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Volltext:Index Abel, Lionel, xxi, 170 Accent, 45 Adams, Ansel, 213 Address to the Scholars of New England (Ransom), 76 Admiral, Virginia, 210 Agar, Eileen, 209—10 Albright, Ivan, 135 Aldington, Richard, 45 Aleichem, Sholom, 155-58 Allston, Washington, 190 Ambitious Son, The (Spender), 122 American Abstract Artists exhibi­tion, 103—4 American Pioneer Arts and Artists (Dreppard), 141—42 American Primitive Painting (Lip-man), no—12 American Realists and Magic Realists (exhibition), 172, 182 American Sculpture of Our Time (ex­hibition), 138-40 American Senator, The (Trollope), J93-94 "American View, An" (Green-berg), xx An American Place (gallery), 170 Answer Usually Comes in Words, The (Williams), 96 n Apollinaire, Guillaume, 49, 50, 105 Approach to Town (Friedman), 205 Aragon, Louis, 226 Arboretum by Plash Bulb (Davis), 144 Architecture, 21, 48, 187, 203, 213 Argenteuil (Renoir), 143 Ariosto, Ludovico, 241 Aristotle, 8, 8n, 9, 58, 59, 204 Arp, Hans, 36-37, 105, 138-39, 159, 172-73, 203, 227, 230 Art and Culture (Greenberg), xvii Art in Progress (exhibition), 212-13 Art in the Armed Forces: Pictures by Men in Action (Fredenthal and Wilcox), 239 Artists for Victory (exhibition), 133-35 Art News, 161 n Art of This Century (gallery), 131, 140, 159, 164, 209-10, 239, 241 Associated American Artists Gal­leries, 125 Astaire, Fred, 117 Auden, W. H., 44, 54, 59, 74, 75, 87, 91, 96, 118, 120, 122, 124 Austin, Darrel, 99-100 Austria, 144 Autumn (Eilshemius), 130 Autumn Tonality (Harari), 136 "Avant-Garde and Kitsch" (Green­berg), xviii, xxi, xxii, 5 — 22 Avery, Milton, 163 Babbitt, Irving, 30П, 81 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 95 Bacon, Peggy, 125—26 Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait (Thomas), 96 n Balzac, Honoré de, 43 Barbizon School, 143 Barker, George, 44, 74-75, 96, 122; Second American Ode, 75; Se­lected Poems, 85, 87-89; Supple­mentary Personal Sonnets, 88 Bariach, Ernst, 212 Barque, The (Feininger), 165 Barye, Antoine-Louis, 138 Basel, Switzerland, 66 Batz, Georges de, 243 Bauchant, André, 94 Baudelaire, Charles, 58, 241, 242 Baziotes, William, 210, 239-41 Be Angry at the Sun and Other Poems (Jeffers), 97-98 257 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 95 Beggar's Opera (Gay), 3 "Beggar's Opera—After Marx, The" (Greenberg), xviii, 3-5 Bellini, Giovanni, 171, 200 Bellini, Jacopo, 171 Bellow, Saul: Dangling Man, 223-25 Bellows, George Wesley, 189 Benêt, Stephen Vincent and William Rose, 83 Benn, Gottfried, 20—21, 83 Benton, Thomas Hart, 206 Bérard, Christian, 172 Berenson, Bernard, xxiv, 245 Berlandina, Jane, 134 Berman, Eugene, 163-64, 172, 213 Berne, Switzerland, 66 Biglen Brothers Turning the Stake (Eakins), 221 Binding, Rudolf Georg, 83 Bishop, Elizabeth: Roosters, 75 Bismarck, Otto von, 180 Blackmur, R. P., xxii, 217П; The Dead Ride Fast, 119; For Comfort and for Size, 119; Missa Vocis, 119; The Second World, 119 Blake, William, 87, 247 Blakelock, Ralph Albeit, 165, 189-90 Blanch, Arnold, 174; MiningTown, 134 ; This is a People's War, 134 Blood for a Stranger (Jarrell), 117-19 Blume, Peter, 213 Boccioni, Umberto, 104 Böcklin, Arnold, 27, 163, 231 Bohemia (country), 144 Bohrod, Aaron, 174; Reflections ina Shop Window, 135 Bombois, Camille, 94 Bonington, Richard Parkes, 143 Bonnard, Pierre, 204, 234 Boone, Daniel, 92 Bosanquet, Bernard, 26 Bosch, Hieronymus, 68, 231 Bottomless Pit, The (Regler), 211 Boudin, Eugène, 143, 234 Brady, Matthew, 239 Brancusi, Constantin, xxi, 9, 138, '72-73 Braque, Georges, xxi, 6, 9, 105, 138, 172-73, 202 Brauner, Victor, 230 Brecht, Bertolt, 43, 49—62; Die Dreigroschenoper, 3, 59, 61; Hauspostille, 51, 53-56, 59; Die Heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe, 61 ; Legende vom Toten Soldat, 51 — 53; Lehrstücken, 59; Die Massnahme, 59—60; Mother Courage, 102 ; A Penny for the Poor, xviii, 3 — 5; Señora Carrera's Rifles, 60—61; Verschollener Ruhm der Reisenstadt New-York, 43, 61; Von Armen В. В., 54—56 Breton, André, 94, 226; Fata Mor­gana, 102 Bridge Across the Seine (van Gogh), 162 Broch, Hermann, 113 Brook, Alexander, 65 Brooklyn Museum, 231 — 32 Brooks, Van Wyck, 101 Brown, Ford Madox, 230 Brown, Harry, 44; The Poem of Bunker Hill, 90-91 Brown Network: The Activities of the Nazis in Foreign Countries, The, xx Buchholz Gallery, 99, 138, 206, 208-9 Bunyan, John: Pilgrim's Progress, 4 Burchfield, Charles, 163, 206; Winter, 163 Burke, Edmund, 33 Burke, Kenneth: The Philosophy of Literary Form: Studies in Symbolic Action, 83-84 Burlingame, Dennis Meighan, 139 Byron, Lord, 241 Calas, Nicolas, 43 n, 102 Calder, Alexander, 135, 139, 159 Camille Pissarro: Letters to His Son Lucien (Rewald), 214-17 Caparn, Rhys: Johannes Steel, 135 Carossa, Hans, 83 Carpaccio, Victore, 171 Carrière, Eugène, 234 Cartoon and caricature, 106, 137-38, 184-85 Cassandre, A. M., 213 Cassatt, Mary, 189, 234 258 Cavallon, Giorgio, 104 Cézanne, Paul, xxi, 9, 63, 67, 106, 133, 138, 162, 167, 175-76, 207, 214, 215, 217, 221, 234, 246; Le Château Noir, 129; Chemin Sous-Bois, 129; exhibi­tion of, 129—30; flatness in, 202; Garçon au Gilet Rouge, 129; Madame Cézanne dans la Serre, 129; MontSte. Victoire, 129; Na­ture Morte, 129; Pichet et Fruits, 129; Portrait of Madame Cézanne, 129; Van Gogh compared with, 161-62; Vase de Fleurs et Pommes, 129 Chagall, Marc, 164—65; Crucifixion, 165; La nuit se mêle au jour, 165 Chahut, Le (Seurat), 169 Chase, William Merritt, 106 Château d'Argol (Gracq), 102 Château Noir, Le (Cézanne), 129 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 87 Chemin Sous-Bois (Cézanne), 129 Childs, John L., io8n China, 25, 205 Chirico, Giorgio de, 21, 132, 141, 159-60, 172, 230-31; TheRose Tower, 160 Churchill, Winston, 41 Cirque, La (Seurat), 169 Clair, Louis, 185-87 Clemenceau, Georges, 40 Clowns and Kings (Rattner), 233 Cole, Thomas, xxiv Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 33, 51; Rime of the Ancient Mariner, 83-84 Columbus, Christopher, 91 Comfort, Alex (with Robert Greacen): Lyra: An Anthology of New Lyric, 120-23 Commentary, xxiv Common Pursuit, The (Leavis), xvii Companions of the Road (Seghers), 114 Conflict (Pollock), 165-66 Connolly, Cyril, xvii-xx, 41 n Contemporary Jewish Record, xviii, 176П Contemporary Portraits (exhibition), 183 Cooper, Duff, 41 Copley, John Singleton, 189 Corbusier, Le, 104 Cornell, Joseph, 131-32 Corn Field (van Gogh), 162 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille, 27, 129, 143, 234 Correggio, 200 Coster, F. Donald, 4 Couple, Le (Martins), 210 Courbet, Gustave, 29, 175, 201, 215, 216, 221, 243, 246 Crane, Hart, 9 Crane, Stephen, 237 Craven, Thomas: The Story of Paint­ing: From Cave Pictures to Modern Art, 206-7 Creeft, José de, 132 Crivelli, Carlo, 171 Crucifixion (Chagall), 165 Cubism, 67, 99, 124, 140, 142, 187, 207, 230; as "dry and intellectualized" 105; and Feininger, 165; of Gris, 206; and Hartley, 246, 247; Neo- Romanticism versus, 172, 174; pictorial space in, 35, 202 "Cult of Experience, The" (Rahv), 45 Cummings, е. е., 49, 85, 159 Currier, Nathaniel, and Ives, James, 64, 126-28, 232 Currier & Ives: Printmakers to the American People (Peters), 126—28 Curry, John Steuart, 135, 206 Dada, 131, 225 Daiches, David, 177 n Daily Mirror, 4m Dali, Salvador, 9П, 172, 213, 227, 229-31 Dalton, Peter: Seated Figure, 135 Dangling Man (Bellow), 223-25 Dante, 146, 241, 245 Darkness and Light (Spender), 122 Daumier, Honoré, 27, 162 Davey, Charles, 121 Davis, Stuart, 144; Arboretum by Flashbulb, 144; Report from Rock-port, 144 Dead Ride Fast, The (Blackmur), 119 Debussy, Claude, 31 Defense of Poetry (Shelley), 26 259 Degas, Edgar, 162, 212, 214, 215, 234 Delacroix, Eugène, 27, 162, 221, 241-44; Desdemona at Her Fa­ther's Feel, 241—42; Diana Sur­prised by Actaeon, 243; Liberty Guiding the People, 242 Delvaux, Paul, 230 De Martini, Joseph, 174 Derain, André, 130, 175-76, 246, 247; Still Life with Pish, 175; Valley of the Lot at Vers ,175 Derleth, August, 45 Desdemona at Her Father's Feet (De­lacroix), 241-42 Despiau, Charles, 138 Diana Surprised by Actaeon (De­lacroix), 243 Dickens, Charles, 155, 193, 198 Dickinson, Emily, 121 Diogenes, 43, 46 Doesburg, Theo van, 105 Domínguez, Oscar, 230 Double Shame, The (Spender), 76, 122 Douglas, R. Langton: Leonardo da Vinci: His Life and His Pictures, 244-45 Dove, Arthur, 106-8 Dowden, Edward, 144 Downtown Gallery, 144 Dreigroschenoper, Die (Brecht and Weill), 3,59, 61 Dreppard, Carl W. : American Pioneer Arts and Artists, 141—42 Duchamp, Marcel, 141 Dufy, Raoul, 144 Duineser Elegien (Rilke), 147 Dunoyer de Segonzac, André, 130, 175, 176, 212, 246, 247 Durand-Ruel Galleries, 130 Durlacher Brothers, 174 Durrie, George Henry, 128 Dutch painting, 66, 68 Dyn, xviii, 108n Eakins, Thomas, 133, 189, 212, 220—23, 236; Biglen Brothers Turning the Stake, 221 Ehrlich, Aaron, 210 Eilshemius, Louis, 130, 161, 166— 67; Autumn, 130; Farewell to the Sun, 130; Girl Waving, 167; The Last Sunlight, 130; New York Docks, 167; South Sea Island, 130; Sunburst—Delaware Water- Gap, 166—67 Einstein, Albert, 108n Eisler, Hanns, 53 Eliot, T. S., 5-6, II, i6n, 17, 120, 124, 245; "Notes Towards a Definition of Culture" 217 - 20 Eluard, Paul, 9, 226 Emergence of an American Art, The (Mellquist), 106—8 Empson, William, 44 England, 38-41, 145, 180-81, 246; poetry in, 49, 54, 85, 87-88, 96, 101, 173, 226 E poi, lettore, guarda e passa oltre (Kafka), 102 Ernst, Max, 132, 141, 227, 229-31 Ernst, Paul, 83 Euclid, 68 Evans, Walker, 108, 213 Eve, Jean, 94 Evergood, Philip, 135, 174 Exiles From Their Land (Spender), 122 Experimental Review, 44 Expressionism, 165, 174, 246; and Brecht, 50, 61; and Nazis, 20-21 Fallada, Hans, 83 Farewell to the Sun (Eilshemius), 130 Fast, Howard, 177 n Fata Morgana (Breton), 102 Fausett, William Dean, 143-44 Fauves, 67, 176, 202, 207, 230, 247 Federat.i on of Modern Pa.i nters anad Sculptors, 182-84 Feininger, Lyonel, 134, 164-65, 171; The Barque, 165; A Church, 135; Feininger am Kai, 165 Feininger am Kai (Feininger), 165 Femme assise au fauteuil (Picasso), 208 Femme endormie (Picasso), 208 Ferguson, Otis, 45 Ferren, John, 104 Ferrero, Guglielmo, 179 Fett, William, 174 Fey, Isabella: Patingenesis, 96n Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 81, 82 260 Field, Ben, 102, 177 n Figurations (Harari), 136 Fine, Perl, 209—10 Fini, Leonor, 227, 230 Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 10 Fish Food, an Obituary to Fl art Crane (Wheelwright), 77 Flanders, 25, 66, 200 Flannagan, John B., 125, 139 Forain, Jean-Louis, 234 For Comfort andfor Size (Blackmur), 119 Fortress, Karl, 134 France, 43, 49, 50, 144, 150; of Napoleon III, 180-82; and Nazi Germany, 38—40 Frankfurter, Alfred M., 161, 161 n Fraser, G. S., 120 Fredenthal, David (with Richard Wilcox): Art in the Armed Forces: Pictures by Men in Action, 239; Of Men and Battles, 239 Frederick William I, King of Prus­sia, 109 French Impressionists and Their Con­temporaries (Jewell), 233 — 34 Friedman, Arnold, 204-5; Ap­proach to Town, 205 Frobenius, Johann, 218 Frölich, Paul: Rosa Luxemburg, Her LifeandWork, 77-79 From Paris to the Sea Down the River Seine (exhibition), 143 Frouchtben, Bernard, 94 Fuller, George, 220 Futurists, 21 Gabin, Jean, 192 Gabo, Naum, 138 Gallatin, A. E., 103, 104 Gallery of Living Art, 103 Gallic Cock (Lamont), 135 Gambetta, Léon, 180 García Lorca, Federico, 49, 50, 74 Garçon au Gilet Rouge (Cézanne), 129 Gardiner, Wrey, 121 Gauguin, Paul, 202, 217, 234 Gautier, Théophile, 30 Gay, John: Beggar's Opera, 3 George, Stefan, xxii, 50; Poems, 144-48 Georges Seurat ( Rewald), 167-70 Géricault, Théodore, 27 Germany, 25, 66—67, 73 78-79, 113, 114, 156; Nazi, 20-21, 38-41, 79—83; poetry in, 49-51. 57- 144-45; primitive art in, 109, 111; Romanticism in, 80-82 Gérome, Jean-Léon, 27 Giacometti, Alberto, 138 Gibbs, Wolcott, 137 Gide, André, 10, 192 Giorgione, 200 Giotto, 15, 133, 199 Giovanni di Paolo: Presentation in the Temple, 199—200 Girl Waving (Eilshemius), 167 Girl with the Rooster (Picasso), 208 Givors, Charles, 108 n Gloeckner, André, 234 Goebbels, Joseph, 20, 145 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 39, 51. 145 Gogh, Vincent van, 37, 67, 138, 160-62, 202, 234; Bridge Across the Seine, 162; Com Field, 162 Goldstein, Phyllis, 209 Golffing, Francis, 102 Göll, Ivan, 44 Goncourt, Edmond de and Jules de, 29 Gonzales, Julio, 138 Goodman, Paul, xix, 102 Goodrich, Lloyd, 222, 235, 236 "Goose-Step in Tishomingo" (Greenberg), xxiv, 148-52 Gorky, Arshile, 105, 171 Goya, 210 Gracq, Julien: Château d'Argol, 102 Graves, Morris, 126, 174, 205 Greacen, Robert (with Alex Com­fort): Lyra: An Anthology of New Lyric, 120-23 Great American Paintings: From Smibert to Bellows, 1729 —1924 (Walker and James), 189-90 Green and Pink (Harari), 136 Greene, Gertrude, 104, 134 Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, 27, 230 Grippe, Peter, 139 Gris, Juan, 105, 138, 172—73, 202, 206; Still Life with Collage, 206 261 Grohmann, Will, 72; Paul Klee, Drawings, 245 Guardians of the Secret (Pollock), 165 Guérard, Albert: Napoleon III: An Interpretation, 179-82 Guernica (Picasso), 208 Guest, Edgar, 6, 17 Guggenheim, Peggy, 140-41, 209, 239,240 Guillaumin, Armand, 234 Gundolf, Friedrich, 145 Half Deity (Moore), 87 Halper, Albert, 177 n Harari, Hananiah, 104, 134-36; Autumn Tonality, 136; Figura­tions, 136; Green and Pink, 136; Rococo, 136 Harding, Ruth, 222 Hare, David, 209 Harkavy, Minna, 171 Harnett, William Michael, 135 — 36 Harriman, Marie, 64 Hartley, Marsden, 106, 246-48 Hartmann, George, 108n Hassam, Childe, 106 Hauptmann, Gerhart, 83 Hauspostille (Brecht), 51, 53-56, 59 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 165, 220 Headley, Joseph H., 112 — 13 He "Digesteth Harde Yron" (Moore), 87 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 108, 193, 201, 245 Heilige johanna der Schlachthöfe, Die (Brecht), 61 Heine, Heinrich, 51 Heliker, John, 134 Hélion, Jean, 103, 104 Hemingway, Ernest, 192 Henri, Robert, 106 Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 49 Hesse, Hermann, 83 Hillsmith, Fannie, 209 Hirshfield, Morris, 94, in Histoire de Thésée (Masson), 209 History Their Domicile (Spender), 122 Hitler, Adolf, 38-41, 50, 58, 60, 91 97. 151. 152; and avant-garde, 20-21, 50; and Roman­ticism, 80-83 Hobbema, Meindert, 68 Hoffmann, E. T. A., 66 Hofmann, Hans, xxi, 9П Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 144-45 Hogarth, William, 184 Hokusai, 15 Homer, 91 Homer, Winslow, 133, 163, 189, 212, 221, 234-38 Hook, Sidney, io8n Horizon, xviii Houdon, Jean-Antoine, 138 Hugo, Victor, 242 Human Situation, 'The (Spender), 122 I Can't Express It (Steig), 137 I Do Not Believe in Misleading People (Steig), 137 Imagists, 30 Impressionism, 129, 222, 229, 230, 231, 246, 247; ofFried-man, 204; Jewell on, 233 — 34; and politics, 214-15; represen­tation in, 29—31, 201 ; and Seurat, 168 Ina Garden (Spender), 122 Indian Love Lyrics (Guest), 17 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 27. 243 Interior (Smith), 139—40 In the Madhouse (Tchelitchew), 125 In the Tunnel (Mayo), 96 n I Recreated Myself (Steig), 137 Isherwood, Christopher, 5 Italy, 25, 200; Fascist, 20-22, 100 Jahn, (Father) Friedrich Ludwig, 79, 80, 82 James, Henry, 118, 195, 198, 220, 245 , , James, Macgill (with John Walker): Great American Paintings: From Smibert to Bellows, 1729 — 1924, 189-90 Janis, Sidney: They Taught Them­selves: American Primitive Painters of the 20th Century, 94-95 Jarrell, Randall, xxii, 190; Blood for a Stranger, 117 —19; The Winter's Tale, 119 Jaurès, Jean, 78 Jeden Sonntagabend das Dorfmusic Spielt (song), 49-50 262 Jeffers, Robinson, 83; Be Angry at the Sun and Other Poems, 97—98; Mara, 97 Jeune Pille (Motherwell), 240 Jewell, Edward Alden: French Im­pressionists and Their Contempo­raries, 233-34 Joan Miró (Greenberg), xviii Johannes Steel (Caparn), 135 Johnson, Eastman, 127 Jones, Ebenezer, 87 Jones, Frank, 43, 46 Journey of the Magi (Sassetta), 199-200 Joyce, James, 44, 203; Finnegans Wake, 10; Ulysses, 10 Joy of Living (Motherwell), 240 Kafka, Franz, xxiv; E poi, lettore, guarda e passa oltre, 102 Kandinsky, Wassily, xxi, 9, 64-65, 7 0 . 7 1 Kane, John, 94 Kant, Immanuel, xxiii, 46, 161 Karfiol, Bernard, 174 Kautsky, Karl, 78 Kazin, Alfred, 177 n Keats, John, 16 n, 51 Kent, Rockwell, 142 Kierkegaard, S0ren, 193 Kiesler, Frederick J., 140—41 Kilpatrick, William Heard, 108 n Kipling, Rudyard, 57 Klee, Paul, xxi, 9, 36—37, 63, 126, 134, 136, 138, 141, 165, 174, 205, 208, 227, 245; essay on, 65—73; Grohmann on, 245; Nierendorf on, 95; Pastoral, 68 — 69 Knaths, Karl, 134 Knoedler Galleries, 162, 210, 222, 248 Kolbenheyer, Erwin Guido, 83 Krasner, Lee, xxi Kraushaar Galleries, 143 Kronenberger, Louis, 177 n Lachaise, Gaston, 106, 139 Laforgue, Jules, 49 Lagarde, Paul de, 79, 82 Lahey, Richard, xxi Lam, Wilfredo, 131 Lambda, Jacqueline, 209— 10 Lamont, Frances: Gallic Cock, 135 Langbehn, Julius, 79 Langland, William, 87 Laokoon (Lessing), 25—26 Larionov, Michel, 104 Lassaw, Ibram, 104 Last Sunlight, The (Eilshemius), 130 Laughlin, James: New Directions in Prose and Poetry: 1941, 100-102 Laurencin, Marie, 163 Laurens, Henri, 138 Laurent, Robert, 139 Lawrence, D. H., 44 Leavis, F. R., xvii Legende vom Toten Soldat (Brecht), 51-53 Léger, Fernand, 63—65 Lehmbruck, Wilhelm, 138, 212 Lehrstücken (Brecht), 59 Leighton, Frederic, 27 Lenin, V. I., 58, 60, 77—79 Leonardo da Vinci, xxiv, 200, 206, 227, 228, 244-45 Leonardo da Vinci: Flis Life and His Pictures (Douglas), 244—45 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim: iMokoon, 25 — 26 Levin, Meyer, 45 Levy (Julien) Gallery, 163 Liben, Meyer, 102 Liberty Guiding the People (Dela­croix), 242 Lipchitz, Jacques, 138, 172 — 73 Lipman, Jean: American Primitive Painting, no—12 Little Black Box (Moore), 120—21 Litvinoff, Emanuel, 121 Lob der Partei (from Brecht, Die Massnahme), 59—60 London, England, 36 London, Kurt: The Seven Soviet Arts, 14 Finely Ones, The (Steig), 137 — 38 Lorca, Federico García. See García Lorca, Federico Luks, George, 106 Luther, Martin, 51, 53 Luxemburg, Rosa, 77-79 Lydgate, John, 87 Lyra: An Anthology of New Lyric (Comfort and Greacen), 120—23 Mabille, Pierre, io8n MacDiarmid, Hugh, 102 263 Macdonald, Dwight, xviii, xix, xxi-xxii, 14-15, io8n McFadden, Roy: Three New Poets, 121-22 MacLeish, Archibald, 101 MacNiece, Louis, 44 MacOrlan, Pierre, 192 Macumba (Martins), 210 Madame Cézanne dans la Serre (Cézanne), 129 Magritte, René, 227, 230 Maillol, Aristide, 133, 138, 212 Malaquais, Jean: War Diary, 190-93 Male and Female (Pollock), 165 Malevich, Kasimir, 104 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 9, 33 Malraux, André, 192 Manet, Edouard, 169, 201, 214, 230, 233-34, 236 Mann, Georg, 102 Mann, Thomas, 83, 113, 145 Mantegna, Andrea, 231 Man with Short Haircut (Wheeler), !34 Mara (Jeffers), 97 March, William, 45 Marin, John, 106, 107, 134, 163, 165, 170, 171; Pertaining to the Sea, 170; 3 Figures and Sea Shore, 170; The Three-Masted Schooner, 170 Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 21 Marquand, John, 83 Marquié Gallery, 166, 204 Marsh, Reginald, 206 Martins, Maria, 210; Le Couple, 210; Macumba, 210 Martyl (Suzanne Schweig), 171 Marx, Karl, xx, 22, 59, 91, 180, 214 Masefield, John, 51 Massnahme, Die (Brecht), 59-60 Masson, André, 99, 138, 154, 174, 208-9, 227, 230, 233; Histoire de Thésée, 209; Pasiphaé, 209 Masterpieces of Painting from the Na­tional Gallery of Art, 245 Masters of Abstract Art (exhibition), 103. 105 Mathews, Jackson: To Whitman, 96 n Matisse, Henri, xxi, xxiii, 9, 62, 138, 163, 212 Matisse (Pierre) Gallery, 63, 131, 164, 175, 208 Mattson, Henry Ellis, 174 Matta (Echaurren), Roberto, 154 Maurer, Alfred, 128 Maurer, Louis, 128 Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 49, 50 Mayo, E. L.: In theTunnel, 96n Meditation Will Reveal All Secrets (Steig), 138 Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Ernest, 229, 230 Mellquist, Jerome: The Emergence of an American Art, 106—8 Melville, Herman, 165, 220; Moby Dick, 220 Men, Women and Dogs (Thurber), 184-85 Merriam, Charles E., 102 Metapolitics: From the Romantics to Hitler (Viereck), 79—83 Metropolitan Museum of Art, 132, 199, 200, 212, 213; Artists for Victory (exhibition), 133 — 35 Michaiłów, Nicola, 109-11 Michelangelo, 14, 15, 200, 243 Middle Ages, 17, 226 Miller, Henry, 44, 117 -18 Mills, Clark, 44 Mind's Geography, The (Zabriskie), 90-93 Mining Town (Blanch), 134 Mirage, The (Williams), 96 n Miró, Joan, xxi, 9, 36—37, 71, 105, 136, 144, 159, 166, 172-73, 210; exhibitions of, 63, 207—8; and surrealism, 227, 230, 231 MissaVocis (Blackmur), 119 Moby Dick (Melville), 220 Mocharniuk, Nicolas, 166—67 Modern Drawings (exhibition), 213 Modigliani, Amedeo, 134 Mondrian, Piet, xxi, 9, 64-65, 70, 71, 73, 104-5, 172-73, 204, 207; New York Boogie Woogie, r 53-54; obituary of, 187—89; "Toward the True Vision of Real­ity" 188 Monet, Claude, 143, 207, 214, 215, 233, 234 Monticelli, Adolphe, 234 Mont S te. Victoire (Cézanne), 129 264 Moore, Marianne, xxii; Half Deity, 87; He "Digestelh Harde Yron" 87; Nautilus, 87; Rigorists, 87; What Are Years?, 85 — 89 Moore, Nicholas, 120-21, 123; Little Black Box, 120 — 21 Moreau, Gustave, 27 Mörike, Eduard Friedrich, 51 Morisot, Berthe, 234 Morland, George, 27 Morris, William, 51, 225, 226 Morris, G. L. K., 140 Morwitz, Ernst, 147, 148 Mother Courage (Brecht), 102 Motherwell, Robert, 209, 240; Jeune Bille, 240', Joy of Living, 240 Munich, 66 Museum of Modern Art, 103-5, I53_54 !59. Ï6O, 222, 248; Art in Progress (exhibition), 212 — 13 ; and Federation of Mod­ern Painters and Sculptors, 18 2—84 ; Romantic Painting in America (exhibition), 172-74 Music, 26, 53, 64, 73, 205—6; ab­straction in, 8n, 24, 30—32, 203, 204 Mussolini, Benito, 20-22 Napoleon, 79, 124 Napoleon III, 179-82 Napoleon Ul: An Interpretation (Guérard), 179—82 Nation, The, xviii, xix, xxiv Nature Morte (Cézanne), 129 Nautilus (Moore), 87 Neo-Romanticism, 172—74, 230 New Art Center, 103 New Directions in Prose and Poetry: 1941 (Laughlin), 42, 100-102 New Laokoón: An Essay on the Confu­sion of the Arts, The (Babbitt), 30 n Newman, Robert, 189-90, 220 New Poems (Williams), 74—76 New Republic, The, xviii News Chronicle, 4 m New Statesman, 4m New York Boogie Woogie (Mondrian), 153-54 New York Docks (Eilshemius), 167 New Yorker, 13, 185 New York Times, xviii, 233 NewYorkUniversity, 103 Nierendorf, Karl: Paul Klee: Paint­ings, Watercolors, 1913 to 1939, 95 Nierendorf Gallery, 64, 164, 244 Nin, Anais, 44 "Notes Towards a Definition of Cul­ture" (Eliot), 217—20 Nuit se mêle au jour, La (Chagall), 165 "Ode to Trotsky" (Greenberg), xx Oelze, Richard, 227, 230 Of Men and Battles (Fredenthal and Wilcox), 239 O'Keeffe, Georgia, 106-8, 213 150 Years of A merican Primitives (ex­hibition), 100 Ovid, 245 Paalen, Wolfgang, io8n Palmer, Fanny, 127-28, 174; Rocky Mountains: Emigrants Crossing the Plains, 127-28 Pantukhov, Igor, xx—xxi Paris, 67, 162, 184, 215, 232; School of, 36, 104 "Paris and Helen" (Schwartz), 102 Parnassians, 30 Parrish, Maxfield, 15, 107 Parsons, Charles, 128 Partisan Review, xviii-xxii, 14, 45, 140, 217П Pascal, Blaise, 24 Pasiphaé (Masson), 209 Pastoral (Klee), 68—69 PastValues, 7Ae(Spender), 122 Patchen, Kenneth, 44, 117—18 Pater, Walter: The School of Giorgione, 32 Patingenesis (Bey), 96 n Paul Klee, Drawings (Grohmann), 245 Paul Klee: Paintings, Watercolors, 1913 to 1939 (Nierendorf), 95 Peinture claire, 233 — 34 Penny for the Poor, A (Brecht), xviii, 3-5 People Are No Damn Good (Steig), 138 Pereira, I. Rice, 213 Perls, Klaus G.: Vlaminck, 93-94 265 Perls Galleries, 99 Perse, St. John, 44 Pertaining to the Sea (exhibition), 170 Perugino, 200 Peters, Harry T.: Currier & Ives: Printmakers to the American People, 126-28 Pevsner, Antoine, 104, 138 Phillips, William, xix, 217П Philosophy of Literary Form: Studies in Symbolic Action, The (Burke), 83-84 Photography, 106, 108, 113, 129, 213, 239; and Impressionism, 201, 233-34 Picasso, Pablo, xxi, 9, 11, 37, 62, 105, 106, 131, 136, 138, 139, 159, 166, 172-73, 202, 210, 212, 232, 240, 242; Femme assise au fauteuil, 208; Femme endormie, 208; Girl with the Rooster, 208; Guernica, 208; kitsch versus, 14-17, 19; Klee compared with, 66-67, 71 73; Miró compared with, 207-8 Pichet et Fruits (Cézanne), 129 Pickett, Joseph, 94, 112—13 Piers Plowman (Langland), 87 Pilgrim's Progress (Bunyan), 4 Pinacotheca, 135 Pissarro, Camille, 162, 207, 214-17, 234 Pissarro, Lucien, 214 Plato, 8n Plutarch, 227 Poe, Edgar Allan, 30, 33, 165, 220 Poem of Bunker Hill, The (Brown), 90-91 Poems (George), 144-48 Poetry: abstract or pure, 8-10, 3 3 ~ 34. 203; and confusion of the arts, 25-26, 30-31; danger of good taste in, 95-97; kitsch, 17; and Klee, 95; and politics, 46-47; popular or folk influence on, 49. See also specific poets Poland, 78 Politics, xviii, 185-87 Pollock, Jackson, xxiii, 164-66, 210, 239, 241; Conflict, 165 — 66; Guardians of the Secret, 165 ; Male and Female, 165; Wounded Animal, 165-66 Poor, Henry Varnum, 108 Popular Front, 60 Portinari, Cándido, 213 Portrait de Madame Cézanne (Cézanne), 129 Posada, José Guadeloupe, 231 — 32 Post-Impressionism, 201—2, 214- 15. 233-34 Pound, Ezra, 9, 85, 100 Pousette-Dart, Richard, 210 Poussin, Nicolas, 244 Pre-Raphaelites, 27, 145, 173, 225, 226, 230 Presentation in the Temple (Giovanni da Paolo), 199-200 Primitive art, 32, 100, 109-13, 142, 161 Primitives Gallery, 100 Prince on His Head, The (Seghers), 114 Prodigal Son (Titian), 26 Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 188 Quattrocento, 200 Quintanilla, Luis, 210 Rahv, Philip, xix, io8n; "The Cult of Experience" 45 Ransom, John Crow. Address to the Scholars of New England, 76 Raphael, 15, 163, 200 Rátkai, Helen, 134 Rattner, Abraham, 232-33; Clowns and Kings, 233 Read, Herbert, 122, 225 Redon, Odilon, 164, 234 Reflections in a Shop Window (Bohrod), 135 Regler, Gustav: The Bottomless Pit, 211 Rehn (Frank) Galleries, 163 Remarque, Erich Maria, 162 Rembrandt, 14, 15, 18, 37, 222 Renaissance, 18, 34, 67-68, 71, 160, 191-201, 230, 243-44 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, 95, 130, 133, 138, 169, 207, 212, 214, 215, 234, 243-44; Argenteuil, 43 Repin, Ilya Yefimovich, 14—17, 19 Report from Rockport (Davis), 144 Rescue, The (Seghers), 114 Revolt of the Fishermen, The (Seghers), 114 266 Rewald,John: Camille Pissarro: Letters to His Sort Lucien, 214-17; Georges Seurat, 167—70 Richards, I. A., 21711 Richter, Jean Paul, 148,211 Riddler, Anne, 121 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 9, 50, 123, 144-47; Duineser Elegien, 147 Rimbaud, Arthur, 9, 49, 56, 57, 231 ; Season in Hell, 50 Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Cole­ridge), 83-84 Rivera, Diego, 188 Road Through February, The (Seghers), 114 Robus, Hugo, 213 Rockwell, Norman, 16 Rocky Mountains: Emigrants Crossing the Plains (Palmet), 127-28 Rococo (Harari), 136 Rodchenko, Alexander, 104 Rodger, W. R.: Summer Holidays, 75 Rodin, Auguste, 106, 133, 138 Rodman, Seiden, 45 Romanticism, 49, 168; and confu­sion of the arts, 26—28; Ger­man, 80—82; in music, 30; neo-, 172-74, 230 Romanticism in America (exhibition), 182 Romantic Painting in America (exhibi­tion), 171-74 Roosters (Bishop), 75 Rosa Luxemburg, Her Life and Work (Frölich), 77-79 Rosenberg, Alfred, 80 Rosenberg, Harold, xix, xxi, xxii, 96 n Rosenberg (Paul) Gallery, 129, 163, 208-9, 232 248 Rosenfeld, Isaac, xix, 177 n Rose Tower, The (Chirico), 160 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 51 Rossetti family, 226 Roszak, Theodore, 134 Rouault, Georges, 62, 232, 246, 247 Rousseau, Henri, 94, 130, 161 Rousseau, Theodore, 27 Rowlandson, Thomas, 184, 185 Roy, Pierre, 227, 230 Rubens, Peter Paul, 227, 243 Rubinstein, Helena, 103 Ruins and Visions (Spender), 122 — 24 Rukeyser, Muriel, 75, 177n Runaway Horse (painting), 113 Ruskin, John, 225, 226, 243 Russell, Bertrand, io8n Russell, Sanders, 44 Russian Revolution, 77, 78 Ryder, Albert Pinkham, 165, 174, 189, 220, 246, 247 Sadleir, Michael, 198 Samuel, Maurice: The World of Sholom Aleichem, 155 — 58 Sargent, John Singer, 106, 189 Saroyan, William, 117-18, 177 Sartre, Jean-Paul, xviii Sassetta: Journey of the Magi, 199—200 Saturday Evening Post, 6, 16 Scarfe, Francis, 120 Schapiro, Meyer, xix, xxi, io8n Schelling, Friedrich, 81 Schiller, Friedrich, 58 School of Giorgione, The (Pater), 32 n Schwartz, Delmore, 102, 177 n; "Paris and Helen" 102 Scott, Walter, 241 Season in Hell (Rimbaud), 50 Seated Figure (Dalton), 135 Second American Ode (Barker), 75 Second World, The (Blackmur), 119 Seghers, Anna: Companions of the Road, 114; The Prince on His Head, 114; The Rescue, 114; The Revolt of the Fishermen, 114; The Road Through February, 114; The Seventh Cross, 113 — 17 Selected Poems (Barker), 85, 87-89 Selected Poems (Wheelwright), 76-77 Seneca, 227 Señora Carrera's Rifles (Brecht), 60-61 Serraillier, Ian, 121 — 22 Seurat, Georges, 138, 143, 207, 214, 233, 234; LeChahut, 169; Le Cirque, 169; Rewald on, 167-70 Seven Soviet Arts, The (London), 14 Seventh Cross, The (Seghers), 113-17 Shakespeare, William, 17, 62, 241 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 74, 123; De­fense of Poetry, 26 267 Signac, Paul, 234 Simenon, Georges, 13 Sisley, Alfred, 143, 207, 214, 234 Siwanoy Night Patrol, The (Tour­neur), 94 Skelton, John, 87 Slobodkina, Esphyr, 104 Smith, David, 134, 159, 171; Inte­rior., 139-40 Soby, James Thrall, 172, 174 Socialism, 117, 178, 214; and cul­ture, 19, 20, 22, 219—20; and fascism, 41; and Napoleon III, 181; of Surrealists, 225 Sommerfeld, William, 134 South Sea Island (Eilshemius), 130 Soviet Union, 49, 77-79, 100- tor; art in, 14-17, 19, 20 Spain, 25, 40, 49 Spender, Stephen, xviii, xxii, 121; The Ambitious Son, 122; Darkness and Light, 122; The Double Shame, 76, 122; Exiles From Their Land, 122; History Their Domicile, 122; The Human Situa­tion, 122; In a Garden, 122; The Past Values ,122; Ruins and Vi­sions, 122-24; A Wild Race, 122; Winter and Summer, 122 Spengler, Oswald, 97, 218 Spinoza, Benedict de, 120 Stalin, Joseph, 20—21, 40, 41, 60, 78, 185-87 Stalinism, 42, 46, 186, 192 Steig, William, 139; The Lonely Ones, 137-38 Stein, Gertrude, 43, 203 Steinbeck, John, 13 Stendhal, 43 Sterne, Hedda, 209—10 Stevens, Wallace, 9, 45, 85, 96 Stieglitz, Alfred, 106-8, 213 Still Life with Collage (Gris), 206 Still Life with Fish (Derain), 175 Stone, Harry, 100 Story of Painting: From Cave Pictures to Modern Art, The(Craven), 206—7 Structure of Art, The (Thurston), 47-49 Stuart, Gilbert, 189 Stuempfig, Walter, Jr., 134, 174 Sullivan, Patrick J., 94 Sully, Thomas, 189 Summer Holidays (Rodger), 75 Sunburst—Delaware Water-Gap (Eilshemius), 166—67 Supplementary Personal Sonnets (Barker), 88 Surrealism, 99, 124, 131, 142; and abstraction, 36—37; essay on, 225 —31; in Guggenheim collec­tion, 141; in little magazines, 42—44; and Neo-Romanticism, 172 Survage, Leopold, 105 Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 226 Swinden, Albert, 104 Switzerland, 65—66 Tait, Arthur Fitzwilliam, 127-28 Talleyrand, 242 Tamayo, Rufino, 154 Tanguy, Yves, 213, 227, 229—31 Tarantula, M. D., 44 Tchelitchew, Pavel, 124-25, 172, 213; In the Madhouse, 125 Temps Modernes, Les, xviii They Taught Themselves: American Primitive Painters of the 20th Cen­tury (Janis), 94-95 Third International, 59 This is a People's War (Blanch), 134 Thomas, Dylan, xxii, 74, 76, 87- 88, 96; Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait, 96 n Thompson, Dunstan, 44 Thomson, James, 26 Thorvaldsen, Bertel, 138 3 Figures and Sea Shore (Marin), 170 Three-Masted Schooner, The (Marin), 170 ThreeNew Poets QAcFadden), 121 — 22 Thurber, James: Men, Women and Dogs, 184-85 Thurston, Carl: The Structure of Art, 47-49 Time, 224 Tintoretto, 243 Tishomingo, Oklahoma, 148-52 Titian, 200, 242; Prodigal Son, 26 Tobey, Mark, 205—6 Tomiin, Bradley Walker, 134 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 162, 169, 234 Tourneur: The Siwanoy Night Patrol, 94 268 "Towards a Newer Laocoon" (Green-berg), xxi, 23-38 "Toward the True Vision of Reality" (Mondrian), 188 To Whitman (Mathews), 96 n Treece, Henry, 121 Trilling, Lionel, xix, 177П Trollope, Anthony: The American Senator, 193-98 Trotsky, Leon, xx, 39, 40, 77-78, 108, 187 Tudor, Anthony, xxiv Tunnard, John, 244 Twentieth Century Authors (Green-berg), xix-xx Tyler, Parker, io8n Ulysses (Joyce), 10 "Under Forty: A Symposium on American Literature and the Younger Generation of American Jews" 176—79 Utrillo, Maurice, 162 Vail, Laurence, 131 — 32 Valentine Gallery, 166, 210 Valéry, Paul, xx, 9, 34 Valhope, Carol North, 148 Valley of the Lot at Vers (Detain), 175 Vanished Glory of New York the Giant City (Brecht), 43. See also Ver­schollener Ruhm der Reisenstadt New-York Vantongetloo, Georges, 138 Vase de Fleurs et Pommes (Cézanne), 129 Venturi, Lionello, xxiv Verhaeren, Emile, 29 Verlaine, Paul, 31 Vermeer.Jan, 231 Vernet, Horace, 27 Veronese, Paolo, 133 Verrochio, 200 Verschollener Ruhm der Reisenstadt New-York (Brecht), 43, 61 Vice Versa, 43-44, 47 Viereck, Peter: Metapolitics: From the Romantics to Flitler, 79—83 View, 42-43 Vigée-Lebrun, Marie Ann Elisabeth, 27 Villon, Jacques, 104 Vivin, Louis, 94, 111 Vlaminck, Maurice de, 62, 130, r33, r75 176, 212, 246, 247; Perls on, 93-94 Vlaminck (Perls), 93—94 Vogeler-Regler, Marie Louise, 211 Von Armen В. В. (Brecht), 54—56 Vuillard, Edouard, 204, 234 Wagner, Richard, 79-80, 82 Walker, John (with Macgill James): Great American Paintings: From Smibert to Bellows, I J 2 9 - 1 9 2 4 , 189-90 War Diary (Malaquais), 190—93 Warnecke, Heinze, 139 Warshow, Robert, xix Watson, Goodwin, io8n Watts, George Frederic, 27 Weber, Max (artist), 107, 134, 174 Weidman, Jerome, 45 Weill, Kurt, 3, 53 What Are Years? (Moore), 85 — 89 Wheeler, Steve: Man with Short Haircut, 134 Wheelwright, John, xxii; Fish Food, an Obituary to Hart Crane, 77; Se­lected Poems, 76—77 Whistler, James A. McNeill, 106, 189, 237 White, Morton G., io8n Whitney Museum, 235; Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Art, 133-34, 171-72 Who Are All Those Others? (Steig), 137 Why Pick on Me? (Steig), 137 Why Pretend? (Steig), 138 Wilcox, Richard (with David Fre­denthal): Art in the Armed Forces: Pictures by Men in Action, 239; Of Men and Battles, 239 Wilde, Oscar, 145 Wildenstein Gallery, 129, 143, 160, 242 Wilder, Thornton, 83 Wild Race, A (Spender), 122 Wileński, R. H., 225, 233 Wilfred, Thomas, 105 Willard Gallery, 99, 126, 138, 205 Williams, Oscar: New Poems, 74—76; The Answer Usually Comes in Words, 96 n; The Mirage, 96 n 269 Williams, William Carlos, 85 Winckelmann, Johann, 67 Winter (Burchfield), 163 Winter and Summer (Spender) ,122 Winter's Tale, The (Jarrell), 119 Wood, Grant, 65, 206 World of Sholom Aleichem, The (Sam­uel), 155-58 Worth, Thomas, 128 Wounded Animal (Pollock), 165 - 66 Yeats, William Butler, 9, 10, 96, 97, 118, 119, 123, 124 Zabriskie, George: The Mind's Geog­raphy, 90-93 Zaturenska, Marya, 45 Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 109 n Zeuxis/ 18 Zola, Emile, 29, 168 Żorach, William, 139, 213 Zurich, 66 Zwei Herzen in Dreivierteltakt (song), 49-50 270
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