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Volltext:GENERAL INDEX (italic numbers indicate text illustrations') Acheropita icon, Sancta Sanctorum Chapel, Lateran Basilica, Rome, 115, nS Acuna, Maria Paula, 278—80, 283—306 Adele de Blois, princess, 113 Adelheit of St. Gall, 233 Adelheit Öthwins, 232 Adhemar, monk of St-Martial, Limoges, 20—21 Adomnân (biographer of St. Columcille), 37 Aghlabid dynasty, 89, 95—98 Agnellus Ravennas, 129, 138, 139, 140— 42, 143 Agnes, duchess of Liegnitz, 203 al-Mustansir, (Fatimid) caliph, 92 Alban, St., 188—92 Alhazen, alias Ibn al-Haytam, 14 "Alma, buscarte has en Mi" poem by St. Teresa of Avila, 262—63 Alpha and Omega, 107, 116, 134 Amadeus VIII, duke of Savoy, 155 Amari, Michele, 93, 95, 97 Amorium, city of Anatolia, 100—01 Amphibalus, St., 189—92 Andrew, St., 138 Anicia Juliana, imperial princess, 52 Anne of Constance, nun of Katharinen­thal, 232 anôthen (from above/again), 69 Anselm of Canterbury, 251—52 Antichrist, 156, 166, 193 Antiphonale Missarum, 129—30 Aphrahat (of Syria), 68-69 Apocalypse manuscripts { s e e a l s o INDEX OF MANUSCRIPTS) —Abingdon Apocalypse, 158 —Apocalypse of Margaret of York, 153-54, tS5 —Bamberg Apocalypse, 149, 156-57, 181, iSz —Berlin Beatus Apocalypse, 179, 181 —Berry Apocalypse, 170, iji, 174, 75 —Biblia Pauperum Apocalypse, 158, i5ç , 162, 163 —Corpus Christi Apocalypse, 173-74, 173 —Douce Apocalypse, 148—49, 162, 196, 198 —English Gothic Group, 178—81 —Escorial Apocalypse, 155, 165, 169— 70, ijo —Getty/Perrins Apocalypse, 155-56, 157, 182, 184, i85—8S, 187, 188 —Gulbenkian Apocalypse, 158 —Haimo Apocalypse, 160—61, 162, 178, 179 —Isabella of France Apocalypse, 59—60 —Lambeth Apocalypse (Ms. 75), 165 —Lambeth Apocalypse (Ms. 209), 167— 69, 169, 171, 179, 180, 181, 182,183 —Metz Group, 181-82, 187, 193, 196, 198 —Morgan Apocalypse (M. 524), 153, 1S4, 157, 1S8, 160,161, 166,167, 166— 67, 181-82, 183 —Morgan Beatus Apocalypse (M. 644), 149, i5o, i5i —Paris Apocalypse, 165—66, 171,180, 181 —Queen Mary Apocalypse, 164 —Saint-Sever Beatus Apocalypse, 151— 52, 153 —Spencer Apocalypse, 161—62 —Toulouse Apocalypse, 154—55 —Trier Apocalypse, 164,164 —Trinity Apocalypse, 157, 164, i65, 166, 168, 171 —Valenciennes Apocalypse, 149, 166 —Westminster Apocalypse, 188, 189, 199 —Westminster Group, 182—84, ^7, 188, 193, 196, 198 Apocalypse of John, see Revelation apocalyptic beasts, 107, 108,109, 110, 153, 154 Apolito, Paolo, 280, 288 Apollinaris oratory, St. Peter basilica, Rome, 129 Apollinaris, St., 128-147 Apollo, 143 apparitions —of Christ, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 21, 24-2 5, 210-1i —of the Virgin, 17, 18, 20, 247-48 -at Paris, 289 -at La Salette, 273, 289, 290 -at Lourdes, xv, 273, 290 -at Fatima, xv, 273-78, 281, 283, 287, 291, 292 -at Medjugorje, 273-74, 287 —at Lady of the Rock, Calif., 278-80, 283—306 —of animated crucifix, 10, 18, 20, 21, 25, 215-224 —of animated statues, 16, 21, 232-37 —of Maiestas Domini, 18 —of Holy Spirit, 20, 32, 34, 36, 37, 136, 141, 157, 187 —of saints —St. Apollinaris, 138 -St. Chrysologus, 138 —St. Dalmau Moner, 247 —St. Dominic of Silos, 244, 246 —St. Ives, 18 —St. James of Compostela, 244, 246 —St. Maria de Cervallö, 247 -St. Oleguer, 243-44, 245 -St. Peter, 138 -St. Ramon de Penafort, 241, 247 -Sulpicius and Servilianus, mar­tyrs, 17 —of Pope John Paul II, 278 —of divine eagle, 7 —of meteorological phenomena, 7 —of Satan and demons, 23, 30 34—35 —of the dead, 23, 24 —of Madonna and Child, 18, 20, 232-35 { 307 } 308 General Index Apringius ofBéja, 152 Archangel Michael, 4 arma Christi, 124, 126 Augenkommunion, 210 Augustine, St., 256 —tripartite theory of visions, xv, 27, 32, 33, 114, 118-19, 177-78, 207- 08 —corporeal vision, 33, 118—19 —spiritual vision, 33, 118, 119 —intellectual vision, 33, 178, 207 Aurell, Martin, 242 B Bacon, Roger, 14, 198 Bapteur, Jean, 155, 170 Bartholomew, St., 205 Basil of Caesarea, 99, 104, 105 Baudri of Bourgueil, Benedictine monk, 1 1 3 , 1 2 1 Beatus Apocalypses, 149 Beatus of Liébana, abbot, 149, 181 Belting, Hans, 15, 213, 221 Berengaudus, monk, commentator on Revelation, 148, 153, 157, 158, 165, 169, 198 Bernhard, monk of Petershausen, 75 fr. —vision of Last Judgement, 75 fr., So, 81 Bernard of Clairvaux, 210, 249 Bernard Savinelle, monk of Cluny, 22- 23 Bernat Calbo, St., bishop of Vic, 241, 243 Bernat Oliverii, 246—47 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 261 —sculpture of St. Teresa, 184 Berta von Herten, nun of Katharinenthal, 211—13 Biernoff, Susannah, 207 Bildwissenschaft, 3 Blaauw, Sible de, 40 Bladelin Altarpiece, 213, 214, 235 block-book Apocalypses, 172 Boespflug, François, 26 Bonaventure, St., 3-14, 223-24 Book of Miracles (De miraculis), Peter the Venerable, 22—24 Brenk, Beat, 116 Brock, Sebastian, 64 Bynum, Carolyn Walker, 15 C Caesarius of Heisterbach, 252 Cain and Abel, 120 camera obscura, 198 Cano, Alonoso, 255 Cappadocian frescos, 89, 90—91 Cappella Palatina, Palermo, 95 Carruthers, Mary, 220 Castelfranchi, Marina Falla, 88, 89, 90 Castle Liegnitz (Legnica), Silesia, 203 Casus monasterii Petrishusensis (chronicle), 75 catcombs of Syracuse, 85, 99, 103 Cato, 68 Cecelia von Wintertur, nun of Kathari­nenthal, 236 Charles I of Savoy, 15 5 Chartres cathedral, 107, 108,109, 112 Châtillon, church of, 19 Chi-Rho monogram, 107, 116 Chief basilica, Algeria (Orléansville/Al- Asnam/Castellum Tingitanum, Maurentania Caesariensis), 48, 49 Choricius of Gaza, 47—48 Chrismon, 116 Claudius, archdeacon, 46, 56 Clermont-Ferrand, cathedral of, Au­vergne, 22 Colombe, Jean, 155, 170 Columcille, St., 37 Confession, St. Patrick, 3off. Constantine, emperor, 40, 62 Constantinople, 89, 91, 98, 106 Constitutions of Hirsau, 82, 83 Cosmas and Damian, Sts., 86 Council of Nicaea, 2nd (787), 105, 113 Cronus, 69 crucifix, 11, 22, 113, 225, 265, 285, 288 —stabbing Hades, 66-67, 67 crucifix, sculptures of, 225 —St. George church, Cologne, 215, 2iy —Léon (The Cloisters), 220, 221 —Döbeln crucifix, 225—26, 227 —Gero crucifix, Cologne cathedral, 220 —crucifixi dolorosa, 215, 2ij, 220 —Gabelkreu\e, 216 Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem, 62, 68 D Dalmau Moner, St., 241, 243, 247 Damianus, bishop of Ravenna, 139, 147 Datus, St., bishop of Ravenna, 138 De miraculis, Peter the Venerable, 22-24 De spiritu et anima, pseudo-Augustine treatise, 177—78 Death, personified, 58-74 Deësis icon, 108, 111, 115 Denis, St., 36 deposition from the cross, 120-21, 121, 224—27, 225, 226 dhimmi communities, Syracuse, 92, 97-98 Dinselbacher, Peter, 15 Dominic of Silos, St., 243—46, 248 Domitian, emperor, 170—71, 174 Doubting Thomas, 32, 224, 225, 290 dream-vision, xv—xvi, 10, 18, 23, 24, 25, 2(5, 3°, 33; 34, 38, 76, 77, 8°, 179, lSl, 189, 191, 193, 199, 203, 218, 243, 269 Drusiana, baptism of, 156,192 Dumetios basilica, Nikopolis, 5 5 Dürer, Albrecht, 171, 211 Dyson Perrins collection, 156 E Ecclesius, bishop of Ravenna, 45, 56, 135 Ecstasy of St. Teresa, sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 261 Edward II, king of England, 159 Einsiedeln, abbey of, Switzerland, 7 5 Eleanor de Quincy, countess of Win­chester, 169 Elias the Younger, 91, 102 Elias, Franciscan minister-general, 3, 4 Elijah, prophet, 33,63, 133 Ellwangen, abbey of, Baden-Württem­berg, 17 Elsbeth von Stoffeln, nun of Katharinen­thal, 236 Elvira Synod, 116 Encarnaciôn, La, convent of, Avila, 261 Enguizo, monk of Cluny, 23 Ephrem of Antioch, 99 Ephrem the Syrian, deacon of Nisibis and Edessa, 62—65, 74, 99 Ermenrich, monk of Ellwangen, 17 General Index Ermoldus Nigellus, 17 Estella distich, see Nec-deus distich Estense Apocalypse (block-book), 172, iyz Etienne II, bishop of Mozac, 22 Eufrasius, bishop, 46, 55, 56 Eufrasius, son of Archdeacon Claudius, 46, 55, 56 Eugenius, pope, 24 Euphrasiana basilica, Porec (Parentium/ Parenzo), Croatia, 147 Euripides, 68 Evodus, monk, 101—02 Expositio super septem visiones in Apoca-fypsis, 148 Ezekiel, prophet, 125 Ezra, prophet, 104 Fatimid dynasty, 96 Felix IV, St., pope, 45, 53, 56 Felix, bishop of Ravenna, 139 Ferdinand I of Castile, 244 Fortuna Virilis, temple of / Sta. Maria Egiziaca, Rome, 90 F Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, 85—106 — Testament, 99 Forty-Two Martyrs of Amorium, 100-02, 103, 105 Foy, St., reliquary statue of, Conques, 21, zi Francis of Assisi, St., 3-14, 221-24, 292 —miracle of La Verna, 4, 8, 10 Frank, Georgia, 207 Freyhan, Robert, 156, 172 Friend of the Humble, painting by Léon Lhermitte, 269, 26g Frugoni, Chiara, 13 Fruttuaria customary, 16 fiissli (feet of Baby Jesus), 232 G Gabelkreupe, see crucifix, sculptures of Galla Placida, empress, 138 Gallet, Monique, 22 Gandersheim, convent of, Bad Gander­sheim, 19 Gauzlinus, abbot of Fleury, 19 gaze/gazing ("aposkopein"), xvi, 10, 16, 22, 25, 27, 35, 58, 59, 178, 224, 232, 236, 255 —"voyeuristic" 156, 157, 192-93, 194, 199,215 Gebhard III, bishop, 75, 82 Gehenna, 63 Genovefa, St., 36 Germanus (iconophile), 106 Gertrude of Helfta, abbess, 210—11, 236 Giles de Bridport, bishop of Salisbury, 158 Giotto di Bondone, 5, 8, 12, 13, 14, 224 —Pisan altarpiece, Museé du Louvre, 5, 6, 8, 12 —Pisan altarpiece, replica, Fogg Art Museum, 5,7, 12 —Franciscan fresco cycle at Assisi, 8, 9, 12 —Bardi Chapel fresco, S. Croce, Flor­ence, 13, 13 Godric, St., 20 Golgotha, Mount, 8, 68 Goodrich, Michael, 252 Gregorian Reform, 113, 117 Gregory IX, pope, 4 Gregory of Nyssa, 99, 104 Gregory of Tours, 36, 37, 104 Gregory the Great, St., pope, 15, 88, 187 —miniature of, 187, i8j Grimold, monk of Ellwangen, 17, 18 Ground Zero, cross of, 280, z8i Guiscard, count Robert of Apulia and Calabria, 92 Guta vom Walde, 211 H Hades/Hell, Ö2ff. Hadewijch, 210 Hadith tradition, 116 Haimo of Auxerre, commentator on the Apocalypse, 160, 178 Hamburger, Jeffrey, 15, 16, 173, 206, 262 Hariolfus, St., 17 Harrowing of Hell, 59fr., 60, 6i,jo,ji Hathumoda, abbess of Gandersheim, 19fr. Head of Christ, painting by Warner Sall-man, 264, 265, 266 Hedwig Codex, 203, zoz, 204, 206, 216, 238, 239 Hedwig, St., duchess of Silesia, 203-06, 215-16, 237-40 Helias, 30, 33 Helios Apollo, 33 Henry, son of St. Hedwig, 203, 205 Herald of Divine Love, Gertrude of Helfta, 210—11 Hippolytus, St., 47 Hirsau, abbey of, Baden-Württemberg, 75 Honorius, pope, 129 Hosios David monastery, Thessaloniki, 107 Hrosvitha of Gandersheim, 19 I Ibn Hamdis, 93 Ibn Hawqal, 97, 103 iconoclasm, condemnation of, 113 Ifrîqiyâ (locus of Aghlabid rule in Sicily), 89 Ignatius, patriarch of Constantinople, 96 Ihm, Christa, 44 imago, 114, 116, 119, 121, 124, 126 imitatio Christi, 250—51 Iogma-Prat, Dominique, 22 Isabella, queen of France, 159 Isaiah, prophet, 104 Isidore of Seville, 152 Ives, St., 18, 19 J Jacob's dream, 193, 194 Jacques de Vitry, 209 James of Compostela, St., 243-48 James, St., 133 Jerome, St., 24 jihad, 96, 97, 100 Johannicis, notary of Ravenna, 139 John I, bishop of Ravenna, 138 John of Damascus, 101, 113 John of Phanijoit, 103 John the Baptist, 108 John the Deacon, of St. Catharine at Mount Sinai, 5i General Index John the Evangelist, St., 77, 104, 133, 148—76, 224 —ocular visions, 153-56 —aural visions, 156—57 John, deacon of Naples, 39 Johns, Jeremy, 95 Jonah, prophet, 68 Juan de Santo Tomas, Fray, 160 Julinanus Argentarius, 129 Jura Fathers, 37 Justinian I, emperor, 132 Jutta, St., nun of Katharinenthal, 239 Juvenal, 68 K Karanlik Kilise frescos, Göreme, Cap-podocia, 91 Kessler, Herbert, 15, 119, 121, 125 kindli (Baby Jesus), 235-36 Kinsarvik altarpiece, Bergen, Norway, 126—27, 126 Kissufim basilica, Israel, 52, S3 Klein, Peter, 156, 166 kontakia (chanted sermons), 65 L ladder metaphor, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 164, 178, 197, 197, 208-09, 2°9 Lady of the Rock, California City, Calif., 283-306 "Lady Sylthous" (or "Lady of Syltho"), 52 Lambeth Apocalypse, 126 Lappin, Anthony, 246 Lateran basilica, see S. Giovanni in Laterano Latour, Bruno, 265, 281 Lawrence, St., 47, 205 Lazarus, 65-6, 74, 251 Legenda maior (biography of St. Francis of Assisi), St. Boneventure, 3-4, 8, 10, 223 Legenda maior (biography of St. Hedwig of Silesia), 203, 205 Lentes, Thomas, 22, 27 Leo the Great, pope, 137, 142-43 Leo VI, pope —lament for the fall of Syracuse, 96 Leo, Franciscan monk, 4 Lewis, Suzanne, 156, 167, 169 Lhermitte, Léon, 269, 282 Liber Pontificalis, 40 Liber visionem, Otloh, 24 Longinus, abbot of St. Catharine at Mount Sinai, 5 r Louis the Pious, 17 Lowden, John, 152 Lucia, St., 85, ^ 5" Ludolf de Sachsen, 98 Ludwig I, duke of Liegnitz, 203 Luis de Granada, Fray, 259—60 Lukardis, nun of Oberweimar, Saxony, 216-18, 219, 223, 225 M Maayan-Fanar, Emma, 69 madrashe (stanzaic poems), 62 Maghrib, the, 92, 103 Maguire, Henry, 5 5 Mahony, Roger, archbishop of Los Ange­les (now cardinal), 283 Maiestas Domini, 29, 107—110, 115 Maniaces, George, Byzantine general, 98 Maravall, José Antonio, 262 Marcian, bishop of Gaza, 47 Marek, Kristin, 226 Margaret Ebner, nun, 236 Maria de Cervellö, St., 241, 243, 247 Marie de'Oignies, beguine, 209 Mark, St., 128 Martin, St., 34-35, 249 Mary Magdalene, 32, 209, 290 Marziano of Syracuse (legendary disciple of St. Paul), 86, 87 Matthew Paris, 188-92 Matthews, Thomas, 44 Maure ofTroyes, St., 18 Maurus, archbishop of Ravenna, 129 Maurus, St., 46, 56 Maximian, bishop of Ravenna, 129, 138 Maximillian of Tebessa, myrtyr, 104 Meditations on the Life of Christ, pseudo— Bonaventure, 232, 235 Mehransichtigkeit, 233 memre (narrative couplets), 62 Merton, Thomas, 290-91 Michael the Sabaite, St., 103 mimesis, 4, 8 Minucius Felix, 136 "Miracles and Other Wonders" television program, 265, 266 Moffett, Cleveland, 268 Morgan Picture Bible (Ms.), 199, 200 Morgan, Nigel, 164, 126 Moses, 133 —Miracle of the Snake, 117, 119—20 —Burning Bush, 117-18, 119-20 Mount of Olives, 8 Muhammad, prophet, 95, 101, 102, 116 Muirchü (biographer of St. Patrick), 3 5 Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 270 Museo Bellomo, Syracuse, 91,95 N Nagy, Joseph, 33 Naumburg cathedral, 218, 220—21, 222, 223 Nec-deus distich (Estella distich), 108, 112—15, 120—27 —connection to Muslim iconoclasm, 116 Newman, Barbara, 15, 27 Nicetas of Byzantium, 101 Nicodemus, Pharisee, 69 Nicodemus, St., 224 Nisan (Jewish month), 64 Nisiben Hymns, Ephrem the Syrian, 62— 64 Noah's ark, 120 Norman Conquest, 92 Nostradamus, 265 Noto Anitiea, 93 O Oda, founder of Gandersheim convent, 19 Oleguer, bishop of Barcelona, 241-44, 245-4 5, 247, 248 Oratory of the Forty Martyrs, Sta. Lucia, Syracuse, 86—106 Origen, 33 Orsi, Paolo, 85, 88, 90, 104 Ortygia, neighborhood of Syracuse, 94, 95 Osborne, John, 89 Otloh, monk of St-Emeramm, Ratisbon, 24 General Index 311 p Padre Pio, 287 Palazzo, Eric, 218 Pamplona, Navarre, Spain, 116 Pantalica, necropolis of, Sicily, 90 Passio sancti Apollinaris, 128, 143 Patmos, island of, 148-71 Patrick, St., 30—38 Paul, St., 8, 32, 33, 45, 58, 68, 96, 104 —visions of, 32-33, 34, 174 Paxson, James, 39 Pecham, John, 198 Pelagius II, bishop of Rome, 47 Persius, 68 Perspectiva by Alhazen, alias Ibn al- Haytam, 14 "perspectivists" 14 Perugino, Pietro, 269 Peter Chrysologus, St., bishop of Ravenna, 128, 129, 135, 138 Peter Damian, 18, 119 Peter the Venerable, 22—24 Peter, St., 36, 45, 128, 131, 133, 138, 143 Petershausen, abbey of, Baden-Württem­berg, 7 5 ff. Philip II, king of Spain, 170 Philip IV, king of France, 159 Philo of Alexandria, 136 Photius, patriarch of Constantinople, 96 phylactery —Meuse (Hermitage), 122-24, l22i I24, 125, 126 —Evèché (Tournai), 123 —Namur, 123 —Waulsort (Namur), 124-25, 124, 126 Pietàs, sculptures of, 213, 227-32 —Brunan am Inn, Salzburg or Passau, 227, 228 —Michelangelo, 227-28,229, 230, 232 —Cistercian church, Lubi^z, Silesia, 229, 230 —St. Clemens church, Unna, 230, 231 Polaroid photography, role in visions, 278-80, 279, 281, 284-87, 288-89, 292 Porec basilica, Porec (Parentium/ Parenzo), Croatia, 45—46,46, 51, 53, 55, 56 Proconsul of Ephesus, apocryphal letter of, 170 Prudentius ofTroyes, 18 Purgatory, 80 R Ramon de Penafort, St., 241—43, 245, 246, 247 Raphael Sanzio, 267, 269, 282 Reginald of Coldingham, 20 Registrutn Gregorii, 187, 187 Reichenau Psalter, 27—29, 28, 29 Reichenau, abbey of, 75 repraesentatio, 116, 124, 126 Revelation, book of, 10, 76, 80, 100, 107, 115, 123, 148fr., 177fr. Richard of St. Victor, 178, 208 —four categories of vision, 118-19 Ringbom, Sixten, 206 Robert, monk of Mozac, 22 Roger I, count of Sicily, 92 Romanos the Melodist (Syria), 62, 65—74, 99, I04 Rosier-Catach, Irène, 27 Rule of St. Benedict, 75 Rupert of Deutz, 25—26, 27,178, 218—20, 223,236 Rutland Pslater (Ms.), 193, 194, 199, 200 S S. Andrea, Catarbara, Rome, 41, 42, 44, 49, 51 S. Apollinare aile Terme Neroniane- Alessandrine, Rome, 129 S. Damiano chapel, Assisi, 10, 12 S. Giovanni in Laterano (Lateran basilica), Rome, 120, 120 S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura, Rome, 46, 47, 56 —chapel of, 89 S. Marco, Rome, 117, 118 S. Micidiario, rock-cut chapel, Pantalica, Sicily, 90 S. Nicolicchio, rock-cut chapel, Pantalica, Sicily, 90 S. Nicolö Inferiore, cave church, Mod-ica, 90 S. Vitale, Ravenna, 42, 43, 44-45, 51,56, 144 Sallman, Werner, 265—66, 268—69, 275 282 Salvatoris basilica, at the Lateran, 40,41 Salvo, Grazia, 85 San Miguel, Estella, Navarre, 108-08, 108, 115, 117, 125 San Prudencio, Armentia, 116,117 Sancto Sanctorum Chapel, Lateran basil­ica, Rome, 115, 117 Sandler, Lucy, 161 Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, 128- 29, 13iff., 132,144, 145, 146 —aspe mosaic, 132, 133,134 Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, 129 Santerre, Jean-Marie, 18, 20 Satan (The Evil One), 62ff. Schmitt, Jean-Claude, 21, 24, 25, 26 Semeljuravi, communion antiphon for St. Apollonaris, 130-31 (Tables 1 and 2) senses, the —medieval theory of, 207fr., 209 —early modern theory of, 255fr. Sergius, St., 48 Servilianus, St., 17 Severiana basilica, 39 Severus of Antioch, 99 Severus, bishop of Naples, 39 Severus, St., bishop of Ravenna, 135, t38 Sgarlata, Mariarita, 85, 88 Sheol (Devourer), 58, 63, 64 Sicilian Vespers, 93 Sidonius Apollinaris, 137 Sigal, Pierre-André, 242 Sister-book of St. Katharinenthal (St. Katharinentaler Schwesternbuch), 211 (& n.41), 213, 232, 233, 235, 236 Sixtus III, St., pope, 49, 138 Slepe, church of, England, 18 soghytha (dialogue hymns), 63 Spieser, Jean-Michel, 44 Ss. Cosmas and Damian, Rome, 42, 43, 44-45, 5G 53, 5 5, 56 St-Martial monastery, Limoges, 20 St-Pierre, Moissac, 107 St. Andrew basilica, Rome, 129 St. Catharine at Mount Sinai, monastery, 49—51, 5o, 108 St. George, Cologne, 215,217 St. John the Evangelist, Ravenna, !39 312 General Index St. Joseph convent, Âvila, 258, 261 —Christ at the Column, mural painting at, 258, 261 St. Katharinenthal convent, Switzerland, 211-13, 233-40 St. Mary (Major?), Ravenna, 140 St. Peter basilica, Rome, 137 St. Sergius, Gaza, 47 Sta. Lucia, church and martyrium, Syra­cuse, 85—106 Sta. Maria Antiqua, oratory of, Rome, 89 Sta. Maria Egiziaca/ Temple of Fortuna Virilis, Rome, 90 Sta. Maria Immacolata, Ceri, 116-17, ny, I I9—2O, 1 2 0 , 121 Sta. Maria Maggiore basilica, Rome, 49, 5o Sta. Pudenziana, Rome, 39, 40, 107,109 Sta. Reparata, Florence, 52 Sta. Sabina, Rome, 144 Ste-Foy, Conques, 21 Stephen "the White" abbot of St-Gilles, 22 Stephen, governor of Gaza, 48 Stephen, St., 47 stigmata, 3-14, 217, 223-24 —term used in NT, 8 Stoichita, Victor, 255-56 Sulpicius Serverus (biographer of St. Martin), 34-5 Sulpicius, St., 17 Sürat al-Ard (The Face of the Earth), Ibn Hawqal, 97 Syacuse Duomo, 94-95 Symmachus, pope, 129 Syracuse, 92—98 —siege and fall of (in 879), 89, 92, 102 —Muslim rule of, 89, 92 —co-existence of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, 93—98 T Tegernsee, monastery of, Bavaria, 24 Temple of Apollo, Ortygia, Syracuse, 95 Teresa of Avila, St., 255—263, 287 —passivity of seeing, 261—263 —role of pictoral art and sculpture, 2 5 8-61 —vision on Feast of St. Paul (1561), 255 —vision on Feast of St. Peter (1560), 257 Theodore the Stoudite, 104 Theodore, archdeacon of Ravenna, 140 Theodore, archpriest of Ravenna, 140 Theodore, bishop of Mopsuestia, 59 Theodore, bishop of Ravenna, 140—42 Theodore, priest of St. Catharine at Mount Sinai, 51 Theodore, St., 45, 56 Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths, 129 Theodosius, monk, 102-03 Therapeutae, monastic group, 136 Theutrammus, custodian of Notre-Dame, Strassbourg, 17 Thomas of Aquinas, 208 Thomas of Celano, 4, 223 Thomas, apostle, 32, 34, 36. See also Doubting Thomas Tirechan (biographer of St. Patrick), 3 5 Tissot, James, 268, 274 Trebnitz (Trzebnica), Cistercian convent of, Silesia, 203, 215-16 Troyes cathedral, 18 U Ursicinus, St., bishop of Ravenna, 129, 135 Ursus, bishop of Ravenna, 135 V Vauchez, André, 249-50, 252 veil of St. Veronica, 260 Velazquez, Diego, 270 Vella, Giuseppe, 92 Velmans, Tania, 88 Vergers, Adolphe Noël de, 93 Vermexio, Giovanni, 85 "very special dead" 241 (n.2) Victoricus (envisioned by St. Patrick), 33 viel spiel, 235 Vienna Dioscorides (Ms.), 52, S4 vigil, 135-142 Virgin of Montserrat, 241, 247—48 visio Dei, 112, 125,210 Visio monachi Roberti, 22 Visio Pauli, 34, 174 Vision of St. Teresa ofAvila, painting by Alonso Cano, 255, 254 visions. See also apparitions —contextualization of, 31—3 8 —role of touch in, 203—240 —types of depictions in Apocalypse Mss. -dove-soul type, 178, 187 —dream type, 178, 179, 181 -external witness motif, 182, 188, 193, 196, 198-201 —gazing type, 178 -gesture type, 178 -grip-at-the-wrist type, 178, 181, 182 —ladder motif, 178 -metaphoric types, 178 vita apostalica, 250—5 1 Vitalus of Sicily, St., 104 W Wackenroder, Heinrich, 267 Wallraff-Richartz Museum, Cologne, 126 Ward, Benedicta, 249, 250 Wedyen, Rogier van der, 213, 214, 224 William of Hirsau, 82 Wölfflin, Heinrich, 227, 228 womb Çubbeh and gastêr), as term in Ephrem the Syrian's and Romanos the Melodist's hymns, 64 Z Zeigler, Joanna, 227 Zisa, La, palace of, Palermo, 93 Zurburân, Francisco de, 270 INDEX OF MANUSCRIPTS (italic numbers indicate text illustrations) BALTIMORE, Walters Art Museum —w. ii (Ravenna antiphonary) : 130, 130 —w.759 (Antiphonary): 59, 60 BAMBERG, Staatsbibliothek —Bibl. 22 (Reichenau Psalter): 27—29, 28, 29 —Misc. Bibl. 140 (Bamberg Apocalypse): 149, 149(0.5), 156-57, 181, 182 BERLIN, Staatsbibliothek —theol. lat. fol. 562 (Berlin Beatus Apocalypse): 179, 181 CAMBRIDGE, Corpus Christi College —20 (Corpus Christi Apocalypse) : 173—74, 173(0.78), 133 CAMBRIDGE, Trinity College —R 16 2 (Trinity Apocalypse): 157, 157(0.33), 164, i65, 166,168, 171 DUBLIN, Trinity College —177 {Vie de Seint Auban): 188—92, 189, 190 Esc0RIAL, Biblioteca San Lorenzo —E Vitr. v (Escorial Apocalypse): 155, 155(0.26), 165, 169— 70, lyo HEIDELBERG, Universität Heidelberg —codex Salemitani ix 42a {Casus monasterii Petrishusensis) : 75, 80, 81 LISBON, Gulbenkian Museum —L.A. 139 (Gulbenkian Apocalypse): 158, 158(0.37) LONDON, British Library —Add. 10546 (Moutier-Grandval Bible): 107, no —Add. 19352 (Theodore Psalter): 69,70 —Add. 35166: 196 Add. 4255 5 (Abingdon Apocalypse) : 158, 158(0.36) Add.62925 (Rutland Psalter): 193, 194, 199, 200 —Cotton Nero c.iv (Winchester Psalter): 69, yi —Royal 19.B.XV (Queen Mary Apocalypse) : 164, 164(0.51) LONDON, Lambeth Palace Library -75: 165 209 (Lambeth Apocalypse) : 167—69,169, 171, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183 Los ANGELES, Getty Museum —Ludwig m i (Getty/Perrins Apocalypse): 155-56, 155(0.27), 157, 182, 184, 185-86, 187, 188, 193-96, 195, 199 —Ludwig XI 7 {Hedwig Codex): 202, 203, 204, 206, 216, 238, 239 NEW YORK, Morgan Library —M. 133 (Berry Apocalypse): 170, lyi, 174, iy5 —M. 484 (Apocalypse of Margaret of York): 153-54, 153(0.24), 155 —M. 524 (Morgan Apocalypse): 153, 154, 157, i58, 159, 160,161, 166, i6y, 166—67, 181-82, 183 —M.638 (Morgan Picture Bible): 199, 200 —M.644 (Beatus Apocalypse) : 149, i5o, 151, i5i —M. 677 (Hours of Anne of France) : 69, y3 —M. 94 5 (Hours of Catherine of Cleves) : 69,72 NEW YORK, New York Public Library —Spencer 57 (Spencer Apocalypse) : 161—62, i6i(n-44) OXFORD, Bodleian Library —Bodley 352 (Haimo Apocalypse): 160—61, 160(0.42), 162, 178, 179 —Douce 180 (Douce Apocalypse): 148, 148(0.2), 162, 196, 198 OXFORD, Lincoln College —16: 165, 196, 197 OXFORD, New College —65: 164—65 PARIS, Bibliothèque Nationale —fr. 403 (Paris Apocalypse): 165—66, 165(0.55), 171, 180, 181, 192-93, 192 —fr. 13096 (Isabella of France Apocalypse): 159-60, 159(0.40) —lat. 8878 (Saint-Sever Beatus Apocalypse): 151, i5i(n.n), 153 —lat. 10474 (Westminster Apocalypse) : 188, 189, 196,199 —néerl 3 (Flemish Apocalypse) : 157, 157(0.32) PRINCETON, Princeton University Library —Garrett 18 (Armenian Gospel Book): 59, 61 ROME, Biblioteca Vallicelliana —B. 25.2: 181 TOULOUSE, Bibliothèque Municipale —815 (Toulouse Apocalypse): 154-55, 154(0.25) { 313 } 3M Index of Manuscripts TRIER, Stadtbibliothek —31 (Trier Apocalypse): 164, 164(11.49), 164 —1626 (single leaf, Registrum Gregorii): 187, i8j VALENCIENNES, Bibliothèque Municipale —99 (Valenciennes Apocalypse): 149, 149(^4), 166 VATICAN CITY, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana —BAY, Reg. lat. 1578: 114,114 VERDUN, Bibliothèque Municipale —95: 120—22,121 VIENNA, österreichische Nationalbibliothek —med. Gr. 1 (Vienna Dioscorides): 52, S4 WEIMAR, Zentralbibliothek der deutschen Klassik —Fol. max. 4 (Biblia Pauperum Apocalypse): 158, 158(0.38), i5s , 162, 163
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