 237, 342 decalcomania 256,289, 302, 303, 306, 308 Deguy, Michel 160 Delauze, Gilles 83, 93, 93m Descartes, René 216 Desnos, Robert 104, 337, 340 'A Corpse' 337 'Pamphlet Against Jerusalem' 11,100,103-6 'Third Manifesto of Surrealism' 337 Devëtsil movement 344 Diagne, Galaye M'baye 120, i2on. Diderot, Denis 153 Diogenes 334 disguise 25,68-9; see also masks Documents 332, 340 no.6 65 no.8 64-71,66-7 Dominguez, Oscar 303 doppelgängers 26 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor The Possessed 113 the double 26,49, 56-7, 58 Doumayrou, Guy-René 330 Doumergue, Gaston 37, 37m dream 341 'The Exit from Egypt' (Alleau) 172-82 poetry 279 Dreyfus, Alfred 103m, 105 Drumont, Edouard Adolphe 103, 103m Ducasse, Isidore 257, 340 Duchamp, Marcel 8, 278 Duprey, Jean-Pierre 344 E Earnshaw, Anthony 224, 247 Echo 54 Eddington, Arthur fundamental theory 177,179 Effenberger, Vratislav 14, 256, 337-8 'Magic Art and Revolution' (with Bounoure) 256, 322-5 'On the Utilitarian Conception ofLanguage' 325-7 ego 52-4, 56, 59 Eichmann, Adolf 224, 2240. Einstein, Albert 114,179, 220 L'Ekart 333 Ellis, Havelock 54 Éluard, Paul 14,110, 205, 292, 338 The Immaculate Conception (with Breton) 338 'Notes on Poetry' (with Breton) 253.257-62 Engels, Friedrich 118, 203, 275-6 Enlightenment 90,153 human superiority over nature 11 individualism 24, 29, 83, 262 environment see nature Ernst, Max 110, 281, 303, 335, 345 frottage 308 erotic relation and identity 64-71 'Caput Mortuum' 64-71, 66-7 fetishism 69 sadism 69 Espagnol, Nicole 85 Étiemble 233, 233m Ettedgui, Armand 233 Ewers, Hanns Heinz 146 expression 13 F false consciousness 172-82 family, attitude towards 11 Fanon, Frantz Black Skins, White Masks 168 Farias, Victor Heidegger and Nazism 190 fascism 205-8, 216, 228m, 254, 295, 295m homosexuality 206-7 Nietzsche 38 see also Nazism fauvism 98 feminism 27, 203, 238 Carrington 72-6 critique of 10 issue of identity 27 Le Brun 72, 77-9, 339 'Love of Revolution in our Time' (Calas) 202-8 fetishism 69 Feuerbach, Ludwig 216 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 109 Flaubert, Gustave 205 Fludd, Robert 38, 38m forgetting, unconsciousness of 35. 39 Formes et couleurs 130-3 Fort, Charles 146,147,149 Forte, Dieter 93 Foucault, Michel 237 'death of the subject' 24 Fouillée, Alfred Jules Emile 218 Fouré, Maurice 331 Fourier, Charles 82,189 'absolute divergence' 188,239 fourth dimension 59-64 Fox, Kathleen Man and Bird - Assemblage 148 France, Anatole 205 Frankfurt School 89-90, gon. freedom 11,13,116, 220, 277, 295 and capitalism 225 founded in revolt 188,194 'Freedom is the colour of man' 208 'Freedom as Nostalgia and as Project' (Henein) 190, 219-32 humanist tradition 13, 219 'It's Up to You' (Aragon) 189, 191-4 Legrand 215 'Liberty versus Liberation' (Breton) 13,189, 208-9 'Love of Revolution in our Time' (Calas) 202-8 and managerialism 13 and morality 13,188 negative 208 'new declaration of human rights' 11,13 'Note on Freedom' (Aragon) 189,194-5 'objective chance' 13,218 poetry as embodiment of 292 Index 361 'Reflections on the Executioner and the Victim' (Bataille) 210-15 and the rights of others 188 French Revolution 105, losn., 216m, 225, 263 Freud, Sigmund 1 o, 115,118,162, 208, 220, 222, 300 humour 197 id 54. 59 narcissism 54,197 self and ego 52-3,54,59 the unconscious 10,98 Frois-Wittmann, Jean 197,197m frottage 256, 308 fumage 256 C Gabel, Joseph False Consciousness 172,181, i8in. Gardner, Martin 147 Gauguin, Paul 98 Gayoso, Luis To César Moro 777 Genbach, Jean 103m Genoves, Santiago Is Peace Inevitable? 75 Gentile, Giovanni 228-9, 228m gestalt psychology 280 Giacometti, Alberto 'Dumb Mobile Objects' 724-5 Glissant, Edouard 169 Gobineau, Joseph Arthur, Comte de An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Race 152, 152m Goemans, Camille 341 golden age myth 176 Goldfayn, Georges 340 Goldmann, Lucien 236m Gonseth, Ferdinand 181,181 n. Goring, Hermann 295m Gouthier, Marie-Louise 89 Gradhiva 160-72 grattage 256, 304, 306, 308 Graves, Robert 147 Griaule, Marcel 26, 340 Grock 114,114m Grosser, Alfred 233, 233m Guattari, Fe'lix 83, 93, 93m Gue'non, René The King of the World 291 Guérin, Daniel Fascism and Big Business 207, 207m Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich 150 Guyon, Robert 333 Habermas, Jürgen 89-90, 2340. Haggard, H. Rider 147 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 10, 84, 208, 215-19, 222-3, 229, 232, 270, 300, 330 caput mortuum 71 on freedom 13,188 on identity 10 nodal line of measure relations 272. 275 the other 98 on poetry 293 Heidegger, Martin 109 'Appeal to Students' 234, 234m Being andTime 233, 236m 'Introduction to Metaphysics' 234 'Letter on Humanism' 233, 236m and Nazism 189-90,232-7 'The Self-affirmation of the German University' 233 Helve'tius, Claude Adrien 153 Henein, Georges 13, 338-9 'Freedom as Nostalgia and as Project' 190, 219-32 'The Subversive Function of Poetry' 254, 292-6 Henry, Maurice 9, 252,373 Heraclitus 13, 206, 265, 330 Herder, Johann Gottfried von 109 Hermaphrodite 42 He'rold, Jacques 339 Being and its Reflections 22-3 Hesiod 176 Hilton, James 147 Himmler, Heinrich 146m history, irrationality of 84 Hitler, Adolf 235-6 Hölderlin, Friedrich 235 Hörbiger, Hans 146,146m Horkheimer, Max 89-90 Eclipse of Reason 90 human rights 'new declaration of 11,13 Universal Declaration of 208 human superiority, rejection of 11 'Cat = Clover' (Se'nard-Duprey) 102,134-6 'The Friendship of Man and Beast' (Bataille) 102,130-3 humanism anti-humanism 122,191 Aragon 191 and freedom 13, 219 Legrand 215-19 and surrealism 190, 215 humour as a moral attitude 13, 189,195-202 Husserl, Edmund 226, 232, 233 Huysmans, Joris-Karl 331 iconoclasm 58 id 54. 59 identity, issue of 10, 24-7 Aristotelian law of non­contradiction 24 Bounoure 27, 80-2 Breton 24, 28-32 Caburet 27, 83-93 Carrington 27, 72-6 Christianity 56 coenaesthesia 50-2 complicity 64 Crevel 25, 41-5 erotic relation 64-71 feminism 27, 72-9 Freud 10 Hegel 10 heredity phenomena 33-9 image and consciousness 56 individualism 10, 24,107, 262-3 Le Brun 27 Leiris 26, 64-71 living and dead matter 25, 41 Mabille 25-6, 32-9,49-59 Magritte 25 Marien 25, 59-64 masks 26 mirrors 25-6, 49-59 modernism 24-5 Nougé 25, 45-9 and otherness 98 Platonism 56 poetry 24 Rimbaud on 10,24 self and image 49-59 subjective value 49 and technology 27 the unconscious 10 illusions 58 image fourth dimension 62-4 mirrors 25-6,49-59,57,55 Narcissus myth 54 imagomorphosis 332 imperialism of techno-structures 84 see also anti-colonialism Impressionism 326 individualism, critique of 10, 24 Artaud 107, 262-3 Caillois 287 Enlightenment 24, 29, 83, 262 intellectualism, Narcissus myth 54 internationalism 362 Index supra-national organisations 38,106,110, 208 surrealism 98, 325, 326 I Jakobson, Roman 256 Jarry, Alfred 142,324,339 Jâtissaro 176 Jaurès, Jean 153 Jean, Marcel 289 Jena phenomenology 216,218 Jewish culture and Zionism 11, 100,103-6 Joubert, Alain 85 Jouhandeau, Marcel 65 Jung, Carl Gustav 270, 273-4 Jünger, Ernst 223 K Kant, Immanuel 109,177, 216 kenningar 144-5 Keyser, C.J. Mathematical Philosophy 287m Keyserling, Hermann Alexander 107,109, iogn. Kipling, Rudyard 89 kitman (ketman) 222, 222m Klapheck, Konrad The Spirit of Revolt 88 Kojève, Alexandre 216 Kraus, Karl 256 Krieck, Ernst 234 Kundera, Milan 168,170 Kyrou, Ado 332 L Lacan, Jacques 49, 336 Lafargue, Paul 279 Lagarde, Robert 221 Lam, Wifredo 94,755 Lamartine, Alphonse de 294 language 14, 254,256, 268, 273, 309, 314-15 Creolism 169 'The Passage from Poetry to Philosophy' (Ménil) 150-9 and representation 14 subversive function of poetry 292-6 'On the Utilitarian Conception of Language' (Effenberger) 325-7 Lapouge, Gilles Utopie et civilisation 86 Lautréamont, Comte de 24,142, 149,162, 252, 253, 275, 293, 324 Le Brun, Annie 10,11,102, 339 'A Creolism Sewn with White Thread' 100,160-72, 339 Leave Everything 27, 72, 77-9, 339 Le Corbusier 344 League of Nations 106 Leduc, Stéphane 306, 3o6n. Legitime defense 162 Legrand, Gérard 13,340 'Is Surrealism a Philosophy?' 190, 215-19 Leiris, Michel 10,166, 340 L'Afrique fantôme 340 'The "Caput Mortuum" or the Alchemist's Wife' 26, 64-71 Lengyel, Lancelot Lenin, Vladimir 123 Lenk, Elizabeth 13, 341 'The Hidden Being' 232-7 Les Lèvres Nues 342 no.3 309-15 no.6 IDI 224, 247 Levy, Denise 11 Lewis, Jerry 332 Le Libertaire 133-6 liberty see freedom Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph 232 living and dead matter 25, 41 logic 47,142,197 Aristotelian 29 directed and non-directed thought 273-4, 277 Lovecraft, H.P. 146 Löwith, Karl 233 Lukâcs, György 181 M Mabille, Pierre 10,13, 32,335, 341 La Conscience lumineuse 520. La Construction de l'homme 32 Égrégores ou la vie des civilisations 172 the marvellous 49,59,241, 247 'Mirrors' 25-6, 49-59 'Paradise' 190, 240-7 'Preface in Praise of Popular Prejudices' 25, 32-9,36 Machen, Arthur 146 McNab, Robert Ghost Ships 110 'magic art' 256, 322-5, 333 magic realism 145-50 Magritte, René 14, 25, 46,231, 256, 280-6, 298-9,324, 341-2, 343 The Inverted Virgin 286 'The Sense of the World' 301-2 'Le surréalisme en plein soleil' 342 This Is Not a Magritte 282 The Three Priests 286 The Treachery of Images 253, 341 La Main à Plume 62a Maintenant collective 339 Malkine, Georges 199 Mallarmé, Stéphane 142,162 Malraux, André The Human Condition 226 managerialism 13, 237-40 'Manifesto of French Intellectuals' 146, i4Ön. 'Manifesto on the Right to Insubordination' 146a mannequins 41 Masson 40 'The Noble Mannequin Seeks and Finds her Skin' 25,41-5 Marcuse, Herbert 89-90, gon., 237 Marien, Marcel 10, 342 The Holy War 44 'Non-Scientific Treatise on the Fourth Dimension' 25,59-64 Profane Love of Country 121 Markale, Jean 141,14m., 145 the marvellous 49, 59,145, 241, 247 Marett, R.R. Psychology and Folklore 113, 113m Marx, Karl 13,118,153,162,188, 222-3, 229, 276 Marxism 38,109, 216, 220, 222 masks 12, 25, 85 Benoît 60-1 'Caput Mortuum' 64-71,66-7 and erotic identity 64-71, 66-7 and identity 26 'Memory of the Last One' (Bounoure) 80-2 the other 80 massification 92 Massis, Henri 116, ii6n. Masson, André 792,310, 340 Heraclitus 206 mannequin 40 materialism 121-2, 263, 276, 288 dialectical 273 Maturin, Charles Robert 149, 149m Mauss, Marcel 340 Mead, Margaret 335 mechanisation see technology, critique of Medium 94,138,135 Medkovâ, Emila Cascade of Hair 26 Index 363 The Explosion 211 Panale 250 Wind 70 Meister Eckhart 226, 22611. memory 113 Mendelian genetics 38 Me'nil, Rene' 11,102,162,164, 167,170, 342-3 'The Passage from Poetry to Philosophy' 100,150-9,160 Tropiques 160-1 Mesens, E.L.T. 341 métissage 160 Meyrink, Gustav 146 Millân-Astray y Terreros, José 295, 295m Miller, Lee 796 Millet, Jean-François 336 Milne-Eddington model 177 Minotaur 341 no.5 41-5 no.6 30-1,32-9,36 no.8 289 no.11 49-59,51,55,184, 202-8, 206 Miro, Joan 345 mirrors 25-6, 49"59.5'. 55 ^97 modernism 24-5, 98 Molinier, Pierre 74 Monod-Herzen, Edouard 304, 304m Montaigne, Michel de 219 moral imperative 11,188-90 Aragon 189,191-5 Audoin 190, 237-40 Bataille 189, 210-15, 220 Breton 188,189, 208-9 Calas 189, 202-8 executioner and victim 64,189, 210-15 founded in revolt 188,194 and freedom 13,188, 292; see also freedom Heidegger controversy 189-90, 232-7 Henein 190, 219-32 'The Hidden Being' (Lenk) 189-90, 232-7 'Humour as a Moral Attitude' (Ristic) 13,189,195-202 Legrand 190, 215-19 liberty and liberation 13 Mabille 190, 240-7 Ristic 189 social duty of art 14, 262-4, 292, 309, 311-12 Morise, Max 17 Muka, Jan 256 multiculturalism 102-10,160-72 Munis, Grandizo 343 Mussolini, Benito 123, 207 N Narcissus myth/narcissism 54, 197 nationalism opposition to 11 'Pamphlet Against Jerusalem' (Desnos) 100,103-6 'The Patriotism of the Unconscious' (Crevel) 114-22 nature 'Cat = Clover' (Sénard-Duprey) 102,134-6 Enlightenment attitude towards 11 'The Friendship of Man and Beast' (Bataille) 102,130-3 'Light or Life'(Péret) 100, 136-41 man's relationship with 102 surrealist attitude towards 11 triumph of 122-7 Naville, Pierre 343 Nazism 13,103,109, 205-8, 295a anti-semitism 167 Aiyan master race 152m complicity in 64 Heidegger controversy 189-90, 232-7 homosexuality 205-8 irrationalism 189 'Reflections on the Executioner and the Victim' (Bataille) 210-15 scientific theories 146,146m, 149-50 see also fascism negritude 150-9,163-5,170-1 Nemesis 54 neo-Pythagoreans 37 Nerval, Gérard de 149 Aurelia 68,142 Les Chimères 142 New Ageism 102,145-50 Nezval, Vftëslav 344 Nietzsche, Friedrich 89,109, 229 and fascism 38 freedom 13 'language of the birds' 145m the last man 80 1968 protests 86 Nougé, Paul 10,14, 341,343 'Inviolable Images' 14, 256, 280-6 'The Light, the Shadow and the Prey' 25,45-9 'Notes on Poetry' 14, 254, 309-15 Novalis 324 Nozière, Violette 204-5 nuclear weapons 227 O object, discourse on 45-9 Dal! 336 objectification 102 objectivity 268 Obliques 183 occult sciences 25, 65,111, 330 oedipus complex 42, 207 Anti-Oedipus 93, 93m One in the Other 218, 2i8n. O'Neill, Eugene Mourning Becomes Electra 204 Oppenheim, Meret 16,34 Orientalism 98,100,103 the other 10-11,98-102 Alleau 102,172-5 anti-colonialism 98 Artaud 100,107-10 Bataille 102,130-3 Benayoun 102,145-50 Breton 29, 32,102,141-5 Crevel 100,114-22 Desnos 100 false consciousness 172-82 Freud 98 Hegel 98 Le Brun 100,102,160-72 masks 80 Ménil 100,102,150-9 non-western cultures 11, 98-102,143 Péret 100,122-7,136-41 Sénard-Duprey 102,134-6 Viot 100,102,110-14 Paalen, Wolfgang 31g painting automatism 14 iconoclasm 58 magic utility 57-8 Palmer, John 147 La Papesse du diable 103m Paracelsus 38,38m paradise complex 190, 240-7 paranoiac-critical method 253-4 264-7,336 Parent, Mimi 85,7y8 Pasternak, Boris 229 Patri, Aimé 215,232m, 235, 237m Pauwels, Louis and Bergier, Jacques The Morning of the Magicians 102,145-50 Paz, Octavio 254 Péret, Benjamin 11,77,143, 204, 216, 270, 337, 343-4 'Light or Life' 100,136-41 'The Poet's Dishonour' 292 364 Index 'Ruins: Ruin of Ruins' 100, 122-7 Visites aux Indiens 136-41, 13611. Perse, Saint-John 169 perspective 63 photography 256, 306-7 Picasso, Pablo 38 Pivot, Bernard 168 Plato 37, 56, 206, 216, 235 Poe, Edgar Allan 149 Poetist movement 344 poetry 13-14, 252-3, 292 as activity of the spirit 13-14, 254,270-80 Apollinaire 316 automatism 14-15, 252-3 dream projected 279 as embodiment of freedom 292 'Essay on the Situation of Poetry' (Tzara) 13, 254, 270-80 French Resistance 292 Hegel 293 language 292,309,314-15 as means of expression 270, 272-3, 276, 279 nodal line of measure relations 272, 275 'Notes on Poetry' (Breton and Éluard) 253, 257-62 'Notes on Poetry' (Nougé) 14, 254. 309-1S 'The Passage from Poetry to Philosophy' (Ménil) 150-9 'poetry is a pipe' 253,258 and revolution 280 and the self 24 social duty of art 14, 262-4, 292, 309, 311-12 'Specification of Poetry' (Caillois) 254, 267-70 subversive function 254, 292-6 systématisation and determination 287-92 Poincaré, Raymond 120, i2on. Popevic, Koca 195 Sketch of a Phenomenology of the Irrational (with Ristic) 197, 344 Posada, José Guadalupe Calaverafrom Oaxaca 323 Positif 332, 340 positivism 8,10, 29,180 post-structuralism 27 postmodernism 83 Prague Linguistic Circle 154, 344 prehistoric art 308 primitive, surrealist attitude to 98,110-14, 256 'Surrealism and the Savage Heart' (Bounoure) 316-21 Prinner, Anton 303, 303n. Proust, Marcel 205 psychoanalysis 197, 288 Narcissus myth 54 'The Patriotism of the Unconscious' (Crevel) 114-22 Rampa, Lobsang 147,147m Rank, Otto 49 rationalism 39,118,188,190, 297 Aragon 191 Bachelard 83, 86-7, 89 critique of 8,10, 83, 86-7, 89, 191 the Enlightenment 90 'The Exit from Egypt' (Alleau) 172-82 Frankfurt School 89-90, 9on. individualism 107 irrationality of history 84 Nazi irrationalism 18g technical and technocratic 83-93 and totalitarianism 89 Vienna Circle 180, i8on. realism/reality 197 'The Exit from Egypt' (Alleau) 172-82 false consciousness 172-82 image and 296-301 the marvellous 145, 241, 247 mirrors 58-9, 297 Nougé 45-9 realist myth 240 'The Haunting' (Breton) 29, 32 reason see rationalism reflections 25-6 religion 11, 98,112-13, 225 religious ceremonies and customs 37,113 see also Christianity La Revolution surrealiste 343 no.1 11,243, 336 no.2 191 no.3 100,103-6,104,192,310 no.4 194-5 110.7 199 207 no.12 257-62, 298-9 'Rien ou quoi' 332-3 Rifwar 98 Rigaut, Jacques 198 Rimbaud, Arthur 10, 24, 38,142, 143,162,320 Ristic, Marko 344 'Humour as a Moral Attitude' 13,189,195-202 L'Impossible 195 Sketch of a Phenomenology of the Irrational (with Popevic) 197. 344 ritual 113 robots 83, 91-3 Roche, Serge son. Roger, Bernard 330 romanticism 216, 262-3, 316 Rothschild, Baron de 105,167 Rousset, David 21 on. Le jours de notre mort 210-15 ruins 80,122-7 Russell, Bertrand 180 Russian Revolution 105,189, 240-1, 245-6, 263 S sadism 69 Sartre, Jean-Paul 235, 236, 236n. Orphée nègre 151,158,165 Saurat, Denis 146,146m, 150 Scheler, Max 109 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph 13,109,188 Schlageter, Albert 234, 234m Schoelcher, Victor 153 Schwöb, Marcel 149,149m scientific perspectives 25, 32 scientific revolution 220, 222 scientism 102 Scuttenaire, Louis 707 Seabrook, W.B. 64-5 Leather Mask 66-7, 68 The Magic Island 65 Sebbag, Georges Potence avec paratonnerre 13m Sedova, Natalia 343 self and image Freud 52-3 Mabille 49-59 the self 24 coenaesthesia 50-2 erotic relation 64-71 heredity phenomena 33-9 and image 49-59 modernism 24-5 Nougé 45-9 and otherness 98 skeletons 63 see also identity, issue of semiology 296-301 Sénard-Duprey, Jacqueline 11, 344 'Cat = Clover' 102,133-6 Senghor, Leopold Sédar 162 négritude 150-9,163 senses 52, 62, 301 Serres, Michel 87 Servier, Jean L'homme et l'invisible 239 shadow 26, 56,57 Shakespeare, William 263, 2630. Index 365 shrunken heads 81 Silbermann, Jean-Claude 85 Situationists 342 skeletons 63 social duty of art 14, 262-4, 292. 309, 311-12 Sorel, Georges 229 Soupault, Philippe 330, 338 Les Champs magnétiques (with Breton) 14, 252 Spengler, Oswald 109 sphinx 71,172-3 Spinoza, Baruch 216, 218, 218n. spirit automatism 14 poetry as activity of 13-14, 254, 270-80 Stalinjoseph 123 Stalinism 13,189,191, 216 Stirner, Max 216, 223 Strindberg, August 307 suffering 63 superstition 37 surrationalism 83, 86-7, 89 surrealism definition 8,122 as movement 8 origin 14 as total activity 8 Surréalisme journal 333 Le Surréalisme, même no.1 215-19, 217,278 no.4 74 no.5 136-41, 227,379 Le Surréalisme au service de la révolution no.1 110-14, 255, 264-7 no.3 124-5,317 no.4 114-22, 271-80 no.5 268-70, 280-6,295 no.6 195-202 Susini, Jean-Jacques 149,149m Suvélor, Roland 167 Svanberg, Max Walter 138 Svankmajer, Jan 108,324 Sylla, Chiekh Tidiane 99 symbolism 143, 296-301 symbolist poetry 253,257 symmetry 22 sythesis 38 T Taine, Hippolyte 218 Tanguy, Yves 201,317,339 Tanning, Dorothea 261 tattoos 68 Tausk, Victor 92, 92m technology, critique of 10, 24-5, 190 alienation 83 Caburet 27, 83-93 conformism 83 Henein 219-32 the influencing machine 92, 92m robots 83 techno-imperialism 84 technocracy 238 and totalitarianism 190 Teige, Karel 14, 252, 254, 337, 344-5 'On Surrealist Semiology' 296-301 Télémaque, Hervé 163 Thillet, Pierre 89 Thomism 219 time 63,113-14 totalitarianism 89,190 feminism 27 surrealism 219 utopianism 84, 86 Toyen 78,737, 296m Transformation no.g 282 Triolet, Elsa 79, 79m Tropiques 160-1, 342 Trotsky, Leon 295m truth, allegory of 58 twins 26 Tzara, Tristan 345 The Approximate Man 345 'Essay on the Situation of Poetry' 13, 254, 270-80 Grains and Issues 345 'non-directed thought' 270, 277 U Ubac, Raoul 51, 55 the uncanny 80 the unconscious 10,109 automatism 32,39, 302-9 of forgetting 35, 39 and freedom 238-9 Freud 10, 98, 238 heredity phenomena 33-9 and identity 10 image and consciousness 56 Mabille 32-9 and the other 98 'The Patriotism of the Unconscious' (Crevel) 100, 114-22 unknown woman of the Seine 80, 8on. utopianism and totalitarianism 84, 86, 89 V Vaché, Jacques 198,200 'umour' 189,195 Vacherot, Etienne 218 Valéry, Paul 142,181, 253, 314 'Literature' 257 Varagnac, André 144 Variétés: Le Surréalisme en 7929 237 Varo, Remedios 343 Vienna Circle 180, i8on. Viot, Jacques 11,110, 345 Approaching the Enchanted Castle 110-14 Déposition de blanc 100, 345 'Don't Clutter Up the Colonies' 102,110-14 Malaventure 345 visual arts 252, 256 Breton 333 'Inviolable Images' (Nougé) 280-6 Volontés 163 Voltaire 153, 235 VW 241-7, 335 W Waehlens, Alphonse de 234-5 war and the Paradise myth 244-6 Weber, Max 89 Weil, Eric 234 western civilisation Breton 102 decadence 98,103,109, 325 Greco-Roman heritage 141, 143.190 philosophical tradition 13 'The Universal Bases of Culture' (Artaud) 100,107-10 Wilde, Oscar 77, 78 Wollstonecraft, Mary Vindication of the Rights of Women 203 women's liberation movement see feminism World War I 8,11 World War II 13,102,133,189 French Resistance 292, 337 Y Yugoslav surrealists 195,344 Z Zionism 11,100,103-6
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