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Volltext:Abiff, Hiram, 98 Aboriginal art. See Australian Aboriginal art Abramovic, Marina, 32 Abramovich, Roman, 281П24 Absolut Revolution (Ramirez and Velaseo), 162-63 abstract surrealism, 21-22 Abu Dhabi's Saadiyat Island, 89-90 Acosta de Arriba, Rafael, 157 Adam (Newman), 64 Adéagbo, Georges, 122, 236,266 Adjaye, David, 89 Afflicted Powers (Retort), 218-19 African art, 180-81,295П7. See also primitivism After Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, the Prologue (Wall), 26 Against the Enamel of a Background Rhyth­mic with Beats and Angles, Tones and Colors, Portrait of M. Felix Eénéon in 1850 (Signac), 18,22 Agamben, Giorgio, 220-21 Agence France-Muséum, 89 Agrarian Leader Zapata (Rivera), 21 ahistoricism, 60,278П6 Ahtila, Eija-Liisa, 229 Aitken, Doug, 198,212-13 Ala Plástica, 230-31 Alberro, Alexander, 263,297ml Ailégereí, Marc, 62 Almond, Darren, 197,210 altermodernity, 263-64 Altermodern Manifesto (Bourriaud), 263-64 AJys, Francis, 233 Amann, Jean-Christophe, 60 American Abstract Artists, 31 American scene painting, 23 America (Varejào), 169 Analogue project (Leonard), 222 Ando, Tadao, 47; Chichu Art Museum (Na oshima Island) by, 199-200; .Minamidera (Noashima Island) by, 87, 193-95; Palazzo Grassi (Venice) renovation by, 54-55; Saadiyat Island (Abu Dhabi) museum by, 89 Andre, Carl: definition of sculpture of, 77; at MoMA, 22; at Musée d'Art Moderne, 76; at Palazzo Grassi, 55; at the Tate Modern, 64 Andress, Ursula, 99 Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film (Bums), 297П12 Andy Warhol Museum, 40 animality. See beautiful otherness Amdarm, 226 antidemocratic statesofexception, 219-21 antiglobalization discourses, 7,169, 258,271 207 antinomies, 269 Antonioni, Michelangelo, 102 apolitical art, 224 Apolítico (Prieto), 163,166 Apollo Pavilion, Peterlee New Town, 230 Appardurai, Arjun, 273П6,296П20 Architecture of Aftermath, young British artists (Smith), 273П6,279m architecture of museums, 265; CATIA modeling in, 77,79; Centre Pompidou (Paris), 84, 86; for cultural tourism, 89-90; Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao), 71-87,242; industrial settings of, 81-82,84-85; Massachusetts MoCA (Williamstown), 76-77; Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles), 84-85; spectacle in, 7,9,15,74,86-87; traditional rectangular galleries of, 60-61,76,83-84,90; Weisman Art Museum (Minneapolis), 78-79. See also building-as-sculpture ARCO (Feria Internacional de Arte Con­temporáneo), 143 Arena (Where I would have got had I been intelligent) (Beuys), 41-42 Arias, Fernando, 159 Armani, Georgio, 283П3 Armelder, John, 224-25 "Art, Truth, and Politics" (Pinter), 217-18 Art and Culture (Greenberg), 23 Art Basel, 143-44,145 Art Basel/Miami, 143-44, 45 ArtFacts.Net, 121 art fairs, 143-45,251,258,290П21 art history. See historical analysis artist collectives, 230-31,267 artist-in-residence programs, 88 Art Must Be Beautiful, Artist Must Be Beauti­ful (Abramovic), 32 Artpace, San Antonio, 88 Art Power (Groys), 296П2 art practice, 267-68 art school art, 251 Art Since 1 goo (Foster, Krauss, Bois, and Buchloh), 252,259,273m, 303П17 Ash Wednesday (Neuenschwander and Guimaràes), 66 Asian Field (Gormley), 182-85 Asian jewel beetles, 172-73,186 assemblages, 225 Assume Vivid Astro Focus, 224-25 Ataman, Kutlug, 122,213-14 Atlas Group, 122 Attendant, The (Julien), 189 auction houses, 120-26,128, 258,287П14; banking functions of, 130; competition among, 139-40; competition from art fairs with, 143-45; conventional focus of, 145-46; global reach of, 130-31; monopoly charges against, 143. See also markets for contemporary art audience. See markets for contemporary art; viewers of contemporary art Australian Aboriginal art, 10,121,133-43; authenticity questions in, 137-38; canonical works of, 138, 289П7; cotem-poral coexistence in, 138-39,289П8; distributors of, 134-36; Dreamings nar­ratives of, 203,296П8,302П9; exclusion from art fairs of, 143; exhibitions of, 138; humanoid ancestor figures of, 183; impact of globalization on, 139,142; popularity of, 133-36, 289П5; prices of, 136-37,140-41,289ПП4-5; spiritual communication role of, 134 Autobiografia (Bruguera), 164-65 Autumn Rhythm (Pollock), 123 avant-garde, 30,252-53, 262-63,304П26 Ave Maria (Cattelan), 65 BaadAssssss Cinema (Julien), 188 Backside of the Moon (Turrell), 193-95 Bacon, Francis, 286П3,288П24 Bal, Mieke, 297ml Ballad of Trotsky, The (Catelan), 121 Bankside Power House, 56 3 0 8 INDEX Banksy, 228,300П27 Barenboim, Daniel, 106 Barnes Foundation, 19 Barney, Matthew, 9, 91-113,181,248; ath­letic performances of, 100-1; critical response to, 96-97,159,28304,283П9; photos of, 105,108; post-Cremaster work of, 113; props and structures by, 102-3, 282П2; spectacularism of, 7,265; three-part system of, 107-8,285П22. See also Crernaster cycle (Barney) Barr, Alfred H. Jr., 28,30,36,123 Barros, Fabiana de, 158 Basquiat, Jean-Michel, 188,228 Bather (Cézanne), 18 Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre, 78 Baudrillard, Jean, 248, 285П22,303П14 beautiful otherness, 172-90; in allegories of globalization, 181-85; in anachro­nistic tension, 185-87; in animality of Si Poteris Narrare, Licet, 173-81,295П7; in Juliens constructions of interracial coupling, 187-90; work of forgetting in,172-73 Beckett, Samuel, 225 Bedia, José, 155 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 105 Bell, Richard, 133-34,137-38 Belper, Jonathan, 102 Benczúr, Emese, 207-8 Benesse Foundation. See Naoshima Island, Japan Benesse House, Naoshima Island, 199 Benjamin, Walter, 235 Bennett, Tony, 275П12 bestiality. See beautiful otherness Beuys,Joseph,22,27i;anti-institutionalism of, 6o;atDia, 41-42; "KapitahKunst slogan,57;prominenceratingof,i2i;at theTateModern,57,63 Bevan, Roger, 121,140-41 Beyond Price: In Search of Cultural Value (ed. Hütter and Throsby), 2911125 Bhopal, India, 226 Bickerton, Ashley, 52,248 Bienal de La Habana, 152-66,266-67; curatorial methodology of, 154-56; histories of, 291П4; marginalized voices at, 155-58; origins of, 152-54; representationsofCuba in, 162-65; sponsors of, 157; 7th exhibition (2003) of, 10,157-68; 8th exhibition (2006) of, 165-66; "Tradition and Contemporane­ity" exhibit of, 155-56; use of multiple venues for, 157-59 Bienal de Sâo Paulo, 154,292П5 biennales, 7-8,9,251,268 Bilbao Museum. See Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao Billboad Utilizing Graffitists Against Un­healthy Promotions. See B.U.G.A.U.P. Bingo (Matta-Clark), 24 Birken, Alexandra, 225 Birnbaum, Daniel, 96-97,99,283П8, 284Ш0 Birth of the Museum, The (Bennett), 275П12 Birth of Tragedy, The (Nietzsche), 284Ш0 Bishop, Clare, 237 Björk, 95,113 Black Skin White Mask (Fanon), 188 blaxploitation films, 188 Bloodline: The Big Family No. 3 (Zhang), 131 Blue Poles (Pollock), 123 Boccioni, Umberto, 64 Bock, John, 225 Bodo, 65 Boetti, Aligheiro, 33 Bois, Yve-Alain, 252,273Ш, 3°ЗШ7 Bonami, Franc esco, 15В Bond, Allan, 130 Bonnard, Pierre, 21 Boss, Hugo, 283П3 Bourgeois, Louise, 43- 63-91 Bourriaud, Nicolas, 90-91-2б2' 2б3 boutique museums, 47-See also collector museums I N D E X 3 0 9 Braathen, Martin, et al., 291П24 Bracewell, Michael, 289П10 Brancusi, Constantin, 20, 66 Braque, Georges, 19 Braudel, Fernand, 197 Brazilian concrétism and neoconcrétism, 23 Breathing (Song Dong), 168-69 Breitz, Candice, 225 Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (Duchamp), 103 Broad, Eli, 88 Broad Art Foundation, 88 Broadway Boogie- Woogie (Mondrian), 21 Broida, Edward R., 33-34 Broken Kilometer, The (De Maria), 39 Broken Obelisk (Newman), 16 Broodthaers, Marcel, 22 Bruguera, Tania, 163-65 Bruyère, Jean-Michel, 173-81, 236,266, 294112 the bubble economy, 141-43,290П15 Buchloh, Benjamin, 252-53,264,273m, 3°3ni7 B.U.G.A.U.P. (Billboad Utilizing Graffit-ists Against Unhealthy Promotions) group, 228 building-as-sculpture, 9; CATIA modeling in, 77,79; Gehry's Guggenheim (Bil­bao), 75-87,95-96,242,280П7; Gehry's Weisman Art Museum (Minneapolis), 78-79; Massachusetts MoCA (William-stown), 76-77; Serra's pieces at Dia, 44-45,76,276П8 Burgess, Anthony, 229-30 Burns, Ric, 297П12 Bush, George W., 210,219-20,226-27 Bus Stop (Almond), 210 Byar, James Lee, 33 Cage, John, 258 Cahun, Claude, 65-66 Cai Guo-Qiang, 34,169,265 Cairo Biennial of 2006,235 Calatrava, Santiago, 7, 265 Calder, Alexander, 74 Call Me Ishmael, the Fully Enlightened Earth Radiates Disaster Triumphant (Martinez), 235 Camnitzer, Luis, 158 Camus, Albert, 216-17,221,236,298, 299П12 Camus 2005-6 (Floyd), 216-17 Capote, Ivan, 159-61,293П17 Capote, Yoan, 159 Caravaggio, 202 Cardenas, Carlos, 155 Caro, Anthony, 162 Carroll, Mary Ellen, 208 Castelli, Leo, 123-24 Castro, Fidel, 152-54,157,162. See also Bienal de La Habana Cathedrals of Urban Modernity, The First Museums of Contemporary Art (Lor-ente), 275П12 Cattelan, Maurizio, 65,121 Cavemanman (Hirschhorn), 223 Celmins, Vija, 33,34 Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow, 281П24 Center for Land Use Interpretation, 230 Centre Pompidou, Paris: architecture of, 84,86; Magiciens de la Terre exhibit, Í55-56,292П10; recreation of Brancusi's studio in, 20 Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam, 152-54 Cézanne, Paul, 18 Chan, Paul, 203-4,216,266, 296П9 Chapman brothers, 50-52 Chelsea (New York) galleries, 40 Chen, Chien-Jen, 212 Chen Shaoxiong, 212 Chérin, Chéri, 65 Chichu Art Museum, Naoshima Island, 199-200 3 1 0 INDEX Chinad Foundation, 39 Chinese discourses, 168-69 Christiano, Dadang, 184 Christie's: Aboriginal art at, 137; competi­tion of, 139-40; contemporary art sales at, 121,122,125-26,128-29,140; 2008 sales at, 142-43 Christo, 39,109 chronophobia/chronophilia, 207-8, 297ml Chrysler Imperial (Barney), 282П2 City, The (Léger), 274П3 Cityscape (Richter), 24 Clark, Lygia, 22,23 "clash of civilizations" s Clash of Civilizations, The (Huntington), 273П5 Clemente, Francesco, 25 Cloaca (Delvoye), 209 Clockwork Orange, A (Burgess), 229-30 Cobra artists, 65 Cohen, Steven A., 54,129, 288П24 Cohen brothers, 99 collage, 22 Collective Suicide (Siqueiros), 21 collector museums, 47,87-89,251, 281ПП23-24. See also Naoshima Island, Japan; Saatchi Gallery collectors. See investor/collectors; markets for contemporary art colonial modernity, 6,197,262-63. See also postcolonial discourses Complete History of Postcontemporary Art, The (Meckseper), 54,270-71 Compulsory for Young Intellectuals (Floyd), 216-17 computer-aided three-dimensional inter­act! ve application (CATIA) modeling, 77,79 conceptualism, 245; at MoMA, 22,23; at the Tate Modern, 59-60, 64 Condemnations without Judgment (Samba), 33 conspiracy drawings (Lombardi), 222 consumption of contemporary art. See markets for contemporary art contemporaneity, 1-4,5-7,229-38,255-59; as key value in contemporary art, 257, 264; multiple histories within, 256-57; varied temporalities within, 197-98; of viewers' shared time/space with art­work, 195-96. See also time/temporality contemporary, 4-6 "Contemporary and the Historical, The" (Kuspit), 250 contemporary art, 1-10,241-71; antino­mies in, 268-69,305П40; artist/partici­pators in, 267-68; books on, 258-59, 304П25; in Bourriaud's altermodernity, 263-64; canonical approaches to, 251-53,303П17,303П20; challenges to interpretation of, 249-51; "contem­poraneity" as key value of, 257,264; generalizations about, 1,273m; histori­cal paradigms for, 244-46,302П3; im­age economy (iconomy) of, 246,249, 267-68,279m, 302П5; inherent fraudu-lence of, 246-49,302-3ПШ3-14,302Щ; institutional forces in, 241-44,250-51, 254,258,268; particularist approaches to, 251,254,259; pluralist and relativist approaches to, 253-59,3041129; prehis­tory of, 6,257; as relational aesthetics, 262,268-69; shift from modernism into, 256-59; styles as anachronism in, 257; three currents of, 6-9,257,264-71; transformation into Contemporaiy Art of, 122,126,128-29,241,250-51; us­age as term of, 242-44.30lnl ContemporaryArtSociety(CAS),57-58,257 Conversations (Neuenschwander), 232-33 Cooke, Lynn, 281П24 Cork, Richard, 59 Cortez, Diego, 147 cosmopolitanism, 167 cotemporal/cotemporality, 3-5 INDEX 3 1 1 counter-museums, 63 County НаБ (London), 50,53 Courbet, Gustave, 29-30 Course of Empire, The (Ruscha), 210 Cousins, Mark, 297ml "Creating Value Between Cultures" (T. Smith), 291П25 Creed, Martin, 64 Cremaster cycle (Barney), 9,91-113,174,181; corporate sponsorship of, 283П3; criti­cal response to, 96-97,283П4,283П9; cultural imagery of, 100; explorations of ontology in, 106-9,2851122; fantasy of mutable sexuality in, 103-5,107-9; high production values of, 95; market for, 109-10,285П43; narrative drive of, 99-100,107,174,181; photos of, 94,98, 101,105,108, no; responses to inequity in, 109-11; schematic outline of, 97-99; sculptural nature of, 100-103,282П2; site specificity of, 94-95; temporal warping in, 101-2; visual mediums of, 97 Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky), 217 criticism, 4,241, 258-59. See also historical analysis Cruz, Teddy, 231 Cuba: decolonization of, 152,154,160, 166-67; New Cuban Art, 155-56. See also Bienal de La Habana cubism, 18-19 Cultural History 1880-1983 (Darboven), 42 "Cultural Logic of the Late Capitalist Museum, The" (Krauss), 76 Cunningham, Christopher, 95 Cycle of Life (Frédéric), 173 Danto, Arthur, 27,302П3 Darboven, Hanne, 42 Davidts, Wouter, 84 Davila, Juan, 187 Dazed and Confused (McQueen), 283П5 Dead Prez, 226 Dean, Tacita, 208-9,300П31 Death of the Father (Bourgeois), 43 Debord, Guy, 7, 219, 258, 273П6 de Chirico, Giorgio, 64, 65 decolonization, 5,7,10,266; of Australia, 139-40; of Cuba, 152,154,160,166-67. See also postcolonial discourses Defamation Soft and Hard (Kelley), 32 Degas, Edgar, 18 Deitch, Geoffrey, 130-32 De Kooning, Winem, 17,121 De Lama Lámina (From Mud, A Blade) (Barney and Lindsay), 113 Deleuze, Gilles, 103 Del Favero, Dennis, 222-23 Delta Air Lines, 283П3 Delvoye, Wim, 209 Demand, Thomas, 210 de Marchi, Neil, 291П25 De Maria, Walter, 39,41,199-201 de Menil, Philippa, 38,39 Demoiselles d'Avignon (Picasso), 19 Derain, André, 18-19 Derrida, Jacques, 305П40 desconstructivism, 77 Design and Crime (and Other Diatribes) (Foster), 279m desiring machines, 103 Devotionalia (Dias and Riedweg), 159 Dia Art Foundation: acquisitions of, 42; land installations of, 38-40; Manhat­tan gallery of, 39-40; spiritual core of, 46, 277П10 Dia:Beacon, 9, 24,37-48, 87; art of the unconscious at, 43-44; intensity of experience at, 47-48; minimalist in­stallations at, 41-47; photos of, 41,44, 45; Serra's pieces at, 44-45,76,276П8; temple-like qualities of, 200 Diamond (Blue) (Koons), 286П3 Dias, Mauricio, 159 Diederichsen, Diedrich, 261-62 digital art, 27,195, 205, 225 312 INDEX Dijkstra, Rineke, 34 Dion, Mark, 62 Dis-Armor (Wodiczko), 232 Dis Pair (Murray), 25 diversity, 67,251 Divine Violence (Martinez), 235-36 Documenta 1,46,277Ш1 Documenta II, 277ml Documenta III, 277ml Documenta il, 10,24g, 262; criti­cal responses to, 156, 260,292ml; foundational principles of, 260-62; Huit Facettes at, 230-31; Monument to, Georges Bataille at, 223; post-colonial 1 discourse of, 151-52,156,291Ш11-2 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 217 double modernism, 252 Double Negative (Heizer), 42,233-34 ". Douglas, Stan, 225 Dow Chemical Corporation, 226 Dragset, Ingar, 90-91 Drawing Restraint (Barney), 107-8,113 Drumroll (McQueen), 65 Dubai, 89-90,143 Duchamp, Marcel, 20, 62,103,121 Dumas, Marlene, 236,279П12; at MoMA, 36; resale values for, 129; at the Tate Modern, 61, 63 Dwan, Virginia, 42 Dyslexia (Capote), 159-61 Eakins, Thomas, 30 Earth's Creation (Kngwarreye), 136 East Art Map, 167-68 Echaurren, Roberto Matta, 22 Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, 211 ecological discourses, 230-32 economics. See markets for contemporary art Edward R. Broida Collection, 33~34 Eiffel Tower, 68 89 Seconds at Alcazar (Sussman), 26,209 Einstein, Albert, 215 Eiriz, Antonia, 164 Elderfield John, 28 Electric Earth (Aitken), 213 Elephant и (Cenzken), 225,226 Eliasson, Olafur, 230; at MoMA, 36; at Palazzo Grassi, 55; "Take Your Time" exhibit of, 198; at the Tate Modern, 66 Elkins, James, 289П8 Elliott, David, 2811124 Elmgreen, Michael, 90-91 Embroideries (Satrapi), 187 Emergence (Viola), 201-2 Emin, Tracey, 50,130,131 Emmanuel Hoffmann Foundation, 88 Empire (Warhol), 205 An End to Modernity (McElheny), 269-71 enervation, 246 Enfants de Nuit (Bruyère), 174 Enola (Norrie), 212 environment. See place/placemaking "Envisioning Architecture" exhibit, 25 Enwezor, Okwui, 156,260-62,279П12, 291m. See also Documenta 11 Equal Area Series (de María), 41 Eraser (Aitken), 213 Erre, Marcos Ramirez, 231 Estudio Teddy Cruz, 231 Etants donnés (Duchamp), 103 ethical action, 10,224,237 Evans, Cerith Wyn, 66 Evans, Cliff, 225 EVE dome (Shaw), 173-75 Eve (Newman), 64 EventStructure Research Group, 225 everyday (Kalina), 205,209 Everyone Dreams of Staying Young and Fresh • (Ghazel), 186-87 Ewing, William A., 205 Exodus, or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture, 25 experience museums, 71,87,90-92,195 expressionism, 18-19 INDEX 3 1 3 Fabre, Jan, 172-73,181,186 Factory (Chen), 212 Fahlstrom, Oyvrind, 33 False Start (Johns), 126 Family Romance (Ray), 32 Fani-Kayode, Rotimi, 188 Fanon, Franz, 188 Fantôme Afrique (Julien), 190 Fantôme Créole (Julien), 189-90 Farrelly, Elizabeth, 182,184-85 Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 188 fauvism, 18-19 Fear of Small Numbers, An Essay on the Geo­graphy of Anger (Appadurai), 296П20 Feathered Stola (Dumas), 129 Federal (Carroll), 208 Feigen, Richard L., 141 Felix in Exile (Kentridge), 33 Femme terre (Ndiaye), 159 Fénéon, M. Félix, 18, 22 Fervor (Neshat), 186 festivalism, 292ml FIAC (Foire Internationale d'Art Contem­porain), 143 Field projects (Gormley), 181-85 5th tight (Chan), 204 ist Action: Wedding (Schwarzkogler), 32 ist Light (Chan), 203 Fischer, Urs, 55 Fischl, Peter, 212 Fisher, Don, 281П23 Fish Story series (Sekuła), 222 Fiteiro Cultural (Barros), 158 Five Angels for the Millennium (Viola), 202-3 Five Dreamings (Jagamarra), 138 5 Figures of Structure (Weiner), 43 Flavin, Dan, 39, 41,76 flex (Cunningham), 95 Floyd, Emily, 216-17 Fontana, Lucio, 22,258 Forgács, Péter, 167-68,294П25 Formalismus exhibit, 261 Fortaleza San Carlos de la Cabana, 158 For the Love of God (Hirst), 117-18 Foster, Hal, 252,264,273m, 303П17; on Dia: Beacon, 46-48; on Gehry, 279m; on Gluckman's Dia project, 40 found objects, 62,163, 225 4 Seasons of Veronica Read, The (Ataman), 213 4th tight (Chan), 204 Francesca, Piero della, 201 Franco, Siron, 159 Franz Fanon: Black Skin White Mask (Julien), 188 Fraser, Andrea, 90 Frédéric, Léon, 173 Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, Min­neapolis, 78-79 Free and Autonomous Monument, A (Wilson), 230 Friedman, Thomas, 273П5 Friedrich, Caspar David, 46 Friedrich, Heiner, 38-39,42,44, 46 Frieze Art Fair, 143,145 From the Freud Museum (Hillier), 62 Frontal Passage, A (Turrell), 33 F-111 (Rosenquist), 123 Fuchs, Rudi, 278П6 Fujimori, Alberto, 233 Fukutake, Soichiro, 87,200 Fukuyama, Francis, 244 Fuller, Peter, 248,303П14 fundamentalisms, 2,5,198,219 futurism, 18-19,20 Gagosian, Larry, 126,140,286П3 Gagosian Gallery, 276П8 Gallatin, Albert Eugen, 274П3 galleries, 119-20. See also museums Gallery of Horyugi Treasures, 15 Gallery of Living Art, 274П3 Gandhi, Mohandas, 170 Garcia Canclini, Nestor, 154,292ПП6-7 Gaudi, Antoni, 81 Geers, Kendell, 236 314 INDEX Geffen Contemporary, 84-85 Gehry, Frank, 7,265; critical acclaim for, 282m; design process of, 75-76; Gug­genheim (Abu Dhabi) of, 89; Guggen­heim Museum (Bilbao) of, 9,15,71-87, 242, 279m; L.A. s Temporary Contem­porary of 84-85; Tiffany jewelry col­lection, 279m; use of CATIA by, 77,79; Weisman Art Museum of, 78-79 - Genzken, Isa, 225,226 Getty Museum, Ł.A., 91,130 GFP Bunny project (Kac), 230 Ghazel, 186-87 Gide, André, 62,279П12 Gilbert & George, 56-57 Gill, Carolyn Bailey, 297ml Gillick, Liam, 225,229-30,300П31: Gilmore, Garry, 97,101-2 Gladstone, Barbara, 223 Glass, Phillip, 185 globalization, 2,5-7,259,264-65; al­legories of, 181-85; antiglobalization discourses, 7,169,221-24,258,2/1; in Guggenheim's concept of the museum, 93-95; institutionalization of Con­temporary Art in, 241-44; of markets for contemporary art, 54~55 ^17-32, l39-47 287Ш3; multiple temporalities of, 212; in Saatchi's modus operandi, 54-55; value of the present in, 132, 139-40; varied temporalities within, 197-98, See also postcolonial discourses Global Studio, 231 Gluckman, Richard, 40 Gober, Robert, 25,35,248 Godard, Jean-Luc, 2851123,298П3 Godfather cycle, 111 Goldblatt, David, 25 Golden Calf, The (Hirst), 140 Goldsworthy, Andy, 230 Gonzalez, Julio, 81 Gonzalez-Torres, Felix, 33 Gordon, Douglas, 206,225 Gorin, Jean-Pierre, 298П3 Gorky, Arshile, 22 Gormley, Anthony; 181-89 graffiti, 228,3001127 Graham, Dan, 3g Greenberg, Clement, 23 Green Car Crash (Green Burning Carl) (Warhol), 12g Greenwich mean time, 197 Group Irwin, 167-68,2941124 Groys, Boris, 296П2 Granic, Marina, 167 Guattari, Felix, 103 Guggenheim Foundation, 93-95, 282-83Ш12-3 Guggenheim Museum"Abu Dhabi, 89 Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, 9,15,37, 71-87,242; atrium of, 17,71-75,81,244; east tower ("High Reader") of, 81-83, 280013; emptied spaces of, 111-12; fish gallery oí, 85; inclusi ve remodernism of, 79-81; meeting of sculptural and functional in, 74-85,95-96,280П7; modernist art of, 75; photos of, 72,73, 80,82; populist message of, 74-75.86, 91; Serras works at, 84,85-86; temple-like qualities of 200; traditional rect­angular galleries of, 60,76,83-84 Guggenheim Museum, New York, 75,83- 84,91; Barney's works in, 93-113.282112; photos of, 94; Rotunda of 93-95; spiral ramps of, 95,283П3,283П9. See also Cremaster cycle (Barney) Guimaräes, Cao, 66 Gulf Art Fair, 143 Gutksy, Andreas, 26 Guston, Philip, 34 Gutai group, 258 Haacke, Hans, 90 Haburger Kunstverein, 2 61 Hadid, Zaha, 89,162 Hall, Stuart, 151 INDEX 3 1 5 Hamilton, Richard, 50, 66 Hanging Heart (Magenta and Gold) (Koons), 286П3 Hanson, Duane, 52 Haring, Keith, 228 Harrison, Rachel, 225 Harvey, Marcus, 50 Hatoum, Mona, 33 Hatton, Rita, 277П7 Haunch of Venison gallery, 122 Havana. See Bienal de La Habana Hawkinson, Tim, 76-77,91 Hayward Gallery, 58 Heaven of Delight (Fahre), 172-73,181,186 Hegel, Georg, 253 Heinrich, Nathalie, 303П14 Heizer, Michael, 42,233-34 Hell (Chapman brothers), 50-52 Hendeles, Ydessa, 87 Henson, Matthew, 190 Here, Sir Fire, Eat! (Matta), 22 Herkenhoff, Paulo, 292П5 the Hermitage, 244 Hermitage Museum, 19 Herzog & de Meuron: Schaulager Mu­seum of, 88; Tate Modern of, 56-57; Tate Modern 2 of, 67-68 Hesse, Eva, 22,32, 61 Hessische Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, 60 Hickey, Dave, 248,283П9,303П14 High Art Lite (Stallabrass), 247-48,302П3 Hill, Gary, 63 Hillier, Susan, 62 Hirschhorn, Thomas, 122,218,223,298П3 Hirst, Damien, 7,248; absence from MoMA of, 25; art purchases by, 286П3; autobiography of, 3,273П2; For the Love of God, 117-19; market for, 147, 290П15; marketing strategies of, 117-19, 128,140,143; net worth of, 117,285m; one-artist exhibition at Sotheby's by, 140,142,289П10; at Palazzo Grassi, 55; resale values for, 129, 288П24; Saatchi's collection of, 49-51,53 historical analysis, 4,10, 241, 244-46, 258-59 History (Capote), 160, 293П17 Hitchcock, Alfred, 206 Hockney, David, 140 Hoffmann, Emmanuel, 88 Hollein, Hans, 60 Höller, Carsten, 230 Holy Viryin Mary, The (Ofili), 50 Holzer, Jenny, 166 Homer, Winslow, 30,288П24 homosexual discourses, 187-90 Honmura, Japan. See Naoshima Island, Japan Hopper, Edward, 21 Hoptman, Laura, 225, 299П19 Houdini, Harry, 97,102,103,104 House, The (Ahtila), 229 House of Sand, The (Waddington), 190 Houshiary, Shirazeh, 33 Hsieh, Tehching, 207-8 Hubert, Pierre, 122 Hudson River School, 46-47 Hughes, Robert, 248,275П12,303П14 Huit Facettes, 122,230-31 Huldisch, Henriette, 225 Human/Need/Desire (Nauman), 25 Hume, Gary, 53,129 Hundley, Elliott, 225 Huntington, Samuel P., 273П5 Hurlements en faveur de Sade (Debord), 258 Hütter, Michael, 2911125 Huyghe, Pierre, 225 iconogeographic turnings, 10,166-71, 2931119; in cartographic representa­tions, 169-70; in Chinese discourses, 168-69; in post-Soviet discourses, 167-68,294П24 31G INDEX iconomy (visual image economy), 249, 279 m Ikon Gallery, 58 image economy, 6, 246,249,267-68, 279m, 302П5 immediate, 4-5 Imperial (Barney), 103 Impossible Presence: Surface and Screen in the Photogenic Era (Smith), 302П5 impressionism, 29-30 Incubadora (Maggi), 160-62 indigenous art, 6, 62-64 industrial settings, 81-82, 84-85,225 inequity, 6,127; Cremaster's response to, 109-11; populist responses to, 74-75, 86,91 Infidelity (Arias), 159 innervation, 246 installation art, 195, 296П2 Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, 223, 257 Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 57-58 institutionalization of Contemporary Art, 241-44 institutions. See museums interactivity, 8 internationalist values, 7-8 international modern art, 263 internet sales mechanisms, 119-20 interpretation of art, 249-51 Intolerance (Franco), 159 investors/collectors, 123-24,127-32, 144-45,258, 287Ш9 Iraq invasion and occupation, 210 Irises (Van Gogh), 130 irrational exuberance, 141-42 Irwin, Robert, 40 Ishi's Light (Kapoor), 64 Isozaki, Arata, 84, 85 Istanbul Biennale of 2001,90 "I've Got It All" (Emin), 130,131 I Want to Spend the Rest of My Life Every­where (Hirst), 3,273П2 Jaar, Alfredo, 169-70 Jacir, Emily, 214 Jackie paintings (Warhol), 128 Jagamarra, Michael Nelson, 138 Jagger, Mick, 2851123 Jameson, Fredric, 245,255-56,280П3 Jean Claude, 39 Jeanette (Matisse), 61, 63 Joacomides, Christos, 278П6 Johns, Jasper, 123,126 Johnson, Philip, 280П7 Jonesjim, 213 JoplingJay, 117 Joseph II of Austria, 275П11 Judd, Donald: at Dia, 42-43; atMarfa, Texas, 39-40; at MoMA, 20,22; at Musée d'Art Moderne, 76 Julien, Isaac, 187-90,266 junk installations, 163 Kabakov, Ilya, 281П24 Kac, Eduardo, 230 Kaldor, John, 38-39 Kalina, Noah, 205,209 Kandinsky, Wassily, 20 "Kapital=Kunst" slogan, 57 Kapoor, Anish, 64 Kassel, Germany. See Documenta Kawara, On, 208 Kcho, 155 Kelley, Mike, 32,299П19 Kelly, Ellsworth, 47 Kennedy, John F., 258 Kentridge, William, 33.236.266 Killing Time (Swallow), 209 Kimmelman, Michael: on the Cremaster cycle, 93,282m, 283П4; on Dia:Beacon, 38; on MoMA, 28,34-35 Klee, Paul, 23 INDEX ' 3 1 7 idein, Yves, 22,140,258 Kline, Franz, 125,287П13 Klucis, Gustav, 20 Kluge-Ruhe collection, 136-37 Kngwarreye, Emily Käme, 136-38,289П7, 302П9 Knight, Christopher, 303П14 Knoebel, Imi, 224-25 Koch, Stephen, 297П12 Kodak (Dean), 208-9 Koenig, Kaspar, 278П6 Koolhaas, Rem, 25,89-90 Koons, Jeff, 7,248,265,271; at Bilbao, 74, 91; market for, 119,121,128,147,286П3, 290П23; at Palazzo Grassi, 55 Kostenbaum, Wayne, 297П12 Kosuth, Joseph, 22,23 Kounellis, Jannis, 64 Krauss, Rosalind, 76,86,252,273m, 280П3, 283П6,303П17 Krens, Thomas, 74, 76,77,86 Kiiba (Ataman), 213-14 Kubrick, Stanley, 229-30 Kunsthalle, Berne, 60 Kuspit, Donald, 250,253-54 Lacan, Jacques, 106 Lakonikon (Lindman), 227-28 Lam, Wifedo, 152-54 Lambie, Jim, 224-25 Lánchíd: The Lament of the Queen of the Chain (Barney), 103 land art, 39 Lang, Fritz, 79,111,172 La Patera (Mariño), 162 Las Meninas (Velazquez), 26,209 Last Supper, The (Leonardo), 204 Latham, John, 23 Lau, Joseph, 128 Laurens, Henri, 81 Laurin, Lou, 152-53 Lawrence, Jacob, 21 Lê, An-Ming, 24 Learned Helplessness in Rats (Rock 'n Roll Drummer) (Nauman), 33 Le Centre National d'Art et Culture Georges Pompidou. See Centre Pompidou Lee, Pamela M., 297ml Léger, Fernand, 274П3 Leipzig School group, 144 Leirner, Nelson, 169 Leonard, Zoe, 222,266 Leonardo da Vinci, 204 lessness, 225,299П19 LeWitt, Sol, 40 LFK1314,294П3 Libeskind, Daniel, 7, 265 Lichtenstein, Roy, 64,140 Lightning Field (De Maria), 39 Ligon, Glen, 187 Lindemann, Adam, 286П3 Lindman, Pia, 227-28 Lindsay, Arto, 113 Lissitzky, El, 20 Little Frank and His Carp (Fraser), 90 Lianes, Llilian, 154-55 local values, 7-8 Lombardi, Mark, 222, 266 Long, Richard, 61, 63 Long March: A Walking Visual Display (Lujie et al.), 210-11 Long Road to Mazatldn (Julien), 189 Looking for Längsten (Julien), 188 Lorente, J. Pedro, 275П12 Louis XVIII of France, 29 Louvre, 29-30,89 Love Actually (Curtis), 302П9 Lowry, Glenn, 13,35,36 Lujie, 169,210-11 Luxembourg Gallery, Paris, 29-30, 274П3 Lynes, George Piatt, 188 Lynn, Greg, 89 Macchi, Jorge, 232-33 Macmillan, James, 302П9 3 1 8 INDEX Maggi, Marco, 160-62 Magiciens de la Terre exhibit, 155-56, 292П10 Maiastra (Brancusi), 66 Mailer, Norman, 97 Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich, 20 Maman (Bourgeois), 63,91 Manet, Edouard, 188 Manifesta, 156 Mann, Thomas, 2841110 Manzoni, Piero, 22 Mao (Warhol), 128 Mapping the Studio I (Fat Chance John Cage) (Nauman), 43 Mapplethorpe, Robert, 188 maps, 169-70 Marclay, Christian, 265 Marden, Brice, 33 Marino, Armando, 162 markets for contemporary art, 9-10, 117-32,246-47,251,291П24; at art fairs, 143-45,258,290П21; artist prominence ratings in, 121; at auction houses, 120-26,130-31,139-40,143-46,258, 287П14; for Australian Aboriginal art, 43-43; bubble economy of, 141-43, 290Ш5; collector museums in, 47, 87-89,251,281ПП23-24; conventional focus of, 145-46; for Cuban art, 156; dominance of, 120-21; emergence of, 123-27; globalized context of, 54-55, 119-32,139-47,287П13; for Hirst's works, 117-19; investor/collectors in, 123-24,127-32,141,144-45,258,287П19; for local and regional artists, 130-31; monetarization of collecting in, 120, 130-32; prices in, 121-25,128-30,254; resale royalties in, 124-25; sales fig­ures for, 140-43; secondary markets in, 124-32; Warhol's transitional role in, 126,128-29 Martí, José, 162 Martin, Agnes, 33 Martin, Jean-Hubert, 115-56,292Ш0 Martinez, Daniel Joseph. 235-36 Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, Williamstown, 76-77 mass media, 225-28 Matisse, Henri, 18-20,61,63 Matta-Clark, Gordon, 24 Matter of Time, A (Serra), 85-86 Mbembe, Achille, 180-81 McCarthy, Paul, 3Z-33 McCracken, John, 23 McDonald, John, 303П14 McElheny, Josiah, 269-70 McQueen, Alexander, 95, 283ПП4-5 McQueen, Steve, 6i, 65,236 McShine, Kynaston, 31 Meantime (Almond), 197 mechanisms of desire, 103-5 Meckseper, Josephine, 54,270-71 media mobility, 225-28,299022 media specificity, 2Z4 mediation, 145,157,196,224 Mei Moses Annual All Art Index, 125-2; Mein 2000,2001,2002 (Ghazel), 186 Meireles, Cildo, 266 Melnikov, Konstantin, 28U124 Mendieta, Ana, 163-64,293П18 Merca tor projection, 169-71 Metropolis (Lang), 79. J11 J72 Metropolitan Museum, New York, 123, 2881124 Meuck, Ron, 52,53,91 Meyer, Rupert, 281П24 Migration (Lawrence), 21 Miho Museum, Japan, 200 Millar, Jeremy, 212,300П31 Millennium Commission, 56 Miller, Dorothy, 31 Miller, George, 99 Milosevic, Slobodan, 210 Minamidera, Naoshima Island, 87, 193-95.19s INDEX 3 1 9 Minibayea, Almagul, 224 minimalism, 23,245; in Dia projects, 39-47; emptiness of, 95-96,283П6; industrial settings of, 84,225; materi­alist outlooks of, 201; at MoMA, 22; in sculptural architecture, 76; at the Tate Modern, 61-62, 66; use of Untitled as title in, 28 ; Mirror of Production, The (Baudrillard), 285П22 Miyajima, Tatsuo, 198-99 modern art, 6, 242,246,250; contem­poraneous assessments of, 252-53; Nietzsche's insights on, 96-97; prehis­tory of contemporary art in, 6, 257; quest for transcendence of time in, Í97-98; transition into contemporary art from, 126,128, 247,256-59 Modern Art Despite Modernism (Storr), 276П22 Modern Contemporary: Art at MoMA since 1980 (MoMA), 27-28 Modernity at Large (Appardurai), 273П6 modernity/modernism, 1-2,4,254, 262-64; Baudelaire on, 78; Bourriaud's altermodernity, 263-64; colonial forces of, 6,197,262-63; historicizing impulses of, 245 Modern Painting and Sculpture: 1880 to the Present (Elderfield), 28 Moffatt, Tracey, 187 MoMA. See Museum of Modern Art Moment is the Moment, The (Aitken), 198 Monderna Museet, Stockholm, 91 Mondrian, Piet, 21 Monet, Claude: at MoMA, 17; at Naoshima Island, 200; at the Tate Modern, 61, 63,66 monetarization of collecting, 130-32 Monroe, Marilyn, 128,258 Monsoon (Aitken), 212-13 Montana, Linda, 207-8 "Monuments"for V.Tatlin (Flavin), 41 Monument to Balzac (Rodin), 15 Monument to Georges Bataille (Hirschhorn), 223 Monument to Martyrs of the Revolution, 2006,166 Monument to the Third International of 1920 (Tatlin), 68 Moor, Ayanah, 226-27 Moore, Charles, 280П7 Morphy, Howard, 296П8 Morris, Robert, 44,76 Mosquera, Geraldo, 155,181 Mueck, Ron, 129 Mullins, Aimee, 95,283П5 Murakami, Takashi, 7,265; market for, 128,147,290П23; at Palazzo Grassi, 55 Murray, Elizabeth, 25 Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 76 Musée d'Elysée, Lausanne, 205 Musée des Artistes Vivants, Paris, 29-30, 274-пз Musée d'Orsay, Paris, 19 musées de passage, 29-30,31,85 Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, 156-57 Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, 60 Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, 91 Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Ange­les, 42,84-85 Museum of Jurassic Technology, Los Angeles, 230 Museum of Modern Art, New York (MoMA), 9,13-37,200; Aitken's Sleepwalkers at, 213; atrium of, 16-17; attendance at, 66; contemporary art exhibits of, 17,32-36; critical reactions to, 257; curatorial territorialism of, 17-18; Deconstructivist Architecture exhibit at, 280П7; defensive remodern-ism of, 26,27-36,260, 275П16,276П22; Eliasson's Take Your Time exhibit at, 320 INDEX 198; founding goals of, 28,30-31,36; modern art exhibits of, 17-23; Nouvel tower display space, 275П18; NYC as artwork in, 25; Out of Time exhibit at, 34-35; photos of, 14,16,19,20,21,23, 26; Sculpture Garden of, 14,15; Stella retrospective at, 123; Taniguchi's ex­pansion of, 13-18,35-36, 83; temporary exhibition galleries of, 17 Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 58 museums, 7-10, 241-44,265; as archive, 62-63; artists' attitudes towards, 122; branding of, 91-92; collector muse­ums, 47, 87-89, 251,281ПП23-24; crowd management in, 195; cultural tourism at, 89-90; deaccessioning of works by,1 119; demographics of visitors to, 59; experience museums, 71,87,90-92, t95 ' globalized conceptions of, 93-95, 282-83ПП2-3; institutional redefini­tions of, 9-10,29-30,36-37,111-13; musée de passage approach, 29-31,85, 275ПП11-12; populist tendencies of, 74-75,86,91; private management of, 87; site specificity of, 94-95; spectacle in architecture of, 7,9,15,74,86-87; temple-like evocations by, 200-201. See also architecture of museums; names of specific museums, e.g. Saatchi Gallery My Bed (Emin), 50 Myra (Harvey), 50 Nadal-Ginard, Bernardo, 129 Nana (Saint-Phalle), 91 Naoshima Island, Japan, 47; Benesse House collection of, 199; Chichu Art Museum of, 199-200; Fukutake's spiritual goals for, 200-201; Honmura village installations of, 198-99; Min-amidera of, 87,193-95. ^8 National Gallery of Australia, 123,286П10 Nature's Little Helpers (Piccinini), 230 Nauman, Bruce, 22; at Dia, 43; at MoMA, 25,33; at Naoshima Island, 200; promi­nence rating of, 121 Ndiaye, Ousmane, 159 neoconservativism, 7,265 neoliberal economics. 7,120,265 Neshat, Shirm. 185-87.266, 8,27,266 Net o, Ernesto, 157 Neuenschwander, Rivane, 66,232-33 Never.Ignorant.Gettin'.Goals.Accomplished ! (Moor), 226-27 New Cuban Art, 155-56 new disorder, 5,8,78,273П5 Newhouse, Victoria, 79,83 Newman, Barn ett, 16,20,22,64 new media, 225,2991122 New Museum of Contemporary Art, 34 . New s from the Coyote (Beuys), 41-42 New York Earth Room (de Maria), 39 Nicholson, Ben, 125,287П13 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 96-97,284П10 1965/1-00 (Opa ka), 208 Ninth Hour, The (Catelan), 121 Njami, Simon, 235-36 Nkanga, Otobong, 159 Nobel Prizes for Literature, 217-18,220-21, 299П12 Noland, Cady, 34 Norrie, Susan, 212 ! North, East, South, West (Heizer), 42 Nouvel Jean, 89,275П18 Number IA, 1948 (Pollock), 21 Obrist, Hans Ulrich, 296П9 Observance (Viola), 201 October journal, 252 Ofili, Christopher, 50 Oiticica, Hélio, 22,23 Oldenburg, Claes, 74 Olivia, Achille Bonito, 278П6 Olympia (Manet), 188 Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 128 One and Three Chairs (Kosuth), 23 INDEX 3 2 1 loo Live and Die (Nauman), 200 1001 Manusia tanah (Christiano), 184 One Year Performance 1980-1581 (Hsieh), 207-8 ontologies of the present, 255-56 Opałka, Roman, 208 op art, 23 OpenOffice, 40 Orange Marilyn (Warhol), 128 Order, The (Barney), 283П5 Ouroussoff, Nicolai, 17,36 Outpourings from the heart of an art-loving friar (Wackenroder), 46 Outsider, The (Floyd), 216-17 Pace, Linda, 88 Pain in a Building (Gillick), 229-30 Painting Face Down White Line (McCarthy), 32-33 Palais Royal, Paris, 29 Palau Giiell, Barcelona, 81 Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 54-55,277П8 Panza di Biumo, Guiseppe, 279П8 Paradise Omeros (Julien), 189-90 paralympic athletes, 95,283П5 Paris Biennale of 2000, 244 Parke-Bernet, 124-25 Park Fiction, 230-31 Partition (Barney), 102-3 Passage (Neshat), 185-87 Passmore, Victor, 230 Pataki, George, 40 Patron, The (Bickerton), 52 Pearl, Jed, 303П14 Peary, Robert, 190 Pei, I. M., 200 Pei-Zhu Studio, 89 performance art, 195 Perniola, Mario, 303П14 Persepolis (Satrapi), 187 Peters, Arno, 169 Peters projection, 169-71 Philadelphia Museum of Art, 18 philanthropy, 47,87-89, 281ПП23-24. See also Saatchi Gallery Phillips, de Ригу & Company, 121,140, 142-43,287П14 physical disabilities, 95,283П5 Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, The (Hirst), 50-51,53, I29,288n24 Piano, Renzo, 88 Picasso, Pablo: at the Gallery of Living Art, 274П3; impact on Gehry by, 77-78; at MoMA, 19-20,21; primitivism of, 22; prominence rating of, 121 Piccinini, Patricia, 230-31 Piketty, Thomas, 127 Pinault, François, 54-55, 277П8 Pinter, Harold, 217-18,220-21,237 Piper, Adrian, 34,187 Place (Dean and Millar), 300П31 place/placemaking, 8,10, 229-38; cross-border art in, 231; displacement in, 78; ecological discourses in, 230-32; global mobility of artists in, 235-37; warps and displacements in, 229-30 Plagens, Peter, 303П14 pluralism, 34,253-54,304П129 Poinsot, Jean-Marc, 278П6 political art, 216-38,298П3,301П44; of Af­rican artists, 235-37; antiglobalization discourses in, 221-24; echoes of ab­sence in, 232-34; ecological discourses in, 230-32; graffiti, 228,300П27; mass media discourses in, 225-28,2991122; responses to power in, 219-21,298, 299П12; small-scale connectivity in, 231-38,301П40; at the Tate Modern, 59-60; unmonumentality and lessness in, 225,299П19; at Whitney Biennials, 234-35 Politics of Aesthetics, The (Rancière), 273П6 Polk, Brigid, 25 Pollack, Sidney, 75 Pollock, Jackson: market for, 123,286П10; 322 INDEX at MoMA, 20, 21-22; at the Tate Mod­ern, 65 Pompidou Center. See Centre Pompidou pop art: at the Tate Modern, 65; transi­tional role of, 126,128-29 Portrait of Joseph Roulirt (Van Gogh), 22 Possessed (Neshat), 186 postcolonial discourses, 7,10,151-71, 259-61, 266; in Aboriginal art, 10,121, 133-43; affiliative contemporaneity in, 154-55;at the Bienal de La Habana, 152-66; cartographie representations of, 169-70; conceptions of beauty and otherness in, 172-90; on constraints of small numbers, 187, 296П20; in Documenta u, 151-52,156,260-62, 291ПП1-2, 292ml; focus on peripheries in, 151,155-58,167-68,292ПП5-7; from former Soviet states, 167-68,294П24; iconogeographic turnings in, 10, 166-71,293mg; in Latin America, 154; responses to canonicity in, 252-53; of time, 197-98,210-11 the posthistorical, 244-46 postimpressionism, 30 postminimalism, 22,23, 84,201 postmodernity/postmodernism, 2,242, 254-55,276П22; of Frankfurt's Museum für Modene Kunst, 60; at MoMA, 35-36 post-Soviet discourses, 167-68,295П24 "postwar" label, 125,128,287П13 Power into Art, 56 Powerless Structures (Elmgreen and Drag-set), 90-91 Power of Display: A History of Exhibition Installations at the Museum of Modern Art (Staniszewski), 275П12 precisionism, 23 Precolombino SCPostClintoniano (Maggi), 160 Presentation (Schutz), 33 Price, Ken, 34 Price of Everything, The (Braathen et al.), 2911124 Prieto, Wílfredo, 163,166 primitivism, 22,120-21; at MoMA, 19-20; at the Tate Modern, 62-64 Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Devel­opment, 157 Pro and Contra Wagner (Mann), 284nio Project for a Revolution of the World Wide Web (Jaar), 170 Proun 19 D (Lissitzky), 20 Psycho (Hitchcock), 206 Pulitzer Foundation Museum, 47 Puppy (Koons), 74,91 Qin Ga, 211 Quinn, Marc, 50 Quintana, Ciro, 155 racial discourses: in animal violence of African art, 179-81; in Australian Ab­original art, 133-43; in constraints of small numbers, 187,296П20; in Juliens constructions of interracial identities, 187-90; in the masses of Asian Field, 183 radical relativism, 253 RAIN group, 158 Ramallah/New York (Jack), 214 Ramirez, Nelson, 162-63 Rancière, Jacques, 237,273П6,301П44 Random Access (Floyd), 216-17 Rape of the Sabine Women (Poussin), 209 Rapture (Neshat), 186 Rasdjarmrearnsook, Araya, 211-12 Rauschenberg, Robert, 258; at MoMA, 20, 22; resale prices of, 124-25 Raven W (David Smith), 287П13 Rawanchaikul, Navin, 243-44 Ray, Charles, 32 Ray, Man, 62 Read, Herbert, 58 Reading Inaowfor Female Corpse (Rasdjarm­rearnsook), 212 INDEX 3 2 3 Real, 106 Red Slate Circle (Long), 61, 63 Red Studio, The (Matisse), 19 Reinhardt, Ad, 31 relational aesthetics, 262,268-69 relativism, 253-54 remodernism, 7,245,257,265,268; of Barney's Cremaster cycle, 96-97; of Gehry's Bilbao museum, 79,96; indus­trial contexts of, 225; markets for, 10; at MoMA, 26-36,275П16,276П22; post-colonial responses to, 169-71; quest for transcendence of time in, 197 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, 18 Resistance, Rebellion and Death (Camus), 298 Retort, 218-19 retro-sensationalism, 7,91,245,257,265, 268; of Barney's Cremaster cycle, 96-97; of Gehry's Bilbao museum, 96; instant impact of, 194-95,197, 225; markets for, 10; postcolonial responses to, 169-71 Rév, István, 167 Reverón, Armando, 22-23 Rhein II (Gurksy), 26 Rhoades, Jason, 299mg Rice, Condoleezza, 226-27 Richter, Gerhard, 138-39,265; at MoMA, 24,25,35; prominence rating of, 121 Riedweg, Walter, 159 Right You Are If You Think You Are (Leirner), 169 Ritchie, Ian, 83 Rivera, Diego, 21 Rocky Horror Picture Show, 107 Rodchenko, Aleksander, 20, 81 Roden Crater (Turrell), 39 Rodin, Auguste, 15 Rodríguez, Robaldo, 155 Rojas-Sotelo, Miguel, 29U14 Rolling Stones, 285П23 Roppongi Hills Tower, Tokyo, 63 Rorschach blot skeleton (Warhol), 25 Rosenquist, James, 123 Rosenthal, Norman, 278П6 Roth, Dieter, 32 Rothko, Mark, 33, 66 Rothko Chapel, Houston, 16 Rothschild, Nat, 117 Rubell, Don and Ira, 87,144,145,2901121 Rubin, William, 19 Rudenstine, Angelica, 30 Ruprecht, William R, 145 Ruscha, Ed, 210 Russian Ark (Sokurov), 244 Ryder, Albert, 30 Ryman, Robert, 33, 41 Saadiyat Island (Abu Dhabi), 89-90 Saatchi, Charles, 49-50,53-55,58,127, 129,140 Saatchi Gallery, London, 9,37, 49-55, 87,129,271; absence of Australian Aboriginal art at, 138; curatorial logic of, 50-52; museum-like ambiance of, 53-54,277П7; New American Art from, 54; photos of, 51,52; yBas exhibits at, 49-5B58-59 laez, Emmanuel, 127 laid, Edward, 105 Saint-Phalle, Nikki de, 91 Salcedo, Doris, 26 sales of contemporary art. See markets for contemporary art Salz, Jerry, 97 - Samba, Chéri, 33, 65 Samsung Museum, Seoul, 288П24 Sanaa, 34 Sandback, Fred, 22,39,43-44 Sant'Elia, Antonio, 81 Sastre, Martin, 159-60,225 Satrapi, Marjane, 187 Schaulager Museum, Basel, 88 Schjeldahl, Peter, 47,144,277П13,283П9, 292ml 324 INDEX Schnabel, Julian, 7,49, 247,265 Schneider, Gregor, 228-29 Schutz, Dana, 33 Schwartzman, Allan, 87,281П23 Schwarzkogler, Rudolf, 32 Schwitters, Kurt, 81 Scientia E Metaphysica (Beils Theorem) (Bell), 133-34 Scott, Giles Gilbert, 56 Screen Tests (Warhol), 26 Scull, Robert, 123-25 Scully, Sean, 138-39 sculptural: Andres three-concept definition of, 77; in Barney's Cremas-ter cycle, 100-103; in Gehry's Bilbao Guggenheim, 75-87,95-96,280П7; in unmonumental sculpture, 225. See also building-as-sculpture sculpture. See building-as-sculpture Seaman, Bill, 294П3 Sea of Time '98 (Miyajima), 198-99 Searle, Adrian, 230 2nd Light (Chan), 203 Sekuła, Allan, 122,222,266 Sel/(Quinn), 50 sensationalism. See retro-sensationalism Serota, Nicholas, 60,278П6,279П8 Serpentine Gallery, 58 Serra, Richard, 7,265,281П18; at Bilbao, 84, 85-86; in Cremaster3,98,100,102,109, 285П23; at Dia, 42,44-45,76; atMoMA, 36; portentous pieces of, 44-45,276П8; Pulitzer Foundation of Museum de­sign of, 47; at the Tate Modern, 61 7 iigkts project (Chan), 203-4,296П9 Shack/Slumdwellers International, 230-31 shadow exhibitions, 66 Shadows Cast by Readymades (Hamilton), 66 Shadows (Warhol), 42 Shaw, Jeffrey, 173-75,225,299П22 Sheeler, Charles, 21 Sher-Gil archive project, 168 Sherman, Cindy: at MoMA, 25; resale values for, 129; Saatchi's collection of, 53; at the Tate Modern, 66 Sherman, Gene, 281П24 She-Wolf The (Pollock), 21,22 Shiller, Robert J., 141-42 Shimamoto, Shozo, 258 Shock of the New: The Hundred-Year History of Modern Art (Hughes), 275П12 Shock of the New, The (Dunlop), 275П12 Shonibare, Yinka, 33 Should I Live to be a Hundred, 1988- (Benc­zúr), 207-8 Sichy, Ingrid, 283П4 Signac, Paul, 18,22 Sime, Elias, 184 Simpson, Loma, 187 Si Poteris Narrare, Licet (Bmyère), 173-81, 186; headset interface of, 174; sche­matic outline of, 174-80 Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 21 6th Light (Chan), 204 Sketches of Frank Gehry (Pollack), 75 Sketch for a World Map, Part 1 (Americas, Pacific) (Fahlstrom), 33 Sleepwalkers (Aitken), 213 small-scale connectivity, 231-38,267 Smith, Bernard, 263,288П3,305П36 Smith, David, 287П13 Smith, Keir, 294П3 Smith, Roberta, 111,213,283П4 Smith, Terry, 279m, 28907 Smithson, Robert, 22,23,39.44 Snake (Serra), 84,85 Soanejohn, 189 Society of Patriotic Friends of the Arts, 275ml Society of the Spectacle, The (Debord), 273П6 Soft Shuttlecock (Oldenburg and Brüggen), 74 Sokurov, Alexander, 244 Solo Scenes (Roth), 32 Song Dong, 168-69 INDEX 3 2 5 Sotheby's: Aboriginal art at, 136-37; competition of, 139-40; contemporary art sales by, 121,123-25,129,131-32,140; one-artist exhibit by Hirst at, 140,142, 289П10; 2008 sales at, 142-43 Soto, Jesús Rafael, 22 Sots Art, 127 Source of Life, The (Frédéric), 173 South London Gallery, 58 spectacle art and architecture, 6,7,15,219, 257,265,268; in building-as-sculpture, 9,74,86-87; for cultural tourism, 89-90; by deconstructivist architects, 77,280П7; in experience museums, 71, 87,90-92,195; populist leanings in, 74-75,86,91. See also architecture of museums SPECTACULAR, 90-91 spectacularism, 7,257,265,268 Spector, Nancy, 96,97,100-101 Spero, Nancy, 34 Spider (Bourgeois), 43 Spiral Jetty (Smithson), 39 spiritual discourses, 200-201 splashers, 228 Stalker, 231 Stallabrass, Julian, 53,247-48,302П3 Staniszewski, Mary Anne, 275П12 : Starry Night, The (Van Gogh), 18 Starved Letters (Neuenschwander), 232-33 Stasi City (Wilson and Wilson), 167 Stedelijk Museum, 30 Stein, Gertrude: on musées de passage, 85; on museums of modern art, 29,35,90, 275П10 Steiner, George, 273П8 Stella, Frank, 123 stock market, 141-43 Storr, Robert, 2761122 Straightening Spears (Tjupurrula), 203, 296П8 Stranger, The (Camus), 216-17 Struth, Thomas, 24 Studio Pei-Zhu, 89 subjectification of viewers, 47, 277П13 sublime, 46-47,288П24 Sudbrack, Eli, 224-25 Sugimoto, Hiroshi, 53,129,199 Sundaram, Vivan, 168 Super (M)art (Rawanchaikul), 243-44 surrealism, 43-44,62,63 Sussman, Eve, 26,209 Sustained Suture (Nkanga), 159 Suvero, Mark di, 77 Swain, Tony, 296П8 Swallow, Ricky, 209 Sydney Biennale of 2006,182-85, 224 "Sympathy for the Devil" 285П23 Szeeman, Harald, 278П6 Take Your Time (Eliasson), 198 Taking of Christ, The (Caravaggio), 202 Talking Prices (Velthuis), 120 Taniguchi, Yoshio, 13-18,35-36,83 Tarantino, Quentin, 99 Tate Gallery, 56,57-59 Tate Modern, 9,24,30,37,56-68; archi­tecture of, 56-57; attendance at, 59, 66; Beuys collection of, 63; colonialist reflex of, 62-64,279П12; conceptualism at, 59-60, 64; contemporized displays of, 59-60; engagement with diversity at, 67; expansion plans for, 66-68; funding of, 57,59,278П2; indigenous art at, 62-64; local artifacts at, 62; minimalism at, 61-62, 66; opening of, 49-50; patronage of, 49,56-57; photos of, 57, 61, 62, 67; pop art at, 65; rehang of 2005-6 at, 64-66; surrealism at, 62, 63; temporary exhibits at, 63; The Wrong Gallery exhibit at, 66;yBas col­lection at, 53; "zone" model of, 60-64, 278П6,279П8 Tatlin, Vladimir, 68 Temporary Contemporary, 84-85 tercomundismo, 154-55 326 INDEX Terrain Project (Woods), 25 Teshigahara, Hiroshi, 190 Thatcher, Margaret, 50,247 Theatre Piece No. 1 (Cage), 258 "Theorem on Aboriginal Art" (Bell), 133 3rd bight (Chan), 203-4 Thomas, Rover, 137 Three Musicians (Picasso), 274П3 Throsby, David, 291П25 Tiananmen Square, 168 Time Exposed (Sugimoto), 199 time/temporality, 3-6,8,10,193-215; in Aboriginal origin narratives, 203, , 296П8; dominant measuring systems °f 197,297ml; in Jamesons ontology of the present, 255-56; as medium, 225; Out of Time exhibit at MoMA, 34-35; postcolonial discourses of, 197-98; in real-time works, 205-9; seeing dura­tion in, 198-200; seeking eternality in, 201-4; seeking historical time in, 209-11; seeking presentness in, 196-98, 205-9; seeking timelessness in, 195; shared time/space with artwork, 193-96; Turrell's response to, 193-95, 198, 201; warps and disruptions in, 78, 211-15,224. See also contemporaneity Time/Timeless/No Time (De Maria), 199-201 Timms, Peter, 246-47,302П9 Titanic's Wake series (Sekuła), 222 Tjangala, Uta Uta, 138 Tjapaltjarri, Clifford Possum, 136 Tjupurrula, Johnny Warangkula, 135-36 Tjupurrula, Turkey Toison, 203,296П8 Today series (Kawara), 208 Tokyo National Museum, 15 Tomkins, Calvin, 290П23 Tooba (Neshat), 187 Torqued Ellipses (Serra), 44~45 Torqued Spiral (Serra), 44 Torres-Garcia, Joaquín, 21,169 Totes Haus ur, Rheydt (Schneider), 228-29 Tourism and Development Investment Company of Abu Dhabi, 89 traditional art, 120 Tremaine collection, 126 Triumph of Painting exhibit, 54 True North (Julien), 190 Truitt, Anne, 22 Trussed (Julien), 189 truth, 217-19,237-38. See also political art Turbulent (Neshat), 186 Turbulent World!!! Where are uiegoing? (Bodo), 65 Turell, James, 39 "The Turnaround Artist: Jeff Koons, Up from Banality" (Tomkins), 290П23 Turrell, James, 33,193-95,198,201 Tuymans, Luc, 34 Twentieth Century Fox Set for Titanic, Popotla (Sekuła), 222 24 Hour Psycho (Gordon), 206 Überorgan (Hawkinson), 76-77,91 Uklanski, Piotr, 55 Uliens, Guy, 281П24 Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, 2811124 Una tribunapara lapaz democrdtia (Eiriz), 164 Uncertainty of the Poet (Chirico), 64 Unique Forms of Continuity in Space (Boc-cioni), 64 unmonumental sculpture, 225 Untitled (Bourgeois), 63 Untitled (Bruguera), 163-64 "Untitled (Demonstration, Berlin)" (Meck-seper), 270-71 Untitled (Hess), 32 Untitled (Judd), 20 Untitled (KouneUis), 64 Untitled (monkeys, frogs, televisions) (Sime), 184 Untitled (Room) (Whiteread), 26 Untitled (Salcedo), 26 INDEX 3 2 7 Untitled (slantpiece) (Judd), 43 Untitled (Spring Celebration) (Kngwarreye), 136-37 U.S. Interests Section, 166 Utopia, Utopia=One World, One War, One Army, One Dress (Hirschhorn), 223 Vagabondia (Julien), 189 • value, Г47,29ГП25 valuing, 4 van Brüggen, Coosje, 74,78-79 Van Gogh, Vincent, 18,22,121 Varejâo, Adriana, 169 Varnedoe, Kirk, 27-28,31-32,260 Velasco, Luidmila, 162-63 Velazquez, Diego, 26 Velthuis, Olav, 120,129-30 Venice Biennale of 2001,95 Venice Biennale of 2003,156,210,303П14 Venice Biennale of 2005,209 Venturi, Robert, 280П7 Venus Forge (Andre), 64 Videoart: The Iberoamerican Legend (Sastre), 159-60 Vidier, Anthony, 280П7 viewers of contemporary art: Bilbao's pop­ulist tendencies, 74-75,86,91; demo­graphics of, 59; headset interface of Si Poteris Narrare, Licet with, 174; museum crowd management practices, 195; narrative interface of Cremasterwith, 99-100,107,174; as special subjects, 47, 277П13; taking up of time of, 194-95; viuser interactivity, 8,174,266,294П3 Viola, Bill, 34,201-3 Vir Heroicas Sublimis (Newman), 22 Visconti, Lucio, 102 visual arts, 5 visuality, 249 viuser (visual information user) interac­tivity, 8,174,266,294П3 Voyage to the Congo (Allégeret and Gide), 62,279Ш2 Vrisendorp, Madelon, 25 vuser, 294П3 Wachowski brothers, 99 Wackenroder, Wilhelm Heinrich, 46 Waddington, Andrucha, 190 Wagner, Richard, 96,106,283П8, 284ШО Walcott, Derek, 189-90 Walker, Kara, 33,187 Wall, Jeff, 26,36, 265,303П20 Warhol, Andy, 188,259; at Dia, 42; market for, 128-29,140; mediation of real time by, 205-6,208,297П12; at MoMA, 20, 25,26; prominence rating of, 121; recy­cling of, 265; registration of the death of the present by, 258; self-promotion by, 3; studio accumulations of, 206-7; transitional role of, 126,128,247 Warlugulong (Tjapaltjarri), 136 Water Dreaming at Kalipinya (Warangkula), 135-36 Water Lilies (Monet), 17, 61, 63, 66,200 Watson, Peter, 123,127-28 Way Things Go, The (Fischl and Weiss), 212 WeatherProject, The (Eliasson), 66,198 Webber, Bruce, 188 Weems, Carrie Mae, 187 Weibel, Peter, 299П22 : Weiner, Lawrence, 40, 43 Weisman (Frederick R.) Art Museum, Minneapolis, 78-79 Weiss, David, 212 Weiss, Rachel, 291П4 Weltanschauung (Jaar), 169-70 Weng Fen, 212 We're All Photographers Now exhibit, 205 Wesely, Michael, 15 Wham! (Lichtenstein), 64 What's Wrong With Contemporary Art? (Timms), 246-47 When Attitudes Become Form exhibit, 59-60 When Faith Moves Mountains (Alys), 233 3 2 0 INDEX Where Are We Going? Where Do We Come From? Is There a Reason? (Hirst), 55 White Bouquet (Fani-Kayode), 188 White Cube, 140 White Flag (Johns), 126 Whiteread, Rachel, 26,35,53,129 Whitman, Robert, 39 Whitney Biennial: of 1993,234-35; of 2006, 271; of 2008, 225,235 Whitten, Jack, 34 Why Not Sneeze Rose Selavy? (Duchamp), 62 Wifredo Lam Center, 152-54 Wigley, Mark, 280П7 Wilmarth, Christopher, 34 Wilson, Fred, 90 Wilson, Jane and Louise, 35,167,230 Windows Movie Maker software, 205 Winkler, Helen, 38 Wochenklausur, 230-31 Wodiczko, Krzysztof, 232 Woman of the Dunes (Teshigahara), 190 Women of Allah, The (Neshat), 186 Women Without Men (Neshat), 187 Woodman, Francesca, 65 Woods, Lebbeus, 25 Wool, Christopher, 25 Work No. 232; The Whole World and the Work = The Whole World (Creed), 64 World is Flat, The (Friedman), 273П5 world picture, 5-6,273П5 world time, 197 Wrapped Coast—one million square feet, Little Bay, Sydney, Australia (Christo & Jean-Claude), 39 Wrath of God, The (Hirst), "2881124 Wretched of the Earth, The (Fanon), 188 "Writing About Modernist Painting Outside Western Europe and North America" (Elkins), 289П8 Wrong Gallery nongallery, 66 Yang Zhenzhong, 212 yBas (young British artists), 3,127,247-48, 265; absence from MoMA of, 25; avant-garde shock tactics of, 7; icons of, 50-51; impact of, 58-59; at the Saatchi Gallery, 49; at the Tate Modern, 53 The Yellow Curtain (Matisse), 19 Yes Men, 226 Yoshihara, Jiro, 258 young British artists. See yBas Young, La Monte, 39 Yumari (Tjangala), 138 Zazeela, Marian, 39 Zenghelis, Elia, 25 Zenghelis, Zoe, 25 Żiźek, Slavoj, 106 Zhang Xiaogang, 131 Zhukova, Kasha, 281П24 "zone" museums, 60-64,27806,27908 INDEX 3 2 9
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