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Volltext:Index abstract expressionism, 17, 18, 59-60, 61, 62-63, 217n. 3; and primitivism, 192, 196 Acconci, Vito, 25, 138, 155 Adorno, Theodor, 1-2, 5, 24, 56, 60, 73, 82, 134, 169, 206-07, 230-31n. 2; on the Enlightenment, 160-61, 197; on individualism, 19; on modernism, 123 African art: as plastic art, 187— 88 Althusser, Louis, 145, 224nn. 12, 16 Anderson, Laurie, 131-32 appropriation, 168-80, 227n. 30 Aragon, Louis, 200 art brut, 49 art for art's sake, 163 art historical references in post­modernist art, 16—17, 20, 24, 28-30, 40-46, 86, 214n. 13 See also postmodernism, neoconservative art institution: critique of by contemporary artists, 100— 06, 221nn. 4, 6 artist, myths of, 35-37, 135 artist as manipulator of signs, 99-115 Artists Space, New York City, 105 art market, 4, 14-15, 24, 54, 100, 104-06, 122 art schools, 14-15 Asher, Michael, 53, 100-03, 105 Attali, Jacques, 171 avant garde, 23; asstheticist, 163, 164; anarchic, 163-64; arrière, 16, 23-26; trans­gressée, 147-52, 225n. 24 Baldessari, John, 100 Barr, Alfred, 188 Barrie, Ray, 8, 9, 156 Barthes, Roland, 6, 20, 26, 51, 76, 94, 99, 141, 145, 166, 207, 218n. 15, 221-22n. 14; on language, 108, 109, 142; on myth, 5, 142, 168, 182, 235 201; Mythologies, 5; "Myth Today, " 166 Baselitz, Georg, 44 Basquiat, Jean-Michel, 49, 50 Bataille, Georges, 200, 203, 205 Baudelaire, Charles, 25, 34 Baudrillard, Jean, 51, 79, 203, 217- 18n. 10, 224n. 17, 232n. 54; on signification and the commodity, 4, 6, 145-46, 159, 171, 172-73, 175, 224n. 8, 227n. 34 Bauhaus, 129-30, 141 Baumgarten, Lothar, 209 Beckmann, Max, 37 Bell, Daniel, 124, 125 Bender, Gretchen, 73; "The Pleasure Is Back, " 73; 74 Benjamin, Walter, 24, 54, 123, 163, 178; "Author as Pro­ducer, " 141, 144; on the position of art in a produc-tivist society, 91, 93, 104, 141, 220n. 22; "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, " 159 Beuys, Joseph, 22, 191 Bidlo, Mike, 36, 38 Birnbaum, Dara, 99-100 Bloch, Ernst, 44, 45, 96, 123 Bloom, Harold, 123 Boas, Franz, 201 Bogosian, Eric, "Fun House, " 72 Borofsky, Jonathan, 27 bourgeois; defined by Barthes, 166 bourgeois ideology and the avant garde, 160-66 Braque, Georges, 61, 122 Brauntuch, Troy, 79 Brecht, Bertolt, 113, 141, 142, 148, 169 Brenkman, John, 226n. 11 bricolage: as a primitive mode, 200-02 Broodthaers, Marcel, 100-03, 102 Bryson, Norman, 114, 221- 22n. 14, 237n. 31 Buchloh, Benjamin, 37, 215n. 8, 216n. 12 Burden, Chris, 25 Buren, Daniel, 53, 100-03, 104-105, 234 Bürgin, Victor, 8, 9; Zoo 78 9, 1 Carra, Carlo, 122 Casebere, James, 69—71, 69, 70, 218nn. 15, 17 Cézanne, Paul, 101, 163, 193; Mont Ste. Victoire, 164-66 Chagall, Marc, 41 Chia, Sandro, 39-41, 43, 53, 73, 76 Chirico, Giorgio de, 41 Clark, T. J., 147-48, 166 Clastres, Pierre 199 Clemente, Francesco, 23, 39- 41, 42 collector. See art market color field painting, 16 conceptual art, 14, 37, 44, 45, 100, 103, 106 Courbet, Gustave, 34, 37, 163 Crary, Johnathan, 220n. 20 236 critical art, 5, 31, 53, 158-59. See also art institutions: cri­tique of by contemporary artists criticism, art: function of, 2-5, 211n. 3; and pluralism, 13- 16, 32; recent interdevelop-ments with art, 5—8, 212n. 15; tasks for, 32, 179 cubists: and primitivism, 188, 192, 200, 231n. 36. See also Picasso, and primitivism dada, 129-30, 147-48, 190 Daumier, Honoré, 37 David, Jacques Louis, 123 Debord, Guy, 79, 81, 83, 89, 91 Debray, Régis, 48 Deleuze, Gilles, 188, 207, 225n. 21; the minor, 176-78 Delphy, Christine, 145 Derrida, Jacques, 20, 53, 201, 203, 206, 207, 230n. 19, 232n. 52 Descombes, Vincent, 232n. 65 D'Harnoncourt, René; "Arts of the South Seas, " 187 Dietrich, Marlene, 113 Dix, Otto, 44 Dubuffet, Jean, 49 Duchamp, Marcel, 26, 61, 101, 159, 221n. 4; readymade, 99, 106, 163, 164—65; urinal, 17, 124, 163 dystopia, 139 Eagleton, Terry, 212n. 11 East Village, New York City, 35, 36, 52 Eisenman, Peter, 131—32, 133 Eisenstein, Sergei, October, 84, 85 Eliot, T. S., 87, 123 Enlightenment, program of, 3— 4, 131, 160-63; and primitiv­ism, 196-98 ephemeral works, 14, 25-26. See also conceptual art, site-specific art Evans, Walker, 166 expressionism: historical forma­tion of, 44-48; as language, 7, 59-78; relation to neoex-pressionism, 20, 44^18, 59- 60. See also abstract expres­sionism; neoexpressionism Fanon, Frantz, Black Skin White Masks, 198 fascism: and contemporary cul­ture, 79-81 fascist art: elements borrowed by contemporary Italian art­ists, 41-42 Fassbinder, Rainer, 79, 82, 219n. 13 fauves, 192, 200 feminist art, 6, 100, 103, 106- 07, 111-15; and Lacanian psychoanalysis, 8-10, 113- 14 fetish, Freudian: defined, 79, 135 formalist goal of art, 158 Foucault, Michel, 71, 144, 146, 150, 166, 168, 179, 203, 205, 206, 207, 217n. 9, 225n. 24; and Lacanian and Freudian 237 theory, 213n. 26 Frankfurt School, 134, 146 Freud, Sigmund, 9, 75, 216n. 10, 218n. 17; on the fetish, 79, 135; on regression, 39, 40 Fried, Michael, 16, 53 Gardner, John, 125 Gauguin, Paul, 192, 196, 197 Géricault, Théodore, 37 German expressionism. See neoexpressionism German neoexpressionism. See neoexpressionism Gilbert and George, 79 Gilbert-Rolfe, Jeremy, 123 Godard, Jean-Luc, 96, 220n. 24 Goldstein, Jack, 78, 79 Goldwater, Robert, Primitiv-ism in Modern Art, 192 Gorz, André, 140 graffiti, 7, 33, 35, 48-52 Graham, Dan, 53, 100 Gramsci, Antonio, 54, 141 Graves, Michael, 131-32, 133 Gravity's Rainbow, 89 Greenberg, Clement, 14, 34, 35, 53, 148; essence of mod­ernism, 130; on kitsch, 162 Greenblat, Rodney Alan, 36 Grosz, George, 44 Guattari, Félix, 226n. 9; the minor, 176-78, 228n. 45 Haacke, Hans, 100-03, 102, 153, 212n. 13 Habermas, Jürgen, 3-4, 163- 64, 207 happenings, 14 Haring, Keith, 49 Hebdige, Dick, 167 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Fried­rich, 205 Hitchcock, Alfred, Vertigo, 9, 113 Hitler, Adolph, 219n. 2 Holzer, Jenny, 71, 99-100, 107-11; Inflammatory Es­says, 109, 116; Living, 66, 109-10, 116; "Sign on a Truck, " 111; Survival, 110- 11; Truisms, 108-09, 116 Horkheimer, Max, 160—61, 197, 206-07 Hunt, Bryan, 40 Huxley, Aldous, 95 Immendorff, Jorg, 41, 44 International Style, 124 Italian art; contemporary, 33, 39-42, 44. See also Chia, Sandro; Clemente, Fran­cesco Jameson, Fredric, 90, 126, 129, 151-52, 223n. 7, 228n. 43, 232n. 55; on cultural revolu­tion, 184—85 Jencks, Charles, 28 Johns, Jasper, 18, 62-63; Tar­get with Plaster Casts, 62- 63; 64 Johnson, Philip: AT&T Build­ing, 122; Glass House, 123, 222n. 1 Joyce, James, Ulysses, 87 238 Judd, Donald, 21 Kalka, Franz, 86, 177 Kandinsky, Wassily, 60, 61 Kant, Immanuel, 157, 158, 160, 226n. 5 Kelley, Mary, 8, 9; Interim, 9; Post-Partum Document, 9 Kiefer, Anselm, 41, 44, 47, 76, 79 kitsch: defined by Clement Greenberg, 162 Kojève, Alexandre, 205 Kolbowski, Silvia, 8, 176 Kostabi, Mark, 36 Kosuth, Joseph, 100 Kramer, Hilton, 125, 228—29n. 2 Krauss, Rosalind, 16, 203 Krier, Leon, 125, 126, 127 Kruger, Barbara, 99-100, 106— 08, 111-15, 115, 117, 155 Lacan, Jacques, 203, 206; the Imaginary and the Sym­bolic, 113-14, 182; on the unconscious, 62 Lacanian psychoanalysis, 146; and feminist art, 8-10 Lang, Fritz, 86 Lawler, Louise, 98, 99—100, 103-04, 180, 221n. 8; "Ar­rangements of Pictures, " 104; For Presentation and Display: Ideal Settings, 105 Lawson, Thomas, 52—57; Don't Hit Her Again, 54-55, 55 Lefebvre, Henri, 145, 166 Levine, Sherrie, 28, 36, 58, 72-73, 99-100, 167, 174 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 189, 199, 203, 205, 207, 230n. 19, 231n. 44, 232n. 52; on an­thropology, 183, 198; on bri­colage, 201; Tristes Tro­piques, 198, 206 Lichtenstein, Roy, 63, 73 Lomax, Yve, 8 Longo, Robert, 79, 80-96, 219n. 13, 220nn. 22, 24; Cor­porate Wars: Walls of Influ­ence, 86-87; Empire ("Em­pire, " "Iron Voices, " "Sound Distance of a Good Man, " "Surrender"), 81-83, 85, 95, 219n. 8; Love Police: En­gines in Us (The Doors), 86- 88; "Marble Fog, " 219n. 8; Noweverybody (for R. W. Fassbinder), 86-87, 88, 89, 95; Rock for Light, 93, 94; We Want God, 93, 94, 96 Lukács, Georg, 44-45, 46, 220n. 24 Lüpertz, Markus, 41, 44 Lyotard, Jean-François, 1, 149, 177, 206, 225n. 21 Malevich, Kasimir, 18, 122 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 163 Malraux, André, 185 Man, Paul de, 2, 59, 61 Mandel, Ernst, 151 Manet, Edouard, 9, 37, 123, 159, 163, 193 Marc, Franz, 61, 72 Marcuse, Herbert, 13, 17 Marin, Louis, 60, 61 239 Marx, Karl, 34, 75, 83, 155, 205; A Contribution to the Critique of Political Eco­nomy, 141; on religion, 95; The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, 161 Marxism, 95, 139-141, 143, 144-45, 157, 181-82, 224n. 9 mass culture: and contempo­rary art, 19, 28, 33-57 Mauss, Marcel, 203 McClard, Michael, Circus Pro Circum, 36 McCollum, Allan, 99-100, 103-04; For Presentation and Display: Ideal Settings, 105 media art, 35 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 205 minimalism, 13, 18, 37, 44, 45, 99, 100, 213n. 4 (the) minor, 184-87 modern art museum, 25-26, 183, 191. See also art institu­tion: critique of by contem­porary artists; art market modernism: demise of, 24, 28, 31, 33; early, 17-18, 25; late, 14; and postmodernism, 124-26, 128—31; relation to capital, 147-48 MOMA, see Museum of Mod­ern Art Moore, Charles, 122 Moretti, Franco, 158 Morris, Robert, 12, 18, 97 Mullican, Matt, 71, 74 Mulvey, Laura: "Visual Plea­sure and Narrative Cinema, " 113 Musée de l'Homme, 228n. 1 Musée des Colonies: Exposi­tion coloniale, 200 Musée d'Ethnographie du Tro-cadéro, 181, 192, 228n. 1 Museum of Modem Art, 181, 192, 210; "African Negro Art" (1935), 187; "Arts of the South Seas" (1946), 187; "In­ternational Survey of Recent Painting and Sculpture, " 190; " 'Primitivism' in 20th Century Art: Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern, " 182-94, 196, 199, 200, 229n. 5, 230n. 29, 233n. 73 myth, 168—180. See also Barthes, on myth Nadin, Peter, 71; Living, 66, 109-10 national art movements, con­temporary, 30-31 Nazi imagery borrowed by Ger­man neoexpressionists, 41— 42 neoexpressionism, 35, 41-48, 73, 75-77. See also Kiefer, Anselm; Penck, A. R. neosurrealists, 35 Neue Sachlichkeit, 44 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 61-62, 179, 205 Noland, Kenneth: Tondo, 186 Nolde, Emil, 61 Oceanic art: as pictorial art, 240 187-88 Oldenburg, Claes, 124 Orwell, George, 95, 139; 1984, 87 Owens, Craig, 35, 114, 214n. 11 PAD/D (Political Art Documen­tation/ Distribution), 38 painting, contemporary: and conviction, 52—53 pastiche: defined, 20; use of in postmodern art, 123, 127- 28, 131 patronage system. See art market Penck, A. R„ 44, 47, 53, 73 performance art, 14 Picabia, Francis, 122 Picasso, Pablo, 37, 61, 122; Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 181— 82, 228n. 1, 231n. 49; Guitar, 185; Head, 185; and primitivism, 63, 181—82, 184-85, 186, 192, 193, 197 pluralism in art, 7, 13-32 political art, contemporary, 7— 8, 91, 139-87; presenta­tional, 154-55; resistant, 151-54; transgressive, 150— 54 Polke, Sigmar, 44 postmodern: contrasted with postmodernist, 214n. 13 postmodern architecture, 28— 30, 121-28, 131-32. See also postmodernism postmodernism, 6, 7, 121-35; neoconservative, 7, 121-27, 128-29, 131; poststructural-ist, 7, 121, 128-29, 131 poststructuralism, 6—7, 131, 203, 205 Poussin, Nicolas, 60 primitivism, 150, 196-202; and bricolage, 200-02; cultural function of, 198-99; and modern art, 44, 181-99, 190-94, 237n. 17; and the other, 202-08, 231n. 49; philosophical reading of, 196-98. See also Picasso, and primitivism Prince, Richard, 66, 68—69, 68 productivist art, 130, 141, 164, 190 productivist concept of art, 141-42 Pynchon, Thomas, Gravity's Rainbow, 88 Rauschenberg, Robert, 18 Ravel, Maurice, "La valse, " 83 readymade, 92, 100. See also Duchamp, readymade recuperation, 26, 167-68 representational art; critique of, 147; and politics, 143-44; and postmodernism, 128-29 Ricard, Rene, 49 Richter, Gerhard, 44, 63; "Ab­stract Paintings, " 63, 65 Ricoeur, Paul, 207 Riefenstahl, Leni, 80 Robinson, Walter, 27 Rodchenko, Alexander, 122 Rodin, Auguste, Gates of Hell, 87 241 Rosenberg, Harold, 16; dejavu-nik, 24 Rosier, Martha, 99-100, 118, 153 Rothenberg, Susan, 29 Rouche, Jean; Les Maîtres Fous, 231n. 49 Rubin, William, 184, 185, 186— 87, 188, 192, 196, 230n. 31 Sahlins, Marshall, 199, 224n. 16 Said, Edward, 200 Salle, David, 28, 52-57, 134; Brother Animal, 134, 135; Seeing Sight, 56, 57 Samo, see Basquiat, Jean- Michel Sartre, Jean-Paul, 206 Saussure, Ferdinand de, 75 Scharf, Kenny, 36 Schiele, Egon: self-portraits re-photographed by Sherrie Levine, 36, 72 Schiller, J. C. F. von, 157 Schnabel, Julian, 28, 40, 73, 76, 122, 131-32, 136; The Exile, 135, 136 Serra, Richard, 212n. 13; Tilted Arc, 212n. 13 Severini, Gino, 37, 122 Shakespeare, William, 9 Sherman, Cindy, 57, 66-68, 67, 71; "Pink Robe" series, 67-68, 67 Shklovsky, Victor, 41 signification and the bour­geoisie, 181-87 site-nonsite, 204 site-specific art, 14, 16, 25-26, 111 Smithson, Robert, 22, 25, 191, 198, 203-04 Smythe, Ned, 26 spectacle, 7, 79-96, 220n. 22 Speer, Albert, 80 Stalin, Joseph, 130 Stella, Frank, 21, 123 Stern, Robert, 28, 122, 125 Straub/Huillet: History Les­sons, 88 style, 17-18; and postmodern­ism, 127 subjectivity and art, 17, 18-19, 45-47, 76-77 surrealism, 17, 129-30, 147— 48; and primitivism, 187- 88, 200, 203, 205 Sweeney, James Johnson, 187 Syberberg, Hans Jürgen, 79, 93, 219n. 2, 220n. 24 Tafuri, Manfredo, 125-26, 127, 223n. 7 Tel Quel, 141, 224n. 17 "text" compared to "work, " 129 textuality compared to pastiche, 131-32 Third Reich, "Empire of 1000 Years, " 80 "tradition of the new, " 24 Trilling, Lionel, 13 Twombly, Cy, 49 (the) unconscious: and expres­sionism, 62 universal culture, 160-61, 204, 207, 226n. 11 242 "utopia, " 95-96, 125-26 Ulysses, 87 Varnedoe, Kirk, 184-85, 191- 92, 196, 197 Venturi, Robert, 122, 126, 127, 166; Learning from. Las Vegas, 120 Von Sternberg, Joseph: Mar­lene Dietrich films, 113 Wagner, Richard, 41, 82, 83 Warhol, Andy, 19, 165 Weiner, Lawrence, 100 Weinstock, Jane, 213n. 27 Wodicizko, Krzysztof, 99-100, cover woman, image of, 8-10, 66-68, 112-13, 181-82, 213n. 27 Worringer, Wilhelm, 61 Yates, Marie, 8, 137 243
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