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Volltext:Index Absolute, 73,84,211 Hegel on, 15,59-60,69,79,120 abstract art, 12-13,128 abstract expressionism, 67,157 abstraction, 2,7,9,74,109,253 Hegel on, 10,12-13,106,108 abstract labour, 212,214,228,252-3, 257,258 actionism, 74,210,212 Adami, Valerio, 138 adisciplinarity, 34,117-19,120-1,248 disciplinary research, 47,93,105, 114,119-20 Adorno, Theodor on art, 20,33,72,95-6,103-4,106, 108-10,114 autonomy concept of, 33,54-5, 83-6,98-9,100,101,105-11, 114,116 on avant-garde, 88-9,95 Badiou and, 85 Bürger on, 94-5,96,102 critics of, 95,96-7,101-3, 111 Habermas on, 93-4,95,97,103-4 Hegel and, 50,104,106-7 Jameson on, 94,97-8 Martin on, 94,99,105,107,110, 111 on mass culture, 100-1 Osborne on, 94,99,101,102-3 aestheticism, 71,77,80,120,125,128, 133,183,186 new aestheticism, 50,93 Aesthetic Theory (Adorno), 20,83-4, 89,101, lll,291n32 definition of autonomy in, 95-6 post-romantic conceptualization of art in, 33,93 and visual, 105-6,108 Albania, 44 Alexeev, Nikita, 182 alienated labour, 240-1,247,248 art and, 32,96,117,248 Althusser, Louis, 169-70 amateurism, 63,70 American avant-garde, 123-5,128-9, 134 American modernism, 68,123,129, 130-1,133,134,149,197 Anderson, Perry, 127,139,146 ‘Components of the National Culture', 126,135-6 Angry Sandwich People or: In Praise of Dialectics, 177-8 anti-art, 62-3,64,143,291n32 art's dialectic with, 76-7 INDEX 309 autonomy concept and, 84,107-8 anti-historicism, 17-21,25-6,49,163 anti-semitism, 185,188,299n89 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 44,283n64 Arabic avant-garde, 39-42,282n54 architecture, 212,213-14,301n30 and second economy, 207-9 art abstract, 12-13,128 alienated labour and, 32,96,117, 248 anti-art's relationship to, 76-7 architecture and, 208,213-14 autonomy and character of, 52, 58-9, 87,92,98-9,151,220, 221, 247 under capitalism, 80,82-3,97,184, 228 collectivist values in, 165-6 conceptualization of, 2-5 conservative attacks on, 51 contemporary, 6,8-9,52,63,70, 72-3, 99,113-14,116,121,173 democracy and, 31 elitism in, 6,55,93,102 end of, 4-14,15,19, 31, 33,112,120 general social techniques and, 2,3, 13,116,151,197,198 Hegel on, 9-14,108 immaterial labour and, 229-1 impact of 1960s and 1970s on, 129-30 modernism and, 2,4,5,12,98,151, 162 negation in, 49-50,52,53-4, 244-5 neoliberalism and, 220,250-1 network culture and, 222,247,250, 256-7 politics and, 35,47-8,74-7,160, 193,199,210,217,218-19,220, 221,246,258-9 research programmes and, 116, 118,345 situatedness and, 46-7,215,223 social function of, 3,82,102,154, 155 temporality of, 89-90,258 transformation of praxis by, 34-5, 71,215,219 transformative potential of, 3,8,10, 36,71, 75,77,130-1,154,191, 215,216,217,219-20 See also conceptual art; post-art Art, Mimesis and the Avant-Garde (Benjamin), 20 ‘art after art in the expanded field', 30, 111, 172,195,220,221,222,225, 228,241 concept of, 24-5 as interdisciplinary, 34,119,246 limits of the sensible and, 214-15 network culture and, 222,223-4 research programme and, 33,105, 193,246 second economy and, 26,42,259 art-as-concept, 147 art education, 249,283n66,306nl Art et Liberté, 282n54 artistic labour abstract labour and, 212,214,228, 257 conflict with capital by, 260 neoliberalism and, 26-7,250 productive labour and, 28-9,117, 228,240,243-4, 247 in second economy, 24-5 artists as artisans, 150,242 autodidacticism of, 132,141-2, 143 Burgin on, 154-5 entrepreneurialism and, 249-50 ‘otherness' of, 31,98 310 INDEX place within division of labour, 66, 212,228,241,243 and ‘politics in art', 160 proletarianization of, 28-9,31-2, 212,226 in public planning and design, 212-13 relationship to artwork by, 24-5, 146,247 as reserve army of labour, 23-4 in second economy, 22-8,208-9 as service providers', 32,228 as technical operatives, 2-3,25,243 transformative potential of, 31,35, 118,212 See also authorship; autonomy Art & Language, 132,135,136,138, 141,158,161 conceptualization of art by, 146-52 debate with Burgin, 152-5 and French avant-garde, 133,134, 139-40 New York and English wings of, 151-2 art market, 26,45,98,172,208,209 artwork, 71,113,144,149,199,210, 214,216 artists' relationship to, 24-5,146, 247 autonomy and, 84-5,96-7,98 Bildung and, 35-6,98 commodity status of, 56,59,82-4, 109-10,117,244 communicative potential of, 94,103 cultural assimilation of, 56 de-objectification of, 107,109 Hegel on, 10,107 spatiality for, 180,198-9,202 world's relation to, 114-15 Arvatov, Boris, 191-2 Arvatovianism, 191-3 asociality, 52,53,57,87 Atkinson, Terry, 293nl3 Aufheben group ‘Keep on Smiling — Questions on Immaterial Labour', 235,236, 240 authoritarianism, 252-3 authorship, 2, 3,66,68,140,142,145, 146 collective intellect and, 154,162 as production, 29 scriptovisual on, 151-2 singular, 66,247 autodidacticism, 132,140,141-2,143 autonomy Adorno theory of, 33,54-5,83-6, 98-9,100,101,105-11,114,116 anti-art and, 84,107-8 art's character and, 52,58-9,87,92, 98-9,151,220,221,247 Badiou on, 71, 73,85,86 Chto Delat defence of, 186,192-3 critiques of, 94,95,96-7,101-3, 111,250-1 heteronomy and, 33,84,86-8,101, 104,108,110-11,114,116,120, 186, 214,244,245, 246,259 immateriality and, 246 legibility and, 114-16,291n47 in mass culture, 100,101 metastasis and, 36,54-5 negation and, 73,84,103 network culture and, 222 non-Western art and, 40 post-art and, 33,34,84,101,105, 110-11 post-autonomy, 71,74,95,177,184, 186,192,209 realized reflexivity and, 93,105, 114,121 research programmes and, 105,221 socialized, 71-2,116 as social relation, 54-7,92,248 INDEX 311 autonomy-as-the-critique-of-autonomy, 33,115,120,192,220, 244 capitalism and, 93,178 as concept, 110-12 autopoiesis, 57-9,67,69,72,88, 285П12 Ayer, A. J., 136 Babel, Isaac, 185 Badiou, Alain, 1,60,91,137,171,192, 222 on autonomy, 71,73,85,86 on Hegel, 78-80 on interplay, 80-1,82,288n62 on negation, 73-8,80-1, 82,90,99 works Affirmationist manifesto, 81 Being and Event, 78 The Century, 74,76,82 ‘Destruction, Negation, Subtraction', 74, 76,82,83,85 Handbook of Inaesthetics, 83 ‘Three Negations', 81 Baldwin, Michael, 133,152 Barthes, Roland, 135,294nl9 Baskova, Svetlana Za Marksa, 176 Baudrillard, Jean, 232 Becker, Gary, 234 Beckett, Samuel, 75 Begg, Zanny, 177 Behind the Times: The Decline and Fall of the Twentieth-Century Avant- Gardes (Hobsbawm), 17 belatedness, 131,132,159,163,168 of British and US artists, 124-6 of centre, 38-9,40,41,122 concept of, 37-1,122 of non-Western periphery, 38-41, 167 of Russian avant-garde, 169,175 Benjamin, Andrew, 19,20,25,49,80, 88,89 on negation, 87,90 Benjamin, Walter, 29,101 Berardi, Franco, 222,223,238 Bernstein, J. M., 94,96-7 Bildung, 10,35-6,98,104 Bishop, Claire, 95,192 Böhm, Kathrin Who Is Building What? Relational Art Practice and Spatial Production, 212-13 Boltanski, Luc, 226 Bolz, Norbert, 285nl2 Bourdieu, Pierre The Field of Cultural Production, 201 bourgeois culture, 52,70,80,130,153, 162,211-12,256 avant-garde and, 19,56 counterculture and, 126-8,159 bourgeoisie, 126-7,205,253,255-6 See also capitalism Bourriaud, Nicolas, 169-70,171,192, 213 Bowie, Andrew, 94,96 Braque, Georges, 65 Brecht, Bertolt, 176,288n62 Tn Praise of Dialectics', 178 Breton, André, 18 The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (Duchamp), 133, 143,144-5,293nll, 294nl4 Britain, 126-7 British avant-garde, 38,128-9,143, 145-6,159 conceptual art and, 123-6,130-1, 156-7,160-2 Buchloh, H. Benjamin, 124,212 ‘Detritus and Decrepitude', 207-8, 213 Buddhism, 180-1 312 INDEX built environment, 47,120,212 Bureau d'Études, 25,170 Bürger, Peter, 159 on Adorno, 94-5,96,102 theoretization of avant-garde by, 17-19,35,37,131-2 Burgin, Victor, 132,140,141,161 Art & Language debate with, 152-5 modernism and, 133,134,158 works The End of Art Theory, 154 ‘Photographic Practice and Art Theory', 155 Butler Education Act, 125 Caffentzis, George, 227 ‘cannibalism^ 187-1 capitalism art under, 80,82-3,97,184,228 avant-garde critique of, 30-1,34, 36,47,169,176,258 commodity relations under, 48,69, 83,99,230 contradictions of, 27,110,256 current crisis of, 190,253-4 deregulated, 26-7,29 digital, 196,222 ‘empty space' under, 220-1 immaterial labour and, 231,234, 235 labour-power and, 227,238, 239-40,260,305n88 non-reproduction crisis of, 252-4 post-colonial struggle against, 42, 129 psychopathology of, 223,233 realized reflexivity and, 13,37 Soviet, 183,184 temporality of, 48,225,253-4 transnational character of, 254, 306n8 workers' resistance to, 129,170,234, 236,237, 255 See also labour-capital relation capitalist neoteny, 224 Castells, Manuel, 216 centre-periphery relation, 38,42,167, 172-3,174,203 centrifugal spectator, 93,112-16 Cézanne, Paul, 125 Chainworks, 25 Chiapello, Eve, 226 Chibber, Vivek, 255,283n62 China, 27 Chto Delat, 25,26,122,164-5,188, 189,192-3 Soviet avant-garde and, 173-8,184, 186,190-1 Clark, T. J., 12 class consciousness, 44,142,150,162 classicism, 51-2 class struggle, 97,142, 218, 235, 236-7 cognitive mapping, 104,176,198,203 Coldstream, William, 293nl3 Cold War, 37,38-9,131,168 collages, 64,113 Collective Actions, 181,182-3,184 collective intellect, 23,119,131,145, 155,166,167,246 Art & Language understanding of, 150,153 authorship and, 154,162 conceptual art and, 140-2,146,148, 150-1,161-2 second economy and, 168,191 collectivism, 281n40 commodity artworks status as, 56,59,82-4, 109-10,117,244 capitalist relations and, 48,69,83, 99,230 cultural content' of, 241 immaterial labour and, 231-2 INDEX 313 communicative practice, 153 communism, 71,222,226,234 Communist Party, 129,188 complex normativity, 36,102,177, 184,195,257 conceptual art, 106,112,136-7,144, 145 Art & Language on, 146-2 British avant-garde and, 123-6, 130-1,156-7,160-2 collective intellect and, 140-2,146, 148,150-1,161-2 counterculture and, 130,135,138, 150,157,159,293n8 negation and, 68 post-humanism and, 136-7,138, 139,161-2 Soviet, 179-80 Conceptual Art (Corris, ed.), 293n8 conceptualism, 137,150,167 Moscow and Soviet, 166,178,181, 183,184,185,186,193 See also post-conceptualism constellational framework, 113-15, 116,121 constructivism, 66,194,207,243 minimalism and, 124-5 Soviet, 191-2,215,301n32 See also post-constructivism Cornford & Cross, 207 cosmopolitanism, 134-5,138,139, 156-7 co-temporality, 41,42,48-9 counterculture, 126-5,293n8 conceptual art and, 130,135,138, 150,157,159,293n8 Critical Art Ensemble, 25,217,223 critical theory, 8,93-4,155,158, 294nl5 culture, 31,128 alienation of, 52-3 art and, 242 labour theory of, 4 popular and mass, 56,100-101 See also art; bourgeois culture; counterculture; network culture Dada, 124,143,144 Dali, Salvador, 18,45 Debord, Guy, 232 de Certeau, Michel, 154 deconstruction, 74,78 deflation, 134-5,138,180,195,207-8, 209, 242-3 modernism and, 63-3 Deleuze, Gilles, 219,223 dematerialization of art, 10,161,229 Derrida, Jacques, 60,135,138,294nl9 destruction subtraction and, 78,79,80,81,82, 288n62 Dialogue (India), 25 Dib, Maróin, 40 digital capitalism, 196,222 digitalization, 198,223-4,241 immaterial labour and, 230-1,232, 236.242 situatedness and, 216-17,247 distraction, 113-14,121,233 distributed attention, 224 division of labour artists' place within, 66,212,228, 241.243 avant-garde critique of, 68,161,162 class struggle and, 235-6,237 immaterial labour and, 233,237, 239.242.243 intellectual, 22,105,119,144,161, 162,168,191,233 sexual, 233,235,238,242 technical, 227,228,236-7,244,247 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 180 Duchamp, Marcel, 8,65-6,124,134 The Bride Stripped Bare by Her 314 INDEX Bachelors, Even, 133,143,144-5, 293nll, 294nl4 Hamilton and, 133,143-6,294nl4 Duke, David, 299n89 Dunayevskaya, Raya, 60-1,79 Edgley, Roy, 294nl6 Egorova, Olga, 173 Ehrenberg, Ilya, 185 Eisenstein, Sergei, 197 Empire (Hardt and Negri), 229,230-1 empty space, 220-2,223,224,246,248 'end of art', 15,112,120 humanist diatribes on, 19,31,33 as motif, 4-14 Enwezor, Okwui, 283n61 Ernst, Max, 18 Esanu, Octavian Transition in Post-Soviet Art, 183 Eurasian Movement, 188 facticity, 46,50,114-15,116,177,208, 241 al-Fajr al-Jadid, 39 fascism, 1,38,164,197 Federeci, Silvia, 229 Flavin, Dan, 124 Florida, Richard, 234,236,256 Fluxus, 67,124 Fortunati, Leopoldina, 229,230,233, 240 Foster, Hal, 25,49,80,88,89,91 on negation, 87,90 ‘What's Neo About the Neo-Avant- Garde?', 19-20,198 Foucault, Michel, 135 The Fox, 151,152 Frampton, Kenneth ‘A Lost Avant-Garde', 124 France, 138-9,169-70 French avant-garde, 133,134,170-1 French philosophy, 134-5 French Revolution, 255 Fried, Michael, 12,75 Fry, Roger, 139 Fuchs, Christian, 232 Future Farmers, 25 Galerie Daniel Tempion, 133 Galiri 68, 39-40 Gastev, Alexander, 238 general social technique, 72,200,223, 246 artistic technique and, 68-9 art's relationship to, 2,3,13,116, 151,197,198 geographical topology, 200-1 German avant-garde, 19,37-8,44,153 Geschichte und Eigensinn (Negt and Kluge), 48,49 al-Ghad, 39 Gilbert, Christopher, 150 globalization, 42-3,166,172,173,203 Gnosticism, 216,301n31 Godard, lean-Luc, 170 Gogol, Nikolai, 180 Goodman, Nelson, 136 Gray, Camilla The Russian Experiment in Art, 38, 291-2nl Greenberg, Clement, 12,68,75,158 Gris, Juan, 45 Grays, Boris, 182-3 Grundrisse (Marx), 235,242 Habermas, Jürgen, 60 on Adorno, 93-4,95,97,103-4 The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, 204 Hadi, Fadil Abas, 40 Hadjinicolaou, Nicos ‘On the Ideology of the Avant- Garde', 19 Haftmann, Werner, 18 INDEX 315 Hallward, Peter, 259 Hamilton, Richard, 140,141,154-5, 161,293nl3 Duchamp and, 133,143-6,294nl4 Hardt, Michael, 229,230-1,233-4, 235,238 Harman, Chris, 305n88 Haynes, Michael, 186-7 Heartfield, John, 153 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 99, 287n50 on Absolute, 15,59-60,79,120 on abstraction, 10,12-13,106,108 Adorno and, 50,104,106-7 on art, 9-14,108 Art & Language on, 147-8 Badiou on, 78-80 on negation, 59-63,69,78-9 on truth, 147,149 works Aesthetics, 9 Lectures on Fine Art, 108 Logic, 59,147 Heizer, Michael, 198,201 Henein, Georges, 39,282n54 Hesse, Eva, 67 heteronomy, 13-14,60,72,89 art and, 36,54,90 autonomy and, 33,84,86-8,101, 104,108,110-11,114,116,120, 186, 214,244, 245, 246 capitalist relations and, 52,84,227 Hirschhorn, Thomas, 113,207-8,214 Hirst, Damien For the Love of God, 291n47 historicism, 19,51,54,72,87,131 anti-historicism, 17-21,25-6,49, 163 Hobsbawm, Eric, 17,19 Hockney, David, 138 Holmes, Brian, 192 Holt, William, 141 Huhn, Tom, 105 Hullot-Kentor, Robert, 94,96 human capital, 234,256 humanism, 135,136,256 modern art and, 7-8,19,31,33 See also post-humanism Husan, Rumy, 186-7 hypostatic informationalism, 224 iatrogenesis, 63,70 Iceland, 292n6 ideation, 108,117-18,119,258, 301n32 immateriality, 237,239,240,241-8 anti-capitalism and, 233,238 autonomy and, 246 cultural content of, 241-2 immaterial labour, 229-31,243,244 creativity and, 236-7,239 debate on, 196,229,240,242 subjectivization of, 242-3 women and, 230-1 incompetence, 63,70 Intangibilities of Form (Roberts), 4 Intermittents, 243 internationalization of the margins, 43, 131-2,172-3,174,203 Internet, 29-30,216 interplay, 80-1,82, 288n62 Investor-State Dispute Settlement, 306n8 The Invisible Committee, 36,121,219, 222,301n38 The Coming Insurrection, 210 Jameson, Fredric, 15,104,113,224-5 on Adorno, 94,97-8 ‘Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism', 198, 203 El Janabi, Abdul Kader, 40 Jarvis, Simon, 94 316 INDEX Joyce, James, 143-4 Finnegans Wake, 143,145 Ulysses, 143 Judd, Donald, 124 El Juridy, Faroq, 40 Kabakov, Ilya, 183 Kamel, Fouad and Anwar, 282n54 Kant, Immanuel, 11,96,97,204 Kelly, Mary, 139 Kester, Grant, 95,192,219 Khalil, Andrea Flores, 41-2 Kharms, Daniil, 111, 180,189 Khrushchev, Nikita, 179 Kienholz, Ed, 67 Kilito, Abdelfattah, 41 Kizevalter, Georgii, 182 Kluge, Alexander, 48,49,89,204,244 Konitza, Falk beg, 44 Koons, Jeff, 291n47 Kosuth, Joseph, 11 Krauss, Rosalind, 24,207,294nl5 ‘Sculpture in the Expanded Field', 198 Kuspit, Donald, 52 The End of Art, 7-9 labour abstract, 212,214,228,252-3,257, 258 alienated, 32,96,117,240-1,247, 248 artistic, 212,214,228,240,243-4, 247,250,260 capital's relation to, 227-8,237,239, 256 flexibility of, 27,32,225,234, 236-7,251 re-rationalization and deskilling of, 239-40,305n88 See also division of labour; immaterial labour labour-capital relation, 227-8,237, 239,256 crisis of, 28-30 labour-power, 27-8,235 autonomous conditions of, 226,237 capitalism and, 227,238,239-40, 260,305n88 immaterial labour and, 230 Lagar, Celso, 45 Lakatos, Imre, 16 La Lecha, 25 Langston, Richard, 38 Lariby, Farid, 40 Lazzarato, Maurizio, 192,221,223, 226 on immateriality, 229,233,236, 237,239, 241-5 Lefebvre, Henri The Production of Space, 201 Léger, Marc James, 192 Brave New Avant-Garde, 248 legibility artistic experimentation and, 117 autonomy and, 114-16,291n47 adisciplinarity and, 120-1 Le Groupe Amos, 25 Das Lehrstück vom Un-Einverständnis, 176-7 Lessing, Gotthold, 143 Leyda, Jay, 124 Kino: A History of the Russian and Soviet Film, 38 Lifshitz, Mikhail, 284n3 Lifshitz Institute, 166,284n3 Lippard, Lucy, 292n8 Luhmann, Nicholas, 87 on autopoesis, 57-9,62,67,88, 285nl2 Macunias, George, 124 Magun, Artem, 173 Maharaj, Sarat, 145 INDEX 317 Malabou, Catherine, 225 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 75 Manet, Édouard Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, 63-4 ‘Manifesto of the Arab Surrealist Movement', 40-1 Mao Zedong, 155-6 Marazzi, Christian, 221,226 Marker, Chris, 170 market authoritarianism, 252 Martin, Stewart, 84-5 on Adorno, 94,99,105,107,110, 111 Marx, Karl, 136,226, 235, 242 on Hegel, 60-1 on labour-power, 27,28 Marxism, 37-8,136,139,158,167, 294nl6 mass culture. See popular and mass culture Matta-Clark, Gordon, 198,201 May 1968,18,19, 20,21,68,129,135, 138,163 McGettigan, Andrew, 306nl Menke, Christophe, 105 metastasis, 35,48,258,259 autonomy and, 36,54-5 plastic materialism and, 223-8 Michelson, Annette, 294nl5 micro-respatialization, 210-14 Miessen, Markus, 301n30 minimalism, 38,124-5,128,161-2 post-minimalism, 128,130,132, 134 Miró, Joan, 45 Mironov, Boris, 299n89 Miss, Mary, 198 Mit'ki group, 111, 180 modernism, 58,98,160,184,202 Adorno defence of, 55,93,95 American, 68,123,129,130-1,133, 149,158,197 art and, 2,4,5,12,98,151, 162 Art & Language critique of, 146, 147-50 Badiou on, 74,75 Burgin and, 133, 134,158 deflation and, 63-3 painting and, 6, 7-8,38,76,112, 123,125,196,197,198 scriptovisual break with, 147-8 See also postmodernism Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 124 Monastyrsky, Andrei, 181,182 Morris, Robert, 124 Motherwell, Robert The Dada Painters and Poets, 143 Mouvements, 170 Multitudes, 170 Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire (Hardt and Negri), 233-4,235 Museum of Dreams, 166 Nancy, Jean-Luc, 287n50 National Bolsheviks, 188 naturalism, 135,143-4,145 Nazism, 38,67 negation Adorno defence of, 55-6 in art, 49-50, 52, 53-4,244-5 autonomy and, 73,84,103 Badiou on, 73-8, 80-1, 82,90,99 classical concept of, 81 conceptual art and, 68 defence of, 52-3,54 first and second, 59-63,73-8 Hegel on, 59-63,69,78-9 Negri, Antonio, 29,192,221,223,226, 229 on immaterial labour, 233-4,235, 236,238 Negt, Oskar, 48,49, 89,204-5, 244 Neidich, Warren, 223,224 318 INDEX neo-avant-garde, 38,74,95,159,163, 166,171,202 attacks on, 19 belatedness of, 37,167 historic avant-garde and, 19-20,87, 88-9,131-2,191 negation and, 67,68,73 political perspectives of, 87,191, 259 spatialization and, 120,207,209, 210 suspensiveness and, 80 in US and Britain, 124,125,130 neo-classicism, 51,57,58 neoliberalism, 26-7,169-70,171-2, 206,221,252 art and, 220,250-1 network culture, 113,196,216-17, 223,224,248 art and, 222,247,250,256-7 neural plasticity, 223,224,225,302n48 neuroaesthetics, 224,248 neuro-epigenesis, 224,225 new aestheticism, 50,93 New Bauhaus, 124,125 Newcastle Exhibition Writings, 157,160 New Left Review, 127 Newman, Barnett, 8 The Newspaper of the Engaged Platform, 166,174,175,177 Nicholson, Ben, 134 Nicolas-Le Strat, Pascal, 170 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 51,222 nihilism, 24,77,80 nomadism, 31,245 non-reproduction, 252-4 noopolitics, 196,223-8,247-8 noo-sensorium, 224 Noys, Ben, 82 obstinacy, 49,73,89,218,260 Occupy movement, 210,251 Oleinikov, Nikolay, 173 operaism, 232,236 See also post-operaism Osborne, Peter, 50,113,192,204 on Adorno, 94,99,101,102-3 Osmolovsky, Anatoly, 172 painting, 1,2,26 deflation in, 64-5 modernist, 6,7-8,38,76,112,123, 125,196,197,198 Panzieri, Raniero, 242 Park Fiction, 25 Partisan Songspiel: A Belgrade Story, 176-7 Pelevin, Victor, 187 Omon Ra, 188 Penzin, Alexei, 173,176 Péret, Benjamin, 301n38 periphery. See centre-periphery relation Perloff, Marjorie, 56 Pershina, Natalia, 173 phylogenetic capital, 224,225 Picabia, Francis, 134 Picasso, Pablo, 45,65,125 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 63-4 Piotrowski, Piotr In the Shadow of Yalta, 190 Piper, Adrian, 198 Pippin, Robert ‘The Absence of Aesthetics in Hegel's Aesthetics', 13 ‘What Was Abstract Art?', 10,11-13 plasticity, 223,224, 225-6, 302n48 plastic materialism, 223-6,247-8 Platform (UK), 25 Platonov, Andrei The Foundation Pit, 187 Poincaré, Henri, 200 politics/art relation, 35,47-8,160,193 199, 210,217,246 INDEX 319 Badiou on, 74-6,77,288n62 praxis and, 218-19,220,221 Rancière on, 258-9 Politkovskaya, Anna, 165 polyphonic immersion, 224 pop art, 17,126,128,130,150 Popper, Karl, 16 popular and mass culture, 56,100-1 post-art, 4,25,30, 56, 242 autonomy and, 33,34,84,101,105, 110-11 Kuspit on, 8-9 post-autonomy, 71,74,95,177,184, 186,192,209 post-colonialism, 42-3,129,202 post-conceptualism, 6,70,99,158-9, 171.203.221 post-constructivism, 192-3,195, 203-4,215 post-Fordism, 221-2,227,233 post-humanism, 136-8,150,152-3, 294nl8 conceptual art and, 136-7,138,139, 161-2 post-minimalism, 128,130,132,134 postmodernism, 69,70,94,103,156, difference and, 42,90 Jameson and, 201,224-5 in Russia and Eastern Europe, 165-6,190 Postone, Moishe, 60 post-operaism, 167,227,242,243, 246-7 immaterial labour and, 229,232, 233,241 post-Situationism, 154,156,170 post-structuralism, 294nl8 post-visualization, 33,105,108,109, 111,119,228 praxis, 94,117,152 art and social, 55,70,210 art's transformation of, 34-5,71, 215,219 autonomy and, 211,220,222,259 capitalism and, 196,228 communicative, 153 Hegel on, 78 situatedness and, 219,221 spatiality and, 196,201 temporality and, 211,217-18,257 total revolutionary, 61,74,90,154, 156 praxis (artistic), 222,228 art-as-praxis, 196,197,301n32 constructivist defence and critique of, 194 Jameson's respatialization of, 201 political praxis and, 15,34-5,47-8, 199, 210,218-23,246,258,259 temporality of, 211-12 precarity, 31-2,42,209,211,212,251 productivism, 66,124,191,201 public sphere, 204-7 Putin, Vladimir, 164,165,189 Pyotor Alexeev Resistance Movement, 177-8 Quine, Willard, 136 Radek group, 166,172 Rancière, Jacques, 1,13, 73,171,192, 258-9 Raqs Media Collective, 25 Raunig, Gerald, 192,219 Ray, Gene, 36,80,192 realism, 19,62,155,160,161,162,176 realized reflexivity, 53,56,70,89,107, 258 autonomy and, 93,105,114,121 capitalism and, 13,37 Hegel on, 10-11,12 rehistoricization of avant-garde, 122, 131-2,153 320 INDEX conceptual art and, 156-4 Relational Aesthetics (Bourriaud), 171, 213 relational hypostasis, 224 research programmes, 161,184 art and, 116,118,345 autonomy and, 105,221 avant-garde and, 14-16,37,122, 211,257,260 adisciplinary, 47,93,105,114, 119-20,121 respatialization, 208-9,215 avant-garde and, 196-204 micro-respatialization, 210-14 See also spatialization revolutionary time, 48-9 of art, 259-60 Richter, Gerhard, 2 Riff, David, 173,178 romanticism, 9-10,70,75,95-6,148 Rosenberg, Harold ‘Collective, Ideological, Combative', 19 Rothenstein, William, 139 Rubinstein, Lev, 182 Ruscha, Ed, 67 Ruskin, John, 139 Russia, 179-80 ‘cannibalism' and, 187-91 political situation in, 164-5 post-Soviet transition in, 186-7 privatizatsia in, 164,165,166,167, 168-9 Russian avant-garde, 166-9,173-5, 180-7 See also Soviet avant-garde Russian Revolution, 16,66,129,157 Saled, Renata, 304n69 Sassen, Saskia, 209 scepticism, performance of, 63 Schelling, Friedrich, 11,97 Schlipphacke, Heidi, 95,96 Schiller, Friedrich, 11,97 Schwarzkogler, Rudolf, 112 scriptovisual, 133,142-3,151-3,154, 156 sculpture, 26,207-8 second economy, 47,71 art, architecture and, 207-9 avant-garde and, 21-8 rise of, 29,190-1 Sedlmayr, Hans Art in Crisis, The Lost Center, 18 Serres, Michel, 201,209 Shinkarev, Vladimir Maxim and Fyodor, 180-1,182 Sholette, Greg, 23,192 simultaneity, 87,131 situatedness, 93,194-6,198,211 art and, 46-7,215,223 concept of, 119-20 digitalization and, 216-17 udisciplinarity and, 116-22 immateriality and, 247-8 praxis and, 218,219,257 Situationist movement, 138,219,232 16 Beaver Street, 25 Skidan, Alexander, 173 Slovar' Terminov Moskovskoi Kontzeptualinoi Shkoly, 181-2 Smithson, Robert, 133,198,201 sociability, 73,83,288n62 concept of, 85-7 socialist practice, 153, 155, 156 social Technik, 66,197 See also general social technique society of control, 193,195 Sorokin, Vladimir Ice, 187-8 Soviet avant-garde, 19,44,67,174 refimctioning of, 175-7 scriptovisual and, 153,154 See also Russian avant-garde INDEX 321 Soviet Union, 67,184,185,187-91 spatialization, 198,203,209,215 public sphere and, 204-7 See also respatialization spectatorship,66, 111, 113,114,156 speculative idealism, 136,294nl9 spontaneity, 106,107,211,247,257 Stalin, Joseph, 189 Stalinism, 164,183,187,197,253, 282n54 culture and, 129,189-90 silence and, 185 Stanislawski, Ryszard, 190 Stezaker, John, 157-8 stratification, 89,257 subjectivism, 140,146,150 subjectivity, 8,9, 36, 58, 59,109,112, 151,162,223 artistic praxis and, 196,222 avant-garde and, 146,157,161 non-bourgeois model of, 142-3, 149,161 subtraction, 74,77,81 destruction and, 78,79,80,81,82, 288n62 Superflex (Denmark), 25,219 surrealism, 18,40,122 Arabic avant-garde and, 40-1, 282n54 suspensiveness, 80,120,257 of art, 116,243 of avant-garde, 15,35,49,50,80, 85,91,92,103,175,178, 215, 246 Tagg, John, 157 ‘Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art' (Mao), 155-6 Tatlin, Vladimir, 124 El-Telmissani, Kamel, 282n54 temporality, 47,49 avant-garde and, 89,90 of capitalism, 48,225,253-4 political praxis and, 211,217-18 Theory of the Avant-Garde (Bürger), 18-19 Thompson, E. P., 139-40 timeless time, 224 Timofeeva, Oxana, 173 Tiqqun, 36 topological turn, 195-6,201,206,213 Toscano, Alberto, 209,227-8 total revolutionary praxis, 61,74,90, 154,156 transcendental, 72,94,97,117 transcendentalism, 93,104 transformative potential of art, 3,8,10, 36, 71, 75, 77,130-1, 154,191,215,216, 217,219-20 of artists, 31,35,118,212 of avant-garde, 30,35,80,88,132, 159,176,260 transnationality, 39,42-4 transversality, 218-19,245 Tretyakov, Sergei, 153 trickster, 63 Tronti, Mario, 242 Union of Real Art, 186 United Russia Party, 188 United States, 128,251,254 See also American avant-garde vanguard/avant-garde difference, 157-8 ventriloquism, 63,70 Vercellone, Carlo, 221,226 Vergangenheitsbewältigung, 38 Vilensky, Dmitry, 173,176,177,178, 228 ‘Theses on the Soviet Experience', 189-90 Virilio, Paul, 222 Virno, Paulo, 192,220-1,226,245-7 virtual extensity, 216 322 INDEX Vöina, 80,111-12,121,166 Vvedensky, Alexander, 189 Warhol, Andy, 67,113,124,125 Wellmer, Albrecht, 94,95,97,103-4 Wilke, Sabine, 95,96 The Wire, 102 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 136 WochenKlausur, 25 Workers' Democracy, 177-8 working class, 28,32,125,127,129, 141,150 autodidacticism within, 141 modernism and, 162 resistance to capitalism by, 129, 170,234,236,237,255 Yeltsin, Boris, 165 Yes Men, 25 Younan, Ramses, 39,282n54 Younis, Ghazi, 40 Zabalotsky, Nikolai, 189 Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 299n89 Zhivaya Gazeta, 174 Żiżek, Slavoj, 81 Zuidervaart, Lambert, 94,99,102, 105
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