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Volltext:I N D E X Page numbers in boldface refer to figures. A to Z Management and Maintenance Unit, Model 00} (Zittel), 221, 222 abjection, 109, 217 Absolute Bourgeois, The (Clark), 25609 Abstract Painting (Seuphor), 263П28, 2663018-20 Abstraction and Empathy (Worringer), 173-174 abstraction, 47, 60,72; dialogic, 124; mid-century, 114,117; modern, 122,169. See also painting Acconci, Vito, 201 ACT UP, 23 activism 38, 78,133,181 Adams, Sara, r6,19,257П2,257П7 Adorno, Theodor, 18, 24, 64,25606; Aesthetic Theory, 264033,26604,267П7 Aeschylus, 105 AestheticTheory (Adorno), 264033,266П4, 267117 Aesthetics and Politics (Jameson), 257П5 Aesthetics (Beardsley), 26202 aesthetics, xiv, 5; anti-aesthetics, 189, Г92; artifice as expression of, 3, 9; correctness of, 143; critical, 32,85,112; modern his­tory of, 56-65; negative xiv-xv, 29,34, 64, 68,109,186; photography and, 177; radical, 9,49,50,62,65; uselessness and, 100,170 affectivity, 164,168,172-174 affirmation, 27,29,36,139,164,166 After Diana: irreverent Elegies (Merck), 259П27 After the End of Art (Danto), 76,262П13, 265П45,266П55 AIDS, 23, Г39 278 :: INDEX Alaimo, Stacy, "Multiculturalism" 2691142 Albers, Josef, 60 "Allegorical Impulse, The" (Owens), 134, 269П32 alternative site of art, 24,25, 34 Althusser, Louis, 40, 271П58; Lenin and Philos­ophy, 258П9 Alys, Francis, 119-122; 114; When Faith Moves Mountains, X14,119-121,120 Amelunxen, Humbertus, 270-271П54; Photography ajter Photography, 271П56 America's Funniest Home Videos, 227 American modernism, 72 Andere Körpe (Schade), 273П71 Andre, Carl, 62 "Andreas Gursky" (Galassi), 268Ш7 Angel (Wiener), 158 Anthropometries (Klein), 16 Anti-Aesthetic (Foster), 268П29,273П66 anti-aesthetic, 189,192. See also post­modernism "Anti-Historicist Approach: Brancusi" (Mar-coci), 267П8 Antoni, Janine, 160,201 Aperture, 217 Apfelbaum, Polly, 160 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 59 Appelbroog, Ida, 269П41 appropriation, 161 Archimedes, 208 "Area of Denial" (Drucker), 268ni8 Aristotle, 58,270П52 Arman (Armand, Fernandez), 113 Armory Show, 226 Arnold, Matthew, 57,71 Arp, Hans, 158,179 Ars Poetica (Horace), 57 Art (Bell), 263П23 Art ajter Modernism (Wallis), 256П2, 258П, 261П42,268П29, 269П30 "Art after Philosophy" (Kosuth), 77,81,263П27 Art and Its Significance (Ross), 262П2, 262П7 "Art and Objecthood" (Fried), 157,270П44 "Art as Technique" (Shklovsky), 258Ш2 art criticism, v, 8 Art in America, 2Ő6ni Art in Theory (Harrison and Wood), 260П33 Art Is (O'Grady), 82-84,83,88 Art Journal, 261-262П43 Art Museum (Stack), 261П38 arte povera, 12,116,160 Artforum, 30, 93, 259П25, 259П28, 265П43, 266П3 Ashcan school, 47 AsphaltRundown (Smithson), 121 Atlas (Richter), 4 Augustine, Lurhing, 107 Augustine, Saint, 56 authenticity, 201-202 autonomy 6,10,44, 50, 53-66 passim, 73, 80, 85,161; aestheticism and, 40, 60-61; concept of 50, 53, 61-62,133,194, 267П7; criticism of 63,162,168; mod­ern, 14, 37, 57-59,72,156, 244; rhetoric of, 85. See also negative aesthetics avant-garde, 62, 67, 247; critical orthodoxy, 9; historical, 7,104,193; legacy of, xi, 49, 68,182, 248, 253; oppositional stance of, 20-21, 30,194, 272П61; photography, 182; politics of 24,49; rhetoric, 78. See also modernism, autonomous stance of "Avant-Garde and Kitsch" (Greenberg), 61 Avedon, Richard, 195 Avgikos, Jan, "Yasumasa Morimura" 275П95 Aycock, Alice, 67 Bag, Alex, 226-227;Van. 226-227 Bakewell, Liza, Looking High and Low, 260П29 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 37, 60,123, 271П58 Baldessari, John, 87,125; Pure Beauty, 125 Ball (Wiener), 158, plate 12 Baila, Giacomo, 132 Balthus (Count Balthasar Klossowski de Rola), 103, 249 Bar at the Folies Bergère (Manet), 228, 231-236 passim Barnes, Albert, 47 Barney, Tina, 175 Barr, Alfred, 47 Barry, Robert, 27Ш57 Baselitz, Georg, 133 Baudelaire, Charles, 240-241, 242-243, 244, 248, 276Ш01 Baudrillard, Jean, 85; For a Critique, 266П58; Simulations, 258ml Baumgarten, Alexander, 56,262П3 "Baumgarten" Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (Guyer), 262П3 INDE* : : 2 7 9 Bayer, Herbert, 60 Beach, The (Rockman), 14g, plate 11 Beardsley, Aubrey, 60 Beardsley, Monroe, Aesthetics, 262П2 beauty, 188-igo Becher, Bernd and Hilla, 52, 53 Bechtle, Robert, 149 Becker, Carol, Zones o/Contention, 258П14 Bee, Susan, 138,141-144; Miss Dynamite, 141, 142-144, plate 10 Beecroft, Vanessa, 14-17, ig-21,106-107, III, 257m, 257П2,257П7; Show series, 14,16; VB39,15 Beitchman, Philip, 258ml Bell, Clive, 60, 61,255m, 260П33; Art, 263П23 Bellini, Giovanni, 103 Benglis, Lynda, 86 Benjamin, Walter, 18, 264П32 Bennett, Tony, Formalism and Marxism, 256ml, 260П34 Benton, Pollock, and the Politics ofModemism (Doss), 266П56,276П2 Benton, Thomas Hart, 47,117,151,249, 276П2 Berlind, Bob, 87 "Better Mousetrap, A" (Duncan), 266m Beuys, Joseph, 115, 257Ш3 Big Bil-Bored (Rubins), 113 Big Little Laura (Yuskavage), plate 5,104 Biliingham, Richard, 270П53 Biographia Literaria (Coleridge), 262-263Ш4 Birth of a Star (Mori), 237 Bishop, Isabel, 72 "Black Art" (Mercer), 259П22 Black Male (Golden), 275П94 Black Square (Malevich), So Blake, William, 58,59, 253;Jerusalem, 263П15 Bleckner, Ross, 133,134, 274176 Blieden, Molly, 218-221,222, 226; Companion Desk, 219; Desk of Visual Splendor, 221; Servo- Stall, 219; The Streamliner, 219,220, 274091; The Transparent Image Design Studio, 219 Bloom, Barbara, 38, The Reign of Narcissism, 261П38 Blour Up (Neidich), 273П68 Blunt Object (Smith), xvii, 172, i73 270П49, 270П51 body: "next" 202,203,204,205; real, 202, 204,208,278П78,278П80; technology and, 196-208. See also authenticity Boesky, Marianne, 103 Bois, Yve-Alain, 47; Painting as Model, 263П2Г, "Painting the Task ofMourning" 264П39 Bolter, J. David, Remediation, 276П103 Bolton, Richard, Culture Wars, 258Ш4,258Ш5 Bonami, Francesco, Echoes, 266062 Boom (Simmons), 114-116,115,118,119 Bougereau, William-Adolphe, 151 Bourgeois, Louise, no; Hvosome, no Boy Trouble (Brown), 135 Brancusi, Constantin, 98,100,101 Braque, Georges, 263П28 Breathing Space: Outerwear (Dooling), 197,198, 203,207 Brecht, Bertolt, 264П32 Brecht, George, 87 Bright, Brenda Jo, Looking High and Lou;, 260П29 Brillo boxes, 76 Broude, Norma, 265050 Brown, Cecily, 135-136; Boy Trouble, 135; TheseToolish Things, plate7,136 Brunette, Peter, Deconstruction and the Visual Arts, 255П2 Bryson, Norman, Calligram, 255П2; "Ya-sumasa Morimura" 275П95 Buchloh, Benjamin, 47,127,255Ш; "Figures of Authority" 261П42,269П30; "Inter­view with Richter" 268П19,269034; Modernism and Modernity, 258Ш4,26604, October, 265П43 Bürger, Peter, 62-63,64, The Theory of the Avant-Garde, 257П16,262Ш2,263П30-31 Burgin, Victor, The End of Art Theory, 255П2, 263П21 Burke, Edmund, 117 Burning Desire (Mori), 237 Burson, Nancy, 184 But Is It Art? (Felshin), 258Ш4,261П37 Buttress (Davidson), 162,163 Byron, Lord, George Gordon, 59 Calle, Sophie, 261П38,270П53 Calligram (Bryson), 255П2 Camfield, William, "Marcel Duchamp's Foun­tain" 263П26 280 :: INDEX Camnitzer, Luis, 2691141 Camp O.J. (Hunt, Marguiles, Stainback), 273П67 Camp O.J. series (Neidich), 190,273П63, 273П67 Campbell, Jim, xviii, 239-241, 243-245,246, 248; 5th Avenue Cutaway, 240, 241,248 Caravaggio, Michelangelo, 189 Carnal Art (Orlan), 214 Carrier, David, 269П33 Cassel, Alexis, Photography after Photography, 271П56 Centeifolds (Sherman) 217 "Charles Baudelaire" (Savy), 276Ш01 Cherry Makita—Honest Engine Work (Rhoades), 93-97,94,100,102, 267П6 Chicago, Judy, 80,256П8,265П53 Chicken Leg (Patton), 185,185 Chipp, Herschel В., 263Ш7 Chorus (Wiener), 158 Church, Frederick, 117,121,150 Cicciolina, 66 "Cindy Sherman's Gravity" (Krauss), 274П88 "Cindy Sherman's Tales" (Frascella), 274ПП89-90 civil rights, 79 Cixous, Hélène, 126 Clark, Larry, Kids,175 Clark, Timothy J., 6-7,47, 256ml; Farewell to an Idea, 6; The Image of the People: Gustave Courbet, 256П9; The Absolute Bourgeois, 256П9; The Painting o/Modern Life, 256Ш0 Classical art, 58 demente, Francesco, 133 Clockwork Orange, 267Ш0 "Codex Spero" (Schlegel), 265П49 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 58; Biographie Liter-aria, 262-263Ш4 Colescott, Robert, xviii, 25; Tastess Lik Chick­ens, plate 2, 5-30, 31,34.36.39 collage, 137,142 Collins, Don, "Digital Somatics" 274П84 Colo, Papa, 269П41 Companion Desk (Blieden), 219 complicity; concept of, 67, 6g, 85, in; con­temporary art, and II, 14, 21, 38,48, 55,112,218, 244; critical stance, 30, 65, 107,236, 239, 247, 250; formalism and, xv-xvi; pleasure and, 188 "Collaboration without Object(s)" (Drucker), 270П47 conceptual art 12,13, 34,41, 47, 76, 75-77, 78, 81, 82, 84-85, 87,116,157 Concerning the Spiritual in Art (Kandinsky), 262Ш0 Connor, Bruce, 160 Connor, Maureen, 160 contingency, 10,44, 55, 67, 244, 256П3 Conway, Stephen, 268П23 Cooke, Lynne, Gerhard Richter's Atlas, 256П3; Tropos, 261П38 "Corps d'à Côté, Le" xviii Cot, Pierre-August, 151 Courbet, Gustave, 63 Crewdson, Gregory, 1-5,10-11, 270П53; Ttvilight series, 1 Crimp, Douglas, 47,132,134,135, 216, 264П38; "The End of Painting" 134, 269П32; "Pictures" 4, 256П2,274П87; On the Museum's Ruins, 261П38 Critical Inquiry, 260П31 Critique ofjudgment, The (Kant), 56 Crow, Thomas, "Modernism and Mass Cul­ture" 257П6, 257Ш7, 261П43, 264П39, 265П42, 273П74; "Ross Bleckner" 2691135 Crumb, R., 162 Cucci, Enzo, 133 culture industry, artas, 106, 227,267П7; rela­tion to art, 9, 34, 49, 81-82,131,175,187, 214-216,218 Culture Wars (Bolton), 258Ш4, 258Ш5 currency, 21-22, 25, 28. See also values Currin, John, 73,87,162 dada, 12, 20, 97,134,158 Dante Gabriel Rossetti (McGann), 263П22 Danto, Arthur, 76-77, 81, no, 265-266П54; After the End of Art, 76, 262Ш3, 265П45, 266П55; "DislocationaryArt" 267ШО Daughter of Art History (Theater B) (Morimura), plate 16,228, 231,232-235, 275П95, 2751198 Daumier, Honoré, 241 Davenport, Bill, 170-172; Pair of Lint Sculp­tures, 170-171, plate 14,174; Sea Foam Pen Holder, 171-172 Davidson, Nancy, 162-164; Buttress, 162,163 I N D E X 2 8 1 Davis, Stuart, 72,117 Decameron, 105 Deconstruction and the Visual Arts (Brunette and Willis), 255П2 Degas, Edgar, 241 DeKooning, Willem, 135 Delacroix, Eugène, 59,243 Delaunay, Robert, 59 Deleuze, Gilles, 198; L'Anti-Oedipe, 273П73 Demand, Thomas, 270П53, 272П62 Denis, Maurice, 59, 263Ш7 Derek, Во, 214 Desk of Visual Splendor (Blieden), 221 Dialectic ofEnlightenment (Horkheimer and Adorno), 256П6 Dialectical Imagination, The (Jay), 257012 Diao, David, 38 Diaz, Cameron, 31-32,36-38 passim, 259П25 Different War, A (Lippard), 265П48 digital art, 43,44; electronic technology, 235 239, 240,244; images, 177,179-180, 184-185,186-187; media, 145,154-155; photography art, 43,44. See also electronic media "Digital Somatics" (Collins), 274П84 Disaster Relief (Hoey), 175-176,176 Disasters 2 (Sherman), 217 "DisIocationaryArt" (Danto), 267Ш0 Disney, 208 Documents, 260П31 Donahue, Phil, 227 Dooling, Daniella, 197,202-204,205-208; Breathing Space: Outerwear, 197,198,203,207 Doss, Erika, Benton, Pollock, and the Politics of Modernism, 266П56,276П2; Twentieth- Century American Art, 266056,276м Double Negative (Heizer), 121 Downey, Juan, 269П4 Dr. Seuss, 158 Dream Temple (Mori), 237 Drucker, Johanna, "Area ofDenial" г68ш8; "Collaboration without Object(s)" 270047; "Simulation/Spectacle" 275095 Duchamp, Marcel, 13,20,38,52,61,75,76, 2731175,99,168,200; readymade, 99 Duffy, Stephen, 268Ш9 Duncan, Michael, 92; "A Better Mousetrap" 266m Durham, Jimmie, 160,269П41 Duve, Thierry de, Pictorial Nominalism, 266П57,273-274П75 Eagleton, Terry, Ideology o/the Aesthetic, 262Ш1 Echoes (Bonami), 266062 economic value, 17,21 Ehrlich, Victor, Russian Formalism, 260П34 Eisenman, Stephen, 19th Century Art: A Critical History, 257Ш4 electronic media, 223-225,239-240 Embryo (Rockman), 149 Emerald City, 3 End of Art Theory, The (Bürgin), 255П2,263021 "End ofPainting" (Crimp), 134,269П32 Endgame (Bois), 264П39 English aestheticism, 56,60-61 Enlightenment Capsule (Mori), 237 entropy, 164,170,171-174 eroticism, no, 138,135-136,200 Estes, Richard, 149 Esthetics (Hegel), 262П12 Exhibiting Contradiction (Wallach), 258Ш5 Exit Art, 145,152 facture, 36,126,130 Family Romance (Ray), 153,43 Fantasia, 3 Farewell to an Idea (Clark), 6 Fariello, Anna, xviii Fashion #137 (Sherman), 217 fashion, ior-106, III Fautrier, Jean, 171 Fay, Ming, 2691141 Felshin, Nina, But Is It Art? 258П14,261П37 feminism: critical attitudes, 35,107,126- 129,133,162,268П21; movements, 79; orthodoxy, 128; postmodernism and, 80; practice, 162 Fer, Briony, On Abstract Art, 263П21 Fiedler, Konrad, 59; Über der Ursprung, 263П16 figuration, 43 "Figure/Ground" (Schor), Wet, 268ППГ9-23, 268025 "Figures of Authority" (Buchloh), 2611142, 269П30 fine art, definition of, 70-71,74-76.82-84, 88,93,95,105,48.49. t®1. '95. 225-226,239 282 I N D E X Fischer, Ernst, The Necessity of Art, 257Ш2 Fischl, Eric, 73,133,134, 274П76 Fisher, Jean, Global Visions, 259П21 5,500 lbs of Sonny's Airplane Parts (Rubins), 112 550 lbs o/Tie Wire (Rubins), 112-113 5th Avenue Cutaway (Campbell), 240,241,248 Flack, Audrey, 80 Fluxus, 87, 97,116,162 For a Critique (Baudrillard), 266П58 Forest of Signs (Gudis), 262П44,273П66 Formalism and Marxism (Bennett), 256мг, 260П34 formalism: complicitxv, 189-190; modern, 36,162; ludic, 42,171 Foss, Paul, 258ml Foster, Hal, 85, 87,132,188,189,194, 255Ш; Anti-Aesthetic, 268П29, 273П66; Recodings, гббпбо; "Artistas Ethnographer, "Return ofthe Real, гббпбг, 273П64 Fountain (Duchamp), 263П26 "Fractal Flesh" (Stelarc), 211 Frankenstein, 207 Frankenthaler, Helen, 201 Frankfurt School, 34 Frascella, Larry, 217, "Cindy Sherman's Tales" 274ПП89-90 Frascina, Francis, ed., Modern Art and Mod­ernism, 258П14, 263П24, 265П49; Pollock and After, 266П4 Fraser, Andrea, 85-86 Freud, Sigmund, 154 Freytag, Loringhoven, baroness, 158 Fried, Michael, 157,161, 255m; "Art and Ob-jecthood" 157, 270П44 Friedrich, Caspar David, 117 Friends, 227 Fry, Roger, 60, 255м; Vision and Design, 260П33 Fusco, Coco, 147,150, Duo Undiscovered Amerindians in Spain, 147, 269-270П42 futurists, 20; German, 73; Italian, 73; Rus­sian, 73 Galan, Julio, 136-138,141-142,144; Tardi- Sola, 137-138, plate 8 Galassi, Peter, 123; "Andreas Gursky" 268Ш7 Garrard, Mary, The Power of Feminist Art, 265П50 "Gary Simmons" (Kerr), 267Ш4 Gaskell, Anna, 174-175,176,177,181,182, 186,187; override, 174, plate 15 Gates, Bill, 272П61 Gaugin, Paul, 26 "Generation Game" (Rian), 266П62 Gerhard Richter (Nasgaard), 268П19 Gerhard Richter (Neff), 268mg Gerhard Richter's Atlas (Cooke), 256П3 Gesture as Value (Hanrahan), 17-18,18 "Glamour Girls" (Gumpert), 275П95 Global Visions (Fisher), 259П21 globalism, 45 Glow Worm (Whipple), 164,165,167,172,174 Gober, Robert, 159 Goings, Ralph, 149 Goldberg, Rube, 99 Golden, Deven, 270П46 Golden, Thelma, Black Male, 275П94 Goldstein, Ann, Forest of Signs, 262П44,273П66 Goldstein, Jack, 4 Gomez-Pena, Guillermo, 147,150, 269П41, 269П42; Duo Undiscovered Amerindians in Spain, 147 Gorky, Arshile, 169 Gotdieb, Adolph, 118 Goya, Francisco, 2 Gray, Camilla, The Russian Experiment in Art, 258П14 Greenberg, Clement, 47, 61-62,132,161, 255m, 266П4; "Avant-Garde and Kitsch" 61, 257П15, 260П29, 262П9, 263П25; "Modernist Painting" 263П24. See also modernism Griffiths, Frances, 180 Grusin, Richard, Remediation, 276П103 Guattari, Felix, 198; L'Anti-Oedipe, 273П73 Gudis, Catherine, 273П66 Guerico, Gabriele, 263П27 Guggenheim Museum, S0H0,223 Guilbaut, Serge, How New Vork Stole, 263П21; Modernism and Modernity, 258Ш4, 264П39, 266П4 Gumby, 167, 245 Gumpert, Lynn, "Glamour Girls" 275П95 Gursky, Andreas, 114,122-124; Way Day IV, 123,123; Paris, Montparnasse, 122 Guston, Philip, 87 Guyer, Paul, "Baumgarten" Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, 262П3 Guys, Constantin, 241-243,244, 248 Haacke, Hans, 38 Halley, Peter, 55 Hamilton, Ann, 38, 261038 Hammond, Jane, 141, 269П39 Hammons, David, 23,160, 269П41 Hanrahan, Jerelyn, 17-23,25; Gesture as Value, 17-18,18 Happenings, 162 Harrison, Charles, ed., Art in Theory, 260П33; Modem Art and Modernism, 258П14,263П24, 265П49 Harvey, Bessie, 87 Heartfield, John, 73 Hegel, G. W. F., 58,76; Esthetics, 262П12 Heizer, Michael, 121; Double Negative, 121 Heller, Adele, 1915: The Cultural Moment, 264П40 Hickey, Dave, 188-igo, 260П36; Invisible Dragon, 189, 273П65 Higgins, Dick, 87 High and Lotu (Varnedoe), 265П41 high modernism, 233. See also modernism History of Art (Janson), 3 History of Western Philosophy (Russell), 262П2, 270П52 Hitchens, Christopher, 259П27 Hitler, Adolf, 61,272П62 Hoey, Dana, 174, Г75,177,181,186,187; Dis­aster Relief, 175-176,176; Timeless, 175 Hollow Body/Host Space (Stelarc), 211,212 Homer, Winslow, 249 Horace, 57; Ars Poetica 57 Horkheimer, Мах, Dialectic of Enlightenment, 256П6 Hound (Rath), 203, 204,207, 208 Hour Neto York Stole (Guilbaut) 263П21 Howe, Catherine, 34-36,39; Yellow with Mushroom, plate 3,34 Hughes, Robert, "The Rise of Andy Warhol" 260П30 Hullot-Kentor, Robert, 264П33 Hunt, David, Camp O.J, 273П67 Huyghe, Pierre, 252, 25607 Hybrid State, 145,152 hybridity, 41-42,144-156,200,209,234 hyperrealism, 149,151 I Thought Art Was Special (Foulkes), plate 4, 91-92 identity politics, 42 I N D E X : : 2 8 3 ideology and art, 102 Ideology o/the Aesthetic (Eagleton), 262П11 Iglhaut, Stefan, Photography after Photography, 271056 Image of the People: Gustave Courbet, The (Clark), 256П9 imagining otherwise, 6,8, g Immendorf, Jorg, 133 impressionism, 234-235,236 In Advance of the Institutions (Isaacs), Г45,146, 148 In Our Own Image (Ritchin), 270-271Л54 informe, 109,171,172 Ingberman, Jeannett, 269П41 internationalism, 45 internet, 44 "Interview with Richter" (Buchloh), 268Ш9, 2бдпз4 Into the Landscape (Robins), 270П54 Invisible Dragon (Hickey), 189,273П65 Iraq, 24 Irigary, Łuce, 126 Isaacs, John, 145,147-149,154; Say It Isn't So, In Advance of the Institutions, 145,146, 148 Ish (Schor), 125 Jackson, Jesse, 23 Jackson, Michael, 214,215,238 Jacob, Mary Jane, 261П39,273П66 Jacquette, Julia, 128 Jakobson, Roman, 37 James Luna: Indian Legends (Sakamoto), 26x038 Jameson, Frederic, Aesthetics and Politics, 257П5; Marxism and Form, 257Ш2,260П34 Janson, Horst, W., 3,227; History of Art, 227 Jardine, Alice, 126 Jay, Martin, The Dialectical Imagination, 257Ш2 Jenks, Chris, Visual Culture, 259017,261- 262П43 Jerusalem (Blake), 263П15 Johns, Jasper, 33 Jones, Amelia, Postmodernism, 265П53,273- 274П75; Sexual Politics, 265П53 Judd, Donald, 80,157,158,159! "Specific Ob­jects" 80,157.270П44 Kala Press, 145 Kandinsky, Wassily, 57,59.7h 42,263П29; Concerning the Spiritual in Art, 262ШО 284 :: INDEX Kant, Immanuel, 56, 57, 60,117; The Critique ofjudgment, 56 Keane, Walter, 73,104 Kearns, Jerry, 269П41 Kelly, Karen, Tropos, 261П38 Kelly, Mary, 128,132, 201; "Re-Viewing Mod­ernist Criticism" 274П 77 Kelly, Mike, 159 Kerouac, Jack, igo, 195 Kerr, Merrily, "Gary Simmons" 267Ш4 Khlebnikov, Velimir, 60 Kids (Clark), 175 Kiefer, Anselm, 133 Kienholz, Ed and Nancy Reddin, 160 Kilimnik, Karen, 31, 259П23; Princess Di, That Dress, 31-33,34-39 passim Kino Eye (Michelson), 273П70 Kino Eye (O'Brien), 273П70 kitsch, 33, 67,109,161,237. See also avant-garde Klee, Paul, 60 Klein, Yves, 13,16, 201,252,258П13; Anthropo­metries, 16 Knox, T. M., 2Ô2M2 Komar and Melamid, 126 Koons, Jeff, 55, 66-67,10°i I09 161; Ushering in Banality, 66 Kosuth, Joseph, 38, 62, 77, 81; "Art after Phi­losophy" 77,81, 263П27 Kozloff, Joyce, 268П27 Krauss, Rosalind, 47,216, 255м, 264П38, 269П31; "Cindy Sherman's Gravity" 274П88; Optical Unconscious, 275П96 Kristeva, Julia, 71 Kruger, Barbara, 37, 55,128,185,195,216 Kuenzli, Rudolf, Marcel Duchamp, 263П26 Kwon, Miwon, 261П39 L'Anti-Oedipe (Deleuze and Guittari), 273П73 Laacőon (Lessing), 56 Lachowitz, Rachel, 160 Ladies of Shalott (Landow), 256П5 Landow, George P., ed., Ladies of Shalott, 256П5 "Last Exit: Painting" (Lawson), 134, гбдпзг Lawler, Louise, 38, 261П38 Lawson, Thomas, 134; "Last Exit: Painting" 134,269032 Le Va, Barry, 62 LeCorbusier, 60 Lee, Rensselear, Ut Pictura Poesis, 262П8 Leger, Ferdnand, 52,117 Lemon, Lee Т., 258П12 Lenhart, С., 267П7 Lenin and Philosophy (Althusser), 258П9 Leonardo, 3 Les Cahiers du Muse'e Nationale d'Art Moderne, xviii Lessing, Gotthold, 56, 61, 262П4; Laocöon, 56 "Lessing" (Nisbet), 262114 Levine, Sherrie, 4,55,128,185,195,216, 260П35, 273П75 Lewitt, Sol, 62, 71 Lichtenstein, Roy, 33, 75,115,125 Linda's Place (Rubins), 112 Lippard, Lucy, A Diffèrent War, 265П48; Mixed Blessings, 265П52,275П94 Lissitzky, Lazar El, 60; prouns, 60 Lister, Martin, 270-271П54; Photographic Image, 271П56 Llyn Foulkes, 91-93; I Thought Art Was Special, plate 4,91-92 Longo, Robert, 216; Men in the Cities, 4 Looking High and Lour (Bakewell and Bright), 260П29 Louis, Morris, 62,118 Lucie-Smith, Edward, Symbolist Art, 255П2 ludic formalism, 42 Luna, James, 38, 202 Lunn, Eugene, Marxism and Modernism, 256ПИ Lusts (Paine), 198-200, 203-204,207 Luthi, Urs, 270П53 Lynch, David, 2 Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth), 262-263Ш4 MadofF, Steven Henry, Pop Art, 260П30 Madonna, 238 Magic Kingdom, 3 Magritte, Rene, 179 Male Fantasies (Theweleit), 268П23 Male Mannequin (Ray), 153 Malevich, Kasimir, 80,132; Black Square, 80 Manet, Eduoard, 77,228, 230-236 passim, 241; Bar at the Folies Bergère, 228, 231-236 passim Manzoni, Piero, 86 Mapplethorpe, Robert, 23,189 Marcel Duchamp (Kuenzli and Naumann), 263П26 Marcoci, Roxana, "Anti-Historicist Approach: Brancusi" 267П8 Marguiles, Stephen, Camp O.J., 273П67 Marinetti, Filippo, 63 Marlboro Man (Prince), 74,75 Marsh, Reginald, 47 Martin, Agnes, 62,71 Marx, Karl, 57; aesthetics of; 57 Marx's Lost Aesthetic (Rose), 262П5 Marxism and Form (Jameson), 257Ш2, 260П34 Marxism and Literature (Williams), 264П36 Marxism and Modernism (Lunn), 256ml Marxism in Art (Solomon), 257П11 mass culture, 35; critique of, 161; dialogue with, 34, 35-36,39, 69, 70, 76, 91, in, Ч1. !55 i56 i6i, 164,172,174,183,186, 187, 209, 210, 214-215,217, 223,230- 231, 240, 243-244, 247,253; flirtation with, 26,30-31,43,75,105,196,225, 226, 233; materials and art, 42,100-101, 112-114,156,160,162,167; modernism and, 33, 71, 77, go, 231; pop art and, 74; products of, 77; as source for art, 25, 29, 31. 92-93. nő-in, 119,123,133,142, 144-145,15g, 245; values of, 3,18,20, 141. See also visual culture mass media, 240, 243-244,247 mass production, 73 Matisse, Henri, 26, 200 Mattresses and Calces (Rubins), 112-114,113 May Day IV (Gursky), 123,123 McCarthy, Paul, 105-III, 255m; Pinocchio Pípenose Househotddííemma, 107,108,109, по; Yaa Hoo, 107,109-111 McGann, Jerome, 60, 268016; Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 263П22 McGrath, Elizabeth, 164-166,167,169-170, 172; Pose, 164,165,167,169-170,172,174 McLuhan, Marshall, 81,100, 206,208,209; Understanding Media, zoo, 206,273П74, 274ПП81-83 media culture, 33,195,208,209-210,214, 215, 227, 237,243. See also mass culture; visual culture Medtascape, 223 Megatron (Paik), 224 I N D E X : : 2 8 5 Men in the Cities (Longo), 4 Mendieta, Ana, 201 Mercer, Kobena, 28; "Black Art" 259П22; burden of representation, 28 Merck, Mandy, After Diana: Irreverent Elegies, 2591127 Mesa-Pelly, Deborah, 270П53 Metaphorphoses (Ovid), 272-273П62 Michelson, Annette, Kino Eye, 273П70 Millais, John Everett, 3 Miller, John, 93,26603-4 Mimic (Wall), 182,183,184 minimalism, 47,74,76,78,81,87,157,15g, 162 Miro, Joan, 169 Misrach, Richard, 261П38 Miss Dynamite (Bee), 141,142-144, plate 10 Miss, Mary, 67,80 Mitchell, William, 179; Reconfigured Eye, 270П54 Mixed Blessings (Lippard), 265П52,275П94 Modern Art (Schade), 264П39 Modern Art and Modernism (Frascina and Harri­son), 258014,263П24,265П49 "Modernism and Mass Culture" (Crow), 257П6,257П17,261П43,264П39, 2651142, 273П74 Modernism and Modernity (Guilbautand Solkin), 258П14,264П39,266П4 modernism: American art and, 72,249; autonomous stance of, 54-56; body and authority in, 200; critical stance, 13-14, 46, 53,89,149,236,244; definition of, 46-47, 52,72,79,251; formalism and, 26,36,122,162,168; Greenberg and, 6, 61,132; painting and, 132, Г49,233; radi­cal aesthetics of, 6; secularism and, 44; tradition of, 47,81,98,191,235,239- 240,248. See also avant-garde "Modernist Painting" (Greenberg), 263П24 Mondrian, Piet, 71,124,132 Monet, Claude, 115,116-117 monumentality, 112-124. See also sublime Moran, Thomas, 117,150 Moreau, Gustave, 248 Mori, Moriko, 228-230,237-239; The Birth of a Star, 237; Burning Desire, 237; Dream Temple, 237; Enlightenment Capsule, 237; Nirvana, 229,237 286 :: INDEX Morimura, Yasumasa, 228, 230-237,238- 239; Daughter of Art History (Theater В), plate 16,228, 231, 232-235,2751195, 2751198 Morris, Robert, 62, 201 Motherwell, Robert, 201 Mouth of Europa and the Figure of Venus, The (Orlan), 214 MTV, 227 "Multiculturalism" (Alaimo), 269П42 Mulvey, Laura, 127; "Visual Pleasure and Nar­rative Cinema" Screen, 127, 268П24 Munch, Edward, 140 Muniz, Vile, 272-273П62, The Sugar Children, 272-273П62; Portraits in Chocolate, 272- 273П62 Murdoch, Rupert, 208 Museum: Mixed Metaphors, The (Sims), 261П38 Museum ofModern Art, 78,123, 222 mutation, 41,153,156. See also hybridity My Brother Brancusi (Rhoades), 97-102,98, 275П98 N.E. Thing Co., 87 narrative, 43 Nasgaard, Raold, Gerhard Richter, 268П19 Naumann, Francis M., ed., Marcel Duchamp, 263П26 Necessity of Art, The (Fischer), 257Ш2 Neel, Alice, 80 Neff, Terry, Gerhard Richter, 268Ш9 negatíve aesthetics, 29,34,52, 64,68,109,135, 166,171. See also autonomy; opposition Neidich, Warren, xiii, 187-188,189-196, 271П59; Blou) Up, 273П68; Camp O.J., 190, 273П63,273П67 Nelson, Elizabeth, "Pictorial Interpretations of the Lady ofShalott" 256П5 neo-avant-garde, 85,87. See also postmod­ernism Nerdrum, Odd, 126 networking, 44. See also digital art; electronic media Neumaier, Diane, 261П38 Nevelson, Louise, 80,256П8 Never Never Land, 3 new figuration, 26,133,134. See also painting new technology: and the arts, 144,147,154- 155. See also digital art; electronic media New Woman (Todd), 264П40 Neu: York Times Newman, Barnett, 63,115,117118,124, 256П8; Selected Writings, 267П13; "The Sublime Is Now" 117, 267ml; Vir Heroicus Sublimis, 118 Nikki de St. Phalle, 162 1915: The Cultural Moment (Heller), 264П40 1915: The Cultural Moment (Rudnick), 264П40 19th Century Art: A Critical History (Eisenman), 257Ш4 Nirvana (Mori), 229,237 Nisbet, H. В., "Lessing" Encyclopedia of Aes­thetics, 262П4 Not Fade Ашау (Simmons), 119 Nussbaum, Emily, 259ПП27-28 O'Brien, Kevin, Kino Eye, 273П70 O'Grady, Lorraine, 82-84, 88; Art is, 82-84, 83,88 O'Neill, John objecthood, 156-157,158,159,160 Objects and Meaning (Fariello), xvii October, 257Ш7, 261П42, 269П31 Oldenburg, Claes, 170 Olitski, Jules, 62,256П8 On Abstract Art (Fer), 263П21 On the Museum's Ruins (Crimp), 261П38 Oops (Schor), 124-126, plate 6 Ophelia, 2, 3 opposition, 6,10,37,68; as critical stance, 19. 29 39. 64-65,106,116,135, 251; modern, 14,41,80. See also autonomy; negative aesthetics; political art Optical Unconscious (Krauss), 275П96 opticality, 127,133, 233, 275П96 Orlan, xiii, 209-210, 212-215, 2I8, 274П86; Camal Art, 214; The Mouth of Europa and the Figure of Venus, 214 "Orlan" (Rose), Art in America, 274П86 Orphic cubism, 59 OtherCriteria (Steinberg), 269П36 override (Gaskell), 174, plate 15 Ovid, Metaphorphoses, 272-273П62 Owen, Paula, xviii Owens, Craig, 47,85,132,134,135, 264П38; "The Allegorical Impulse" October, 134, 269П32 Paik, Nam June, 218, 223-226; Megatron, 224 Paine, Roxy, 197-200, 202-204; Lusts, 198- 200,203-204, 207 painter of modern life, 240 painting, 25,124-144; after postmodernism, 45: critical reception of 6,124; eroticism and, 136; feminist practice, 125,268021, 268(127; figurative, 129; gender and, 127- 128; hyperreal, 151-152; impurity and, 136,144; modern, 124,158,143; new figuration, i33,134; photoreahst, 148, 151; political claims for, 127; postmodern, 124,132-134; self-definition of, 144; traditional 130,131; visual pleasure and, 125-127,128,152 "Painting after Painting" (Suvakovic), 141, 269П38, 269П40 Painting as Model (Bois), 263П21 Painting of Modern Life, The (Clark), 256ШО Pair of Lint Sculptures (Davenport), 170-171, plate j 4,174 Paladino, Mimmo, 133 Paley, Morton, 263Ш5 Pane, Gina, 202 Paris, Montparnasse (Gursky), 122 Parrish, Maxfield, 131 Pastor, Jennifer, xiii Patton, Paul, 258011 Patton, Tom, 185-186; Chicken Leg, 185,185 Pearlstein, Philip, 128-131,134,136,268П27- 28; Sepik River Triptych, 128,12p, 130-131 Penck, Arthur, 133 Pettibon, Raymond, 239,245-246,276П102 Pfaff, Judy, 158 Phelan, Ellen, 274П76 "Philosophy of Composition" (Рое), 256П5 Photographic Image (Lister), 271П56 Photography after Photography (Amelunxen et al.), 271П56 "Photography after Art Photography" (Godeau), 258П8,259026 Photography at the Dock (Godeau), 256П3, 264038 photography, 174-187; contemporary, 43; documentary, 174,177-138,179,180, 181-187; monumentality, 122; the "real" and, 177-182,183,186-187; realism and, 177,178-178,180-181; truth and, 178 photorealism, 149,151. See also painting Picabia, Francis, 52,99. 2°4 Picasso, Pablo, 132,154,200,227,263П28 "Pictorial Interpretations of the Lady of Shalott" (Nelson), 256П5 I N D E X :: w Pictorial Nominalism (deDuve), 266П57, 273- 274175 "Pictures" (Crimp), 4,256П2,274П87 Pinocchio Pipenose Householddilemma (McCarthy), 107,108,109, no Pittman, Lari, 138-141,144; Untitled #32: (A Decorated Chronology oflnsistence and Recog­nition/, 139-141, píate 9 Plato, 57, in; Republic, 262117 pluralism, 79,84 Pluralist Era, The (Robins), 265П51 Poe, Edgar Allen, 5, "The Philosophy of Composition" 25605 Poggioli, Renato, 61,63, Theory of the Avant- Garde, 263030 Pokemon, 105 political art, 5,29,39,63,78-79; aesthetics and, 7, 23-24,263043,266033-, claims for, 86-87, r93.231,258-259016, 27Ш57; correctness, 143; radical stance in, 38. See also autonomy; negative aes­thetics; opposition Politics of Modernism, The (WH)hms), 233013 Pollock and After (Frascina), 266П4 Pollock, Jackson, 115,142,143,201,226, 256П8,276112 Pop Art (Madoff), 260П30 pop 21% 12,33,34,4P, 74-76 passim, p8,81, 87,92. 5,116,125,139.157,237 Portraits in Chocolate (Muniz), 272-273П62 Pose (McGrath), 164,165,167,169-170,172, 174 postcolonialism, 27,79,80,228,232 Postmodernism (Jones), 265П53,273-274073 postmodernism: antivisual stance of, 32,34, 74,121,133,188,189,275097; criticism 12,13,27,47,54-55.80,87,132-133, 135,2731175; legacy of, 4; sensibility of 31,43,46,47,68,75.89.156,161,201, 233,268П29; visual culture and, 4,48, 139-140 poststructuraiism, 97,161 Pound, Ezra, 60 Рошег of Feminist Art, The (Broude), 265П50 Pre-Raphaelites, 249 Prince, Richard, 30-31,34.3^ 75.77.185,195,239025,259П26 Princess Di, That Dress (Kilimnik), 31-33,34-39 passim production values, 166 288 :: INDEX "Prosthetics" (Stelare), 2741185 prouns, 60 Pure Beauty (Baldessari), 125 purity, 168 Rabanne, Paco, 215 radical aesthetics, 49, 50, 62-65 Rae, Fiona, 141-142, 269П39 Ramos, Mel, 104 Ramshackle Tumble (Simmons), 114,115,118 Rath, Alan, 203-204,207, 208; Hound, 203, 204,207, 208 Rauschenberg, Robert, 33,137; flatbed paint­ing, 137 Ray, Charles, 153-154,160; Family Romance, t53.153; Molt Mannequin, 153 realism, 43, 65,149-151 Recodings (Foster), гббпбо recombinant aesthetics, 41. See also hybridity Reconfigured Eye (Mitchell), 270П54 Regen Projects, 30 Reign ofNarcissism, The (Bloom), 261П38 Reis, Marian, J., 258П12 Remediation (Bolter and Grusin), 276Ш03 Representations, 260П31 Republic (Plato), 262П7 Return of the Real (Foster), гббпбг, 273П64 "Re-Viewing Modernist Criticism" (Kelly), 274n77 Rhoades, Jason, xiii, 92-103,182, 267П8; Cherry Makita—Honest Engine Work, 93-97, 94,100,102,267П6; My Brother Brancusi, 97-102, 98,275П98 Rian, Jeffrey, "Generation Game" 266П62 Richter, Gerhard, 127,134, 268Ш9; Atlas project, 4 Rimanelli, David, 265П43,275П92 Rinehart, Ad, 77 Ringgold, Faith, 80, 256П8 "Rise of Andy Warhol, The" (Hughes), 260П30 Ritchin, Fred, 179, In Our Ошп Image, 270- 271054 Roberts, John, 179,182-183,2.70-2.711154, 271П57, 27Ш58; "The Social Pathology of Everyday Life" 179, 271П55, 271-272П60, 272П61 Robins, Corinne, The Pluralist Era, 265П51 Robins, Kevin, Into the Landscape, 270П54 Rockman, Alexis, 149-152,154,156; The Beach, 149, plate 11; Embryo, 149 Rockwell, Norman, 151 Rodchenko, Aleksandr, 34, 264П32 romanticism, 58,117, 216 Rose, Barbara, 214; "Orlan" 274П86 Rose, Margaret A., Marx's Lost Aesthetic, 262П5 Rosenberg, Harold, 47, 226 Rosenquist, James, 75 Rosier, Martha, 132,181 "Ross Bleckner" (Crow), 269П35 Ross, Richard, 261П38 Ross, Stephen David, Art and Its Significance, 262П2,262П7 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 60 Rothenberg, Susan, 268П27 Rothko, Mark, 63,118 Rotzer, Florian, 270-271П54,271П56 Rubins, Nancy, 112-114; Big Bil-Bored, 113; 550 lbs of Tie Wire, 112-113; 5,500 lbs of Sonny's Airplane Parts,112; Linda's Place, 112; Mattresses and Cakes, 112-114,113 Rudnick, Lois, 1915: The Cultural Moment, 264П40 Ruscha, Ed, 87,125 Ruskin, John, 60 Russell, Bertrand, A History of Western Philos­ophy, 262П2, 270П52 Russian Experiment in Art, The (Gray), 258Ш4 Russian Formalism (Ehrlich), 260П34 Rydingsvard, Ursula von, 269П41 Ryman, Robert, 71 Saatchi, Charles, 227 Saint Simon, Henri de, 56, 57 Sakamoto, Kerri, James Luna: Indian Legends, 261П38 Salle, David, 133,134 Sanchez, Juan, 269П41 Savy, Nicole, "Charles Baudelaire" 276Ш01 Say It Isn't So (Isaacs), 145 Sayres, Sonya, Sixties uiithout Apology, 265П47 Schade, Sigrid, Andere Körpe, 273П71 Schapiro, Meyer, 47, 266П4; "Abstract Paint­ing" Modern Art, 264П39 Schapiro, Miriam, 256П8, 268П27 Schiff, Richard, 47 Schlegel, Amy, "Codex Spero" 265П49 I N D E X : : 2 8 9 Schnabel, Julian, 55,133,134 Schneeman, Carolee, 201 Schneider, Nikolaus, Photography ajter Photog­raphy, 271П56 Schor, Mira, 124-128; Oops, Г24-126, plate 6; Is h, Г25; Semicolon in Flesh, 127; "Figure! Ground" Wet, 268ПШ9-23,268П25 sculpture, 164-174; mass culture and, 157; material culture and, 157. See also mass culture Sculpture, xvii Sea Foam Pen Holder (Davenport), 171-172 Selcula, Allen, 47 Selected Writings (Newman), 267П13 Semicolon in Flesh (Schor), 127 Sensation, 23 "Sense and Sensibility" (Zelevansky), 270П48 Sepik River Triptych (Pearlstein), 128,129,130- 131 Serra, Richard, 25608 Servo-Stall (Blieden), 2x9 Seuphor, Michel, 47; Abstract Painting, 263П28,2663П18-20 Sexual Politics (Jones), 265П53 Shahn, Ben,63,264П32 Sherman, Cindy, 55, Г75,2to, 215-218,233, 275097; Centerfolds 217; Fashion #137,217; Disasters (Sherman), 217 Shklovsky, Viktor, 37, "Artas Technique" 258012 Show series (Beecroft), 14,15,16 significant form, 61 Simmons, Gary, 114-119,121,122,267Ш4, 268П15; Boom, П4-И6,115, X18, iig; Not FadeAivay, 119; Ramshackle Tumble, 1x4, 115, ir8; When You Wish, 118 Simpson, O.J., 190 Sims, Patterson, The Museum: Mixed Metaphors, 261П38 "Simulation/Spectacle" (Drucker), 275095 Simulations (Baudrilkrd), 258011 situationists, 23 Sixties without Apology (Sayres), 265П47 Sloan, John, 63 Smith, Courtenay, xvii, 172; Blunt Object, 172, 173, 270П49,270Л51 Smith, Roberta, 258m Smithson, Robert, 121; Asphalt Rundown, 121 Snowden, Mary, 149 "Social Pathology ofEveryday Life" (Roberts), Art of Interruption, 179, 271055,271- 272П60, 272061 Solkin, David, Modernism and Modernity, 258ПГ4,264П39,266П4 Solomon, Maynard, Marxism in Art, 257ПИ Solomon-Godeau, Abigail, "Photography after Art Photography" 258П8,259П26; Photography at the Dock, 256П3,264038 Souter, Lucy, "The Visual Idea" 273068 Soviet agit prop, 23 Spero, Nancy, 80 Springsteen, Bruce, 102 Stachelhaus, Heiner, 257Ш3 Stack, Trudy Wilner, Art Museum, 26Ш38 Stainback, Charles, Camp O.J., 273П67 Stalin, Joseph, 61 Star Wars, 105 Stein, Gertrude, 60 Steinbach, Haim, 66, 67,100, Г71 Steinberg, Leo, 137; Other Criteria, 269П36 Stelarc, 209,210,211-212,214,218; "Fractal Flesh" 211; Hollow Body/Host Space, 211, 212; "Prosthetics" 274П85; Third Hand, 2tr, 212,213 Stella, Frank, 62, 256П8 Stiles, Kristine, 259П23 Still, Clyfford, 115 Stockholder, Jessica, 167,168-гбд, plate 13 Stout, Renée, 160 Stravinsky, Igor, 60 Streamliner, The (Blieden), 219,220,274091 Struth, Thomas, 261П38 sublime, 112, нб-ш, Г24 "Sublime Is Now, The" (Newman), 117, 267ПГГ Sugar Children, The (Muniz), 272-273П62 Summers, David, 260П36 Surrealism, 264П32 Suvakovic, Misko, 141; "Painting after Paint­ing" 141,269П38,269П40 Symbolist Art (Lucie-Smith), 255П2 Tardi-Sola (Galan), 137-138. Plfltf 8 Tastess Lik Chickens (Colescott), plate 2,5-30, "Teehno-bodies and Art Culture" xviu techno-body, 155 290 :: INDEX Thelewait, Klaus, Male Fantasies, 2681123 Theories of Modern Art (Chipp), 2631117 Theory of the Avant-Garde (Bürger), 2571116, 202Ш2, 263П30-31 Theory of the Avant-Garde (Poggioli), 2631130 These Foolish Things (Brown), plate 7,136 Thiebaud, Wayne, 128 thingness, 156-157,158,160,164 Third Hand (Stelarc), 211,212, 213 Third Text, 145, 259П22,274П80,275П94 Tiger's Eye, 267ml Timeless (Hoey), 175 Tinguely, Jean, 99,158 Todd, Ellen Wiley, The New Woman, 264П40 Toys-R-Us, 148,159,167 Transaction in Berne (Beecroft), 22 Transparent Image Design Studio, 219. See Bleiden, Molly Tree (Wiener), 158, 270П45 Tropos (Cooke), 261П38 Turner network, 208 Turtle, Richard, 170 Tlventieth-Century American Art (Doss), 266П56, 276m Dvilight series (Crewdson), 1 Two Undiscovered Amerindians in Spain (Fusco and Gomez-Pena), 147 Twosome (Bourgeois), no Tzara, Tristan, 20,63 Über der Ursprung (Fiedler), 263П16 Understanding Media (McLuhan), 200, 206, 273П74,274ПП81-83 unnaturalism, 148,150. See also hybridity Untitled #32: (A Decorated Chronology) (Pittman), 139-141, plate g untitled film stills (Sherman), 216,217 Ushering in Banality (Koons), 66 Ut Pictura Poesis (Lee), 262П8 values: aesthetic, 17-22, 25, 28,170; auratic, 18; conceptual, 12; economic, 17, 22, 28, 252; political, 68; production, 12,73, 96, i6g, 237; symbolic, 37,88,95-96 Van Gogh, Vincent, 26,200 Van (Bag), 226-227 Varnedoe, Kirk, High and Low, 265П41 Varo, Remedios, 142 VB39 (Beecroft), 15 Vea, Alfredo, Jr., 269П42 Velázquez, Diego, 227 Verne, Jules, ig6 Vertov, Dziga, 60, 273П70 Vicuna, Cecilia, 269П41 Viennese Action Theater, 201 Vir Heroicus Sublimis (Newman), 118 Virilio, Paul, 244 Vision and Design (Fry), 260П33 Visual Culture (Jenks), 259П17, 261-262П43 visual culture, 40, 90,195-196, 239-240, 243. See also mass culture "Visual Idea, The" (Souter), 273П68 visual pleasure, 127 "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" (Mulvey), 127, 268П24 visuality, 127,133 Wall, Jeff, 174,176,177,179,181,182-184, 186-187, 271П58,271-272П60, 272П61; Mimic, 182,183,184 Wallach, Alan, Exhibiting Contradiction, 258Ш5 Wallis, Brian, 47,85,132; Art after Modernism, 256П2, 258П , 261П42,268П29, 269П30 Warhol, Andy 20, 33,75,76,93, 260П30 WaterTower (Whiteread), 50-53,51,66, 67-69 Web-based art, 44. See also digital art; elec­tronic media Weber, Max, 264П32 Wet (Schor), 268ПШ9-23, 268П25 When Faith Moves Mountains (Alys), 1Г4,119- 121,120 When You Wish (Simmons), 118 Whipple, Sarah, 164,166,167,172; Glow Worm, 164,165,167,172,174 Whiteread, Rachel, 50-54, 66, 69; Water Tower, 50-53, 51,66, 67-69 Whitney Biennial, 97,274П79, 276П99 Wiener, Daniel, 157-161; Angel, 158; Ball, 158, plate 12; Chorus, 158; Tree, 158, 270П45 Wilde, Oscar, xiv, 60 Williams, Raymond, 65-66; Marxism and Lit­erature, 264П36; The Politics of Modernism, 259Ш9 Willis, David, Deconstruction and the Visual Arts, 255П2 Wilson, Fred, 38, 261П38 Winfrey, Oprah, 227 INDE* : : 291 Wodiczko, Kryzstof, 223,2691141 Wols (Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze), 171 women's movement, 79. See also feminism Wong, Martin, 269П41 Wood, Grant, 72 Wood, Paul, ed., Art in Theory, 260П33 Wordsworth, William, Lyrical Ballads, 262- 263Ш4 Worringer, Wilhelm, 173-174; Abstraction and Empathy, 173-174 Wright, Elise, 180 WTO (World Trade Organization) meetings, 24 "Yasumasa Morimura" (Bryson), 275П95 Yaa Hoo (McCarthy), 107,109-111 Yellow with Mushroom (Howe), plate 3,34 Yuskavage, Lisa, 87,103-106, ш, 162; Big Little Laura, plate 5, Г04 zaumniks, 60 Zelevansky, Lynn, "Sense and Sensibility" 270П48 Zittel, Andrea, 218,221-223, 226; A to Z Man­agement and Maintenance Unit, Model 003, 221, 222 Zones of Contention (Becker), 258Ш4 "Zones of Immaterial Pictorial Sensibility" (Klein), 252 Zugazagoitia, Julian, 257П3 Zuidervaart, Lambert, 264П33-35,267П7
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